Monday morning.

Jiang Feng was playing games last night while thinking about how to teach.


Then I overslept...

There are four Chinese classes at eight o'clock in the morning, and it was already 7:50 when I got up.

Turn on live broadcast.

I hurriedly bought a breakfast downstairs and ate it while walking.

When I arrived at the school gate, I was already 5 minutes late.

Fortunately, the teacher who checked for lateness at the school gate only checked the students, not the teachers.

Jiang Feng walked in grandly.


You still have to think of a suitable reason for yourself to fool the students.

After all, the students in Class 4 are not fuel-efficient lamps.

as expected.

As soon as Jiang Feng opened the door to Class 4, 50 students started making noises.

"Teacher Jiang is late!"

"Teacher Jiang is 6 minutes late!"

"According to the class rules, those who are late will have to stand in class!"

Jiang Feng waved his hand and said mysteriously: "Students, there is a reason why I am late, and it is a very important reason!"

! ! !

This immediately aroused the curiosity of the whole class.

They all looked at Jiang Feng like curious babies.

"What's the reason?"

"Teacher Jiang, aren't you getting up late?"

"Teacher Jiang, what's the reason? Tell me quickly."

Looking at the extremely curious eyes of these students, Jiang Feng sighed secretly.

As expected of a student, he is easy to fool.

So he continued to lower his voice and said: "And it's still about you. It's a big matter. The school is keeping it secret. Do you want to know?"

As soon as these words came out, all the students couldn't sit still.

One is more anxious than the other.

Everyone was intrigued by Jiang Feng's words.

Some girls in the class started begging coquettishly again.

"Teacher Jiang, just tell us~"

"Teacher Jiang, tell us quickly~"

"Teacher Jiang, please~"


In the live broadcast room.

The audience couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene!

I really didn’t expect that this teacher Lao Liu could be so mysterious about getting up late in the morning!

[Hey, with this sense of anticipation, I suspect he is going to tell the students about the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world! 】

[I can’t stand it any longer. Isn’t there going to be another sexy trick later? Let me first observe a second of silence for the students in Class 4. 】

【Fuck! Several beautiful girls are acting coquettishly, Teacher Jiang, how can you withstand it? Tell them quickly! Don't make me kneel down and beg you! 】

【puff! Brother upstairs, you were also fooled by Teacher Jiang! What can Teacher Jiang say? That he got up late in the morning? 】

[I always feel that Teacher Jiang has to teach the students another lesson. This situation is very wrong! 】



On the podium.

Jiang Feng saw that these students had taken the bait.

Everyone was attracted by what he said and couldn't look away.

So I pretended to close the classroom door.

Lowering his voice, he pretended to be mysterious and said: "I was late just now because I asked you about it. The dean of students wants to raid the mobile phones of each class one by one, with a metal detector. And as long as he collects it, he will be a high school student. It won’t be issued until the end of the school year~”

! ! !

Instantly, the students were all confused!

Everyone's eyes became wise.

Randomly inspect mobile phones one by one?

Too cruel!

This is really not going to leave them a way to survive!

"You're too old!"

"Teacher Jiang, did you say when it will start?"

"Yeah, let's prepare in advance."


Jiang Feng lowered his voice with a serious look on his face and said: "I heard that surprise inspections will start one by one today. Our class should hurry up and hand over all the mobile phones to me first. I will hide them in the office for you and return them to you after the inspection is completed today. .”

After hearing this, coupled with Jiang Feng's extremely serious eyes.

The students in the classroom were convinced and took out their mobile phones one after another.

"Teacher Jiang, give it to me!"

"And mine!"

"Teacher Jiang, remember to hide it for me."


Two minutes later.

There were more than 30 mobile phones on the podium, and some students even brought two mobile phones each.

Jiang Feng asked seriously: "Is there anyone else who hasn't handed over? I can only help you so far."

The students under the podium shook their heads like rattles.

At this moment.

Jiang Feng's expression suddenly changed.

He looked at the 50 students below with a fierce expression: "Okay, okay, I caught you again. Class representative, come and write these people down."

student:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Several seconds passed before these simple students came to their senses.

Damn it!

There is a sixth child!


【Pfft hahaha! I'm going to die laughing! This product is really damaged! 】

【Grass! Killing me! This operation is too outrageous! I was dumbfounded! 】

【Simply outrageous! This guy is really not a human being! The students were deceived! 】

[I'm sorry, I really can't hold myself back... It's too outrageous! Teacher Jiang, are you planning to laugh me to death so you can inherit my Bika account? 】

【? ? ? What account? You better tell me clearly! Send me a copy by the way! 】



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