Seeing Ma Xiaohao's reaction, Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of how long he can persist in the future, at least now he has the idea of ​​​​changing, so it is not too late.

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, followed by now.

The ones who are truly hopeless are those who have completely given up on themselves.

Even if a god comes over, it won't change anything.

Moreover, Jiang Feng had his own reasons for daring to say this.

Dude is a systematic person!

When the time comes, you can just change the game to master the skills, but are you still worried that you won’t be able to score points?


I looked at the time and saw that class started in a few minutes.

Jiang Feng was about to get up and leave.

Unexpectedly, I happened to see Li Yiliang, who seemed to have just returned from the school supermarket, carrying a plastic bag of snacks in his hand.

He didn't notice Jiang Feng sitting in the classroom at all.

When he saw that there was no teacher in the class, he walked straight to the podium and patted the desk with his hand.

In an instant, the eyes of the students in the class were attracted.

Li Yiliang immediately became excited.

Imitating the look of the head teacher, Lao Huang, he stretched out his hand and shouted to everyone under the podium: "Why are you looking at me? Is there anything written on my face? Read a book!"

at this time.

The students under the podium could no longer hold their nerve, lowered their heads and covered their mouths, laughing!

And on the podium.

Li Yiliang didn't notice Jiang Feng sitting in the corner at all.

On the contrary, I am even more energetic!

He knocked on the blackboard behind him: "What are you doing with your head down? I'm giving a lecture, look at the blackboard!"

Hearing this, it was extremely difficult for the students under the podium to hold back their laughter!

Li Yiliang thought it was his superb acting skills that impressed these classmates.

Then he started to imitate Jiang Feng.

Seriously, he imitated what Jiang Feng had said that morning, pointed at Zhang Yang who had just walked into the classroom and said, "You kid doesn't study hard and you actually have puppy love! Be obedient and let me be healthy!"

Zhang Yang: "???"


Li Yiliang picked up another bag of spicy strips from the bag and used it as a mobile phone, pretending to make a call: "Hello? Is this Zhang Yang's father? Your children fall in love early, yes, there are 107 of them in total, and all the girls are here. !”

A confused Zhang Yang said: "???????"


In the live broadcast room No. 6.

Looking at the exaggerated performance of classmate Li Yiliang on the podium.

Coupled with the confident energy that no one else was watching, he didn't even notice that Jiang Feng was present.

The audience has started laughing crazy!

Can't help but think of high school.

When the class teacher is not in the classroom, imitate the way the class teacher speaks on the podium.

【Hold the grass! So right! The teachers and students in this live broadcast room really understand what we want to see! 】

[Zhang Yang: 6! Teacher Jiang only said seventeen, but you jumped on the horse and opened your mouth and came up with one hundred and seven! Should I go up to Liangshan with them and become a hero? 】

[md, seeing this scene reminds me of the shameful memories from high school. One day during evening self-study, I mistook the head teacher for my good friend, and I gave him a thousand-year blow from behind...]

[Pfft hahahahahaha! Is your class teacher okay? Has it passed away? 】

[The head teacher did not die, that is, he did not sit on the bench for the next three days. I heard that he always slept on his stomach at night... I almost died. That night, my father’s belt hit my buttocks and it was very sore... .]

【? ? ? I haven't been on the bench for three are so ruthless! The beatings your father gave you were considered too mild! 】



Under the podium.

Jiang Feng had no intention of interrupting him.

I even want to see what his next move will be!

After all, I often encountered students in my class doing this when I was in school, and I really miss it!


He just needs to sit here and watch, and his popularity continues to soar!

That’s all wasted money!

Why not do it!

After thinking for a while, Jiang Feng even lowered his head to reduce his sense of presence.

And on the podium.

Listening to the roar of laughter from the classmates below, Li Yiliang began to indulge even more.

I tore open a pack of spicy strips and the aroma instantly filled the air.

Li Yiliang waved it in front of Zhang Yang.

Imitating Jiang Feng's look, he said coquettishly: "Do you want to eat?"

