People see others and the world with their eyes, but they cannot directly see the whole of themselves.

Therefore, in the journey of life, we need to look for various "mirrors", constantly draw "self-portraits" to examine ourselves, and try to answer "what kind of person am I", "what kind of life I want to live" and "what can I do" "How to live more meaningfully" and other important questions.

?Before graduation, the school asks you to write a letter to the incoming high school freshmen with the theme of "how to draw a picture for yourself" and share your insights and thinking with them. ?

Requirements: Combine the materials, choose a good angle, determine the idea, and make up the title; do not copy, do not plagiarize; do not disclose personal information; not less than 800 words.

Surprising essay topic.

Luo Pingting stopped writing and was stunned.


34 I turned in the papers ahead of time because I was done!How about you? [6 more! 1 evaluation votes plus more! ]

This essay title is confusing.

Of course, this is for the vast majority of candidates!

But in the eyes of Luo Pingting and other classmates in Class 30, she looked like "fish on a chopping board".

"Mr. Xu will not be the person who asked the questions for this exam!"

"He guessed the title of the composition!"

"Two days before the exam, Mr. Xu specially asked me to talk to you about this type of composition topic. I didn't expect to pass the exam!"


Luo Pingting always felt that Xu Heng was unfathomable.

And she still guessed it with her intuition of learning from God!

In front of a true scholar, the role of the teacher is very small.

What Xu Heng gave to Luo Pingting was like the direction of life!

Luo Pingting was in a trance for a while, and couldn't help but mutter, "No wonder sometimes, even though I've been reading a lot of books, I still feel very small in front of Teacher Xu."

"That feeling is like a drop in the ocean of history."

"My understanding of history comes from books, but I can get feedback from Teacher Xu Heng. It's very similar, he really experienced history."


When she reaches Luo Pingting's height, she will discover where Xu Heng's avenues are so simple.

"It's also possible that Teacher Xu Heng's knowledge is too profound, and he has taken this into consideration."

If it wasn't for Xu Heng's reminder, even if Luo Pingting was a scholar, the topic in front of him would have caught him off guard.

This is very different from the topics they are exposed to.

Even other classes, in the weekly composition class, do not mention composition on this subject.

Luo Pingting came back to her senses, and the corners of her mouth were smiling. After that, she wrote dragons and snakes, and her thoughts flowed like a fountain.




By the time Luo Pingting finished writing, only an hour had passed!

There is still an hour and a half before the end of the exam.

Luo Pingting didn't look back to check. After finishing, she packed up her things and got up and left.

She didn't want to go over there and help anyone in the class!

Of course, even if she wanted to, other people didn't have time to pay attention to her.

Because everyone is concentrating on answering the question.

right answer?


For them, it's a real waste of time.

Luo Pingting's departure did not attract the attention of class 30 students, but other students got up and followed after seeing Luo Pingting leaving.

The two invigilators didn't take it seriously either, thinking that they were all impatient and left early.


They just looked at the distant students and sighed bitterly.

After leaving, Luo Pingting went straight to the cafeteria, but was quickly caught up by a girl in the same examination room.

"Pingting! I didn't expect you to be the first to submit!"

"You're not like this usually! What happened this time? Are you in love? Are you in a hurry to find a boyfriend?"

Luo Pingting waved her hand, "No."

"That's weird! Not because of that, but why?"

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