It was not until nearly eight o'clock that Li Yiliang finished correcting a dozen test papers and got up from his seat with difficulty.

And Jiang Feng just woke up.

I have to sigh with emotion this time.

It's different to have a coolie working for you.

I caught up on my sleep comfortably, made up for my lack of sleep in the morning, and felt much awake.

Teaching students is more exciting.

The student Li Yiliang was originally very sleepy. If he continues like this, he won't even be able to attend the first period of class well.

And now.

After correcting more than a dozen papers, I felt no sleepiness at all and I felt quite awake.

You won’t feel sleepy in class!

did you see.

Just one operation made both of them awake!

Isn’t this a win-win situation?

Win-win cooperation, mutual benefit!

Of course.

Jiang Feng did not tell Li Yiliang these words.

The main reason is that he is afraid that he won't be able to hold himself together and will explode.

While he was getting ready to leave.

Jiang Feng grabbed a few chocolates that Guan Zhi gave him last time and handed them to him.

Li Yiliang's complexion improved instantly.

"Teacher Jiang...this..."

Jiang Feng said nonsensically in a serious tone: "Oh, I worked in Iraq during the summer vacation, and I brought it back when I returned to China. Foreign brands are very expensive, so just treat it as your payment for correcting papers."

Li Yiliang felt very happy after hearing this. It was so touching!

I feel that my hard work and early reading efforts have not been in vain!

So I trotted out of the office, planning to show off to the class!

Audience: Poof! I almost believed it!


There are still four classes to wait for.

Jiang Feng felt almost rested and left the office with the textbooks in hand, preparing to teach Class 4.

When I happened to pass by the corridor of Class 3, I heard the noise in the class.

It made him want to stop and eat melon.

Ma Xiaohao: "What did you do in the office?"

Li Yiliang: "Going to bed! I even slept through the morning reading! Lying on Teacher Jiang's chair, I feel so comfortable!"


Jiang Feng almost couldn't help laughing.

Then I heard Li Yiliang's voice again: "Come and take a look at this chocolate! Do you see it? Teacher Jiang gave it to me! It's a foreign brand!"

"Fuck! Give me one, give me one!"

"Brother Li, give me one too!"

Li Yiliang: "Come on, break a little off each person, don't break off too much! Don't touch the rest, I have to keep it and take it home to my sister!"

"Brother Li is awesome!"


After Jiang Feng heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

There is, of course, no hint of ridicule in it.

But he smiled happily.


At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room began to sit still.

He almost burst out laughing when he heard Li Yiliang boast that he had slept through the morning reading.

But later I heard that this guy specially took it out to share with everyone.

It directly makes the audience who have graduated for a long time feel emotional.

I can’t help but miss my old campus life.

[Hey, I can’t help but think of our high school days. A dozen boys ate a bucket of instant noodles, one bite at a time, and in the end they drank all the soup. The instant noodles at that time were the most fragrant! 】

【Feel the same! It’s so real! Damn it, take some time this weekend to go back to your high school alma mater and recall that more than ten years have passed! 】

[I really didn’t realize it, but this guy turned out to be a maniac about doting on girls! 】

【I'm sorry to bother you. Although this scene is quite heartwarming, I still couldn’t help but laugh when I heard his name... Unity is Li Yiliang, unity is Li Yiliang, this Li Yiliang is iron, this Li Yiliang is steel...]

[Pfft hahahahahaha! My merits! Let me see how I should deal with this classmate in the future! 】

[No, no, no, I’m laughing until my stomach hurts! Just act like a human being when you are riding a horse! If you deduct merit yourself, why do you want us to deduct it too? 】



Come to Class 4 with the textbooks.

This lesson is still "Zhu Zhiwu retreats from the Qin Master".

I taught it to Class 3 before, but I haven’t taught it to Class 4 students yet.

But fortunately, I have videos of previous lectures backstage!

Doesn't this mean you can be really lazy?

Ever since.

In the expectant eyes of the students in Class 4.

Jiang Feng picked up his phone and connected it to the classroom computer.

I directly found the audio and video recording of the last lecture in Class 3.

Played it for the students.

"Everyone turn to "Zhu Zhiwu retreats from the Qin Master". Today I will teach this lesson. Please watch the video of my last lecture."


The students in Class 4 were stunned!

Good guy!

Treat him favorably!

Giving lectures to Class 3 is the first lecture. When it is their turn, it becomes watching the video!

Immediately everyone started protesting!

"Teacher Jiang, it's not fair! Why is it the first time for Class 3 to teach, but our class just watches the video!"

"That's right, Teacher Jiang is partial!"

"It's too biased! Teacher Jiang, didn't you teach us fairness at the beginning?"


Jiang Feng reasoned solemnly: "This is fair! You see, the lecture given to Class 3 was transferred to your class exactly word for word. If I were to lecture in person, I must have a bad memory and miss something. That's it. It’s called unfair. Everyone, right?”


Many people in Class 4 were dumbfounded on the spot!

No, is this okay? ? ?

It sounds a little bit right, but it just doesn't feel right!

Soon some students with quick brains came around.

"Teacher Jiang, that's different! We want to hear what you say in person!"

"That's right! The video is about no emotions!"

"Teacher Jiang, hurry up!"

Jiang Feng started to feel dizzy on the spot!

It’s bad, it seems like I’m about to be caught by these sixth-grade students!


When I think back, I taught them a lesson in the first class of Class 4: fairness.

Suddenly I felt a heavier burden on my shoulders.

It would be too embarrassing if he slapped himself in the face with a backhand.


Who gave me a conscience and a bottom line!

Jiang Feng picked up the textbook on the spot: "You have already turned to the lesson "Zhu Zhiwu Retreats the Qin Master". Come on, let's read the first paragraph first..."

"I'm coming!"

"It's already been prepared!"

"Yanzu, slow down! I haven't opened the book yet!"

Jiang Feng: "Okay, kid! You're still doing your math homework, right? I'll tell your math teacher later that you didn't do your math homework yesterday!"

"???Teacher Jiang, please let me go!"


【Wow! Teacher Jiang was caught by the students in Class 4! The ranks of these students are not low! 】

[Obviously, Brother Jiang took control of himself. This time I stood up for Brother Jiang, and I really led by example and once again showed fairness to the students. 】

[Looking at it this way, it’s actually the students who have trouble with Teacher Jiang. If you don't say it, it violates the fairness you said; if you say it, you will comply with the students' ideas! 】

【ah? No, has your discussion now reached the point where I can’t understand it? ? ? 】

[I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all! If I were in high school, I could analyze the logic for you. But now that I am a college student, I only know: I am riding a horse, eating, eating, eating, eating! 】



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