Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 91 There Is A Reason For Being Given Special Care!


The fourth class in the afternoon ended five minutes ago.

There is almost an hour left before evening self-study.

In the third class classroom.

Their politics teacher delayed the class for five minutes and forced him to finish the last point on the relationship between "value and price" before the get out of class ended.

The students in Class 3, who had been hungry all afternoon, were already excited and ready to "fight" into the school cafeteria.

Ma Xiaohao has already thought about the scene of leading three groups of cavalry into the cafeteria and asserting his will for eternity!


The politics teacher just walked out the door.

The next second.

Jiang Feng pushed away and walked into the classroom of Class 3, which immediately disappointed the students in the class.

Jiang Feng looked around and said, "Students, your homeroom teacher is out for business this week. I will temporarily be your homeroom teacher for the next week."

The students in Class 3 seemed to have known about this incident in advance and did not act too surprised.

"Don't worry, Teacher Jiang, we are very good!"

"We will definitely not cause any trouble to Teacher Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, I'm in the strong class!"

"Teacher Jiang, what about today's evening self-study?"

Jiang Feng: "Hey, this question is on point! Let's go to class an hour early for self-study tonight!"

All students in the class:? ? ? ? ?

An hour early?

Isn’t that now?

Even their head teacher, Lao Huang, only asked them to enter class ten minutes early!

That's good, you don't even have time to eat!

Teacher Jiang is the devil!

The student who was smiling just a second ago suddenly turned pale after hearing Jiang Feng's words!

Dao’s heart was almost shattered!

"Pfft! Teacher Jiang, you are so cruel!"

"Brother Jiang, Dama!!!"

"Our classmates in Class 3 are probably not Teacher Jiang's favorites and are not as interesting as the girls in Class 4, so Teacher Jiang is tired of it..."

? ? ?

Good guy, Lin Yan Lin Yu starts again!

"Stop it, stop it!"

Jiang Feng immediately became numb: "Everyone should gather in Class 4 now."

Ma Xiaohao raised his hand directly: "Brother Jiang, why are we going to Class 4? We haven't eaten yet."

Jiang Feng: "Kill Shiro and rob the watchtower."

The whole class looked confused:? ? ?

"Pfft! Teacher Jiang, please let me go. I'm almost exhausted from attending classes all afternoon!"

"Yeah, the politics teacher was giving lectures, and my arms were almost exhausted trying to remember the key points!"

"Brother Jiang, please don't, I'm hungry!"


In the live broadcast room.

Although the audience had long known that Jiang Feng had ordered the cake in advance and planned to hold a party in Class 4.

And Jiang Feng now plans to gather the students from Class Three.

But no one expected that Teacher Jiang would jump out and say "Kill Shiro and rob the watchtower"!

Too raw!

For a time, the audience in the live broadcast room shouted for UNESCO World Heritage!

[Stand up, don’t kneel! I only came to watch Teacher Jiang’s live broadcast to do three things: apply for World Heritage! Apply for World Heritage, or apply for World Heritage on horseback! 】

[Master Qingtianjiang! 】

[Class 3, high! Class 4, hard! Teacher Jiang is tall and hard! 】

[Fuck, what else do you bunch of stupid netizens not understand! 】

[I don’t understand a lot. For example, I still don’t understand what it feels like for Teacher Jiang and I to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate. I suggest Teacher Jiang come and try it with me when he is free this weekend. 】

[You guys, these slutty netizens, have to take a small part of the credit for the joy in Teacher Jiang’s live broadcast room! 】



Under the leadership of Jiang Feng.

Although the students in Class 3 were very reluctant, they still rushed to Class 4 next door.

Then I saw this picture.

The desks of Class 4 have been raised and stretched to both sides.

Several tables were put together in the middle, with a huge packaging box placed on it. It looked like a large cake with at least three layers!

There are also various snacks placed next to it, all on several tables!

At this time, students from Class 4 came in from outside one after another, carrying large and small bags of takeout and placing them on the table.

A moment.

The students in Class 3 were shocked!

It turns out that Teacher Jiang is planning to hold a party here!

That’s why we don’t let them eat in advance!

You even bought so many things specifically. You can see that you have spent a lot of money, right?

"Why are you standing there, grab it quickly!" Jiang Feng said, and went straight to the nearest box of meringue cakes and started to get started.

And at this time.

The students in Class 4 were numb when they heard it.

"Damn it! Bandits!"

"Hurry up, someone will take them out!"

"First take away the leader, Teacher Jiang!"

Jiang Feng directly cooperated with their acting, protecting the box of puff pastry cakes with his hands: "Wait, let me take another bite!"

The students in the two classes were silent on the spot: "..."


After about ten minutes of tidying up, the scene was finally decorated.

Originally, they bought various ribbons and balloons, but Jiang Feng didn't want them to be troublesome, so he didn't let these students do it.

It's not easy to clean up.

Save it for them to use on New Year's Day.

And now.

There are nearly 100 students in the two classes, and now almost all of them are crowded in this classroom.

Even though the classrooms in their school are quite large, they still seem a bit crowded.

However, this creates a more warm atmosphere.

Students from two whole classes rushed to help Jiang Feng open the cake box, place candles, and put on the birthday crown...

Finally, I borrowed a lighter from the math office next door.

Ma Xiaohao took the lead and turned off the lights in the classroom: "Light the candles, light the candles! Brother Jiang is 23 this year, put in 23 candles!"


Jiang Feng was reluctantly pulled by the students to make wishes and blow out candles.

However, for the sake of tearing the umbrella down later, let’s continue to endure it.

"Happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday to you~"

Ma Xiaohao: "I wish Brother Jiang another year older!"

Jiang Feng: "???"

"Here comes someone! Take him out!"


Hearing this sentence, many viewers burst into tears with laughter.

No wonder this guy always receives special care from Teacher Jiang, there is a reason!

If this guy hadn't been so naughty, he would never have become Teacher Jiang's "key care target"!

Everything seems to make sense!

[This guy knows how to send blessings! I originally thought that Teacher Jiang's "focus on taking care of" him every day was a bit too damaging, but I didn't expect that Teacher Jiang punished him too lightly! 】

[Teacher Jiang suggests increasing efforts in the future! You must give this guy a good feel for what it means to be human and sinister! 】

[I’ve thought of all the ideas! Let Ma Xiaohao take Teacher Jiang to play games. At the end of the game, Ma Xiaohao's Chinese homework will be doubled no matter how much money Teacher Jiang has! 】

【? ? ? ? ? ? I'll tell you, understand? 】

[Thank you for not letting you stupid netizens become teachers! The students taught by normal teachers are all waiting for the holidays, but the students taught by you may not survive the holidays at all! 】

【6! When I saw the teacher playing games with me in front of me, I thought it was some kind of reward! Damn it, if you don’t go to work in the slaughterhouse, you’ll be underestimating your talent! 】



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