As he said that, he dazzled himself: "Think about it? Then keep thinking about it more, and you can continue to work hard in the class."

Under the podium, students laughed again.

But he was stunned that no one reminded him that Teacher Jiang was sitting in the class at this time!

Everyone wants to see how long he plans to perform!

Li Yiliang felt that it was not enjoyable enough.

Then he got off the podium and walked to a pair of tablemates in the first row.

"Here, do you want to eat?"

"Come on~ You're welcome~ Come and have a bite, uncle~"

"Come on, come on, open your mouth, ah~"

Jiang Feng: "..."

You have figured out the word "horseworm"!

I never taught you this!


A minute or two passed.

Seeing that the school bell was about to ring, Li Yiliang regained his serious expression at this time.

He turned and waved to the classmates in the class: "Hello, comrades, thank you for your hard work, comrades!"

Watching Li Yiliang walking this way.

Jiang Feng lowered his head and lay down in time.

Let's see what kind of fun he can come up with.

Li Yiliang took out a spicy stick and shook it in front of Ma Xiaohao: "Brother Ma, do you want to eat it?"

At a quick glance, he saw that Ma Xiaohao's "tablemate" was still sleeping on his stomach.

Li Yiliang stretched out his hand and rubbed his "classmate's head" angrily.

He still spoke plausibly.

Imitating what Jiang Feng said this morning: "We will have weekends off soon. How can you sleep at your age?"

"Pfft hahahaha!"


"Goose goose goose goose~!"

When the students around saw this scene, they couldn't hold back any longer!

Laughed wildly!

Some even beat the table crazily!

Li Yiliang was wondering.

The next second.

Jiang Feng raised his head from his seat.

Looking at him calmly with her messy hair.

Li Yiliang looked directly at Jiang Feng.



Still silent.

Endless silence.

Li Yiliang recalled that he had just rubbed Jiang Feng's "dog head" angrily.

My head was buzzing, and my CPU burned on the spot!

The language system collapsed directly: "Wow... Karma... ah... uh..."

There was silence for a long time.

He turned to look at Ma Xiaohao, who was covering his mouth and laughing wildly: "Ma...Brother Ma, Jiang...Teacher Jiang...when did you come?"

Ma Xiaohao was laughing so hard that he was out of breath.

He covered his stomach with one hand and stretched out the other hand, imitating Li Yiliang's appearance on the podium just now.

He replied intermittently: "Why...are you all looking at me? I...Is there any words on my face...Is there anything on my face? a book! Pfft hahahahahahaha!!!"

at this time.

More than 40 people in the class were completely stunned with laughter!

Incomparably crazy and cruel laughter, coupled with the sound of slamming the table, came one after another.


In the live broadcast room.

Nearly one million viewers saw such an embarrassing scene and almost died laughing on the spot!

I have seen students get caught imitating their teachers.

But I have never seen someone who can play bag grabbing in such a cool way!

Especially after Li Yiliang rubbed Jiang Feng's "dog head" angrily, Jiang Feng raised his head and looked at him with his messy hair.

The key is.

When Ma Xiaohao imitated Li Yiliang's answer intermittently, his laughter reached its climax.

It made countless viewers in the live broadcast room laugh so hard that they almost couldn't catch their breath!

[Pfft... Hahaha... I'm riding a horse... I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore... I can't hold back even a little bit... Hahahahahahaha! 】

[TMD makes me laugh so hard... In this live broadcast room, not only the teachers are talented, but also the students are equally talented! 】

[Pfft hahahaha! If I laughed to death while watching Teacher Jiang’s live broadcast, would Teacher Jiang be considered manslaughter? Hahaha! 】

[No way... I can’t watch Mr. Jiang’s live broadcast while working. I’m afraid that I’ll be laughed to death by Mr. Jiang before I get to the day when my salary is paid...]

[Recommended by a friend, I really don’t understand the meaning of this live broadcast! I suggest Teacher Jiang to play it more quickly and let me take a closer look at what the meaning is! 】

【Grandma drops! The beads of your abacus are two thousand kilometers apart, and they fall into my face! 】



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