At this moment.

In the classroom of Class 6.

In the first few minutes of the exam.

The students were originally very nervous, fearing that Teacher Jiang would come down to inspect and delay their opportunity to cheat.

At first, they were still cautiously pretending to write by themselves.

did not expect.

After Teacher Jiang on the podium said those two words of advice, he took no further action.

He just closed his eyes and rested on the podium without paying any attention to them.

He even leisurely sipped the tea in the thermos cup after a while.

I don’t care about them under the podium at all!

There was no serious look at all when invigilating an exam.

Isn't this a God-given opportunity, specifically giving them the opportunity to cheat!

Ever since.

Only a few minutes have passed since the official exam started.

There seems to be no danger.

The students began to stop pretending!

There are more and more small actions!

Just like the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers.

Some people scratched their heads, some touched their ears, some made gestures, and some tapped their pens on the table twice while pretending to think.

Almost everyone who has experienced school days knows some meaning.

All are secret codes prepared in advance!

Some people even put their answer sheets closer to the edge of the table so that students behind them can easily see them.

However, this operation seems quite obvious on the podium.

The student who was originally hunched over suddenly straightened up, pretending to glance forward casually, and happened to glance at the test paper of the student in front of him.

After seeing the answer, he immediately returned to his original hunched posture...

It can be said that all it takes is to stand up and tell the teacher loudly: "I am cheating."

Every movement was very loud.

And the most outrageous thing is.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room can clearly see the various cheating methods.

Jiang Feng didn't even seem to see it, he just sat on the podium and turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear!

I even leisurely watched videos on my mobile phone for a while!


This made the audience in the live broadcast room very anxious!

Seeing these students succeed in cheating is even more uncomfortable than sharking them!

It can be said.

Most of the people in the live broadcast room came to watch Jiang Feng's live broadcast, and almost all of them came to see the fun of tearing off an umbrella!

How many people really want to come and listen to the lecture!

And now, watching Jiang Feng indulge the students in cheating.

Some viewers in the live broadcast room felt inexplicably as if their wives had run away!

Even worse!

It immediately made the audience scratch their heads with anxiety!

【puff! Teacher Jiang, stop hiding! Hurry up! Seeing their smiles while cheating makes me feel as uncomfortable as crawling ants! 】

[Brother Jiang, please, please let the students in this class understand the sinister nature of the human heart! I can't stand it anymore! 】

【Anxious! I admit I'm anxious! I am the King of Urgency! Teacher Jiang, please hurry up! 】

【Ah ah ah ah! I asked you to tear up the student umbrella, but I didn’t ask you to kick the netizens into the ditch! This time it was a blast for all of us in the audience! 】

【ah? Is it possible that the target of today’s umbrella tearing is actually us? Is it to deliberately build up our expectations and then feel the sinister nature of people's hearts? 】

【Fuck! No way! Is it possible that Teacher Jiang really intends to do this and tear our umbrellas apart? ? ? 】




As time passes by.

Jiang Feng remained unmoved.

Even more leisurely, I put on headphones and listened to songs for a while, focusing on a leisurely trip.

Two situations suddenly formed.

The audience in the live broadcast room was so anxious that they wanted to masturbate all night long to see what Jiang Feng was up to.

The students in the class became more and more aggressive, almost taking other people's answer sheets and starting copying them!

It wasn’t until about twenty minutes after the second period of class.

There are still twenty minutes left before the end of the exam, that is, the end of get out of class.

Jiang Feng took off his headphones leisurely, then sat upright and looked at the students under the podium.

This move immediately shocked many people who were still cheating.

Suddenly there was quite a commotion.

Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear.

Then he said with a relaxed expression: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. There are nine sets of test papers for our exam today, and they were sent to you out of order. In other words, each of you will have eight sets of test papers in front, back, left, and right. They’re all different.”

He said that he forgot to tell them, but his expression already evoked a treacherous smile!




Swish swish swish~

The 50 students under the podium went crazy!

What the hell?

Nine sets of test papers!

The eight directions of front, rear, left and right are different!

A moment.

Many people in the class were stunned!

After waiting for a long time, I slowly began to understand the meaning of Teacher Jiang’s words!

In other words, what they are copying now are...

I don’t dare to think about it anymore...

Some people still don't believe in evil and feel that Teacher Jiang is actually deceiving them.

So I quickly picked up the answer sheet I copied and compared it with my own test paper.

I just read one question.

The next second, I was dumbfounded!

My heart is broken and my mentality is exploding!

In the silent writing of ancient poetry, the question on the test paper is: The next sentence of "The lonely smoke is straight in the desert".

On his answer sheet, he copied the top student’s answer: We share the beauty of the moon even though we are thousands of miles apart!

Grass! ! !

The sixth child! ! !

Why are there such bad teachers in the world?

How can any serious person take an exam and divide it into nine different test papers, front and back, left and right, left front, left back, right front, right back, a total of eight directions, all of which are different!

The most important thing is, why didn’t you say it in advance from the beginning!

Why do we have to wait until there are only twenty minutes left? We have almost finished copying.

This is the time to tell us the terrible news!

have a look!

Take a look!

Is this something humans do?

Only a few dozen seconds after Jiang Feng finished speaking.

The class exploded!

There were at least twenty people, all picking up erasers and starting to erase the multiple-choice questions on the answer sheets.

Some even scribbled their own answers to big questions like crazy!

Heartbroken! I almost couldn't help crying!


at the same time.

The more than 700,000 viewers in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded!

The barrage exploded on the spot!

【Hahahahaha! I laughed so loudly that it reached 120 decibels and noised my neighbors to death! Teacher Jiang is simply a devil! 】

【Pfft quack quack~! The silence of the students was deafening! Is this really what humans do? 】

[I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have... hahahahaha! Stop pretending, Teacher Jiang is awesome! Intensify! 】

[The most outrageous thing is that Teacher Jiang waited until the students were almost done copying before telling them! I don’t think I could have thought of such an annoying operation in 800 years! ! ! 】

[I was already lying on the ground twitching with laughter! What a loss! Hahaha! I would like to call Teacher Jiang the King of Hell in the teaching world! 】

[The King of Hell in hell is just having fun, but the real Lord of Hell still has to look at our teacher Jiang! 】

[Do you know how uncomfortable it was for me to hold back my laughter when I saw this scene while fishing at work? 】



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