Tearmoon Empire Story

Episode 208 Princess Meer, remind me....

Now that she had finished her conversation with the mountain tribes, Mea went again to the scenic horse.

Near the rock of the stargrass where he howled, there were also chiefs of other tribes.


--Because I was ready to lose, I didn't think about how to proceed at all, but I need to be careful now that I've won.

Mea walked to the chiefs with a rough snort.Along the way, you notice the line of sight that is poured into you.Somehow, everybody... stared at me with glittering eyes!

--Hmm, well, I'm a horse winner, and it's only natural to attract attention.

It was a meer soaking in a bit of pleasure, but I immediately tightened my mind.

--until you've finished eating your dessert cake.Don't be alarmed until the end.

Humblely. Humblely, discreetly...

Don't tell me to make enemies here, because you won with strength, so listen to yourself.The victory was pleasant, but there must be no drunkenness here.

"Now, the chiefs, and all of you who watched over the horses."

First of all, Meer calls out to the chiefs and to all those watching around them.

"With the horses, heaven was on my side, and I was able to win.No, not just in heaven, but on the way, a lot of things were on my side.I never thought we'd win with our strength.Mr. Kobayashi and Lulu were the best riders, the best surf horses.I want them to applaud you too. "

Hold them up properly....

"It is also true that the horses produced results.I will speak in the words of your great ancestor, the Dragon of Light. Only in horses can opinions be contested......Then cooperate according to the results shown. '"

While confirming that it has already been decided to accept the Fire Clan, I will also incorporate the stories I have heard from Xiaoxiao.Precautions in the words of their precious ancestors!

You can borrow any kind of authority.Speaking with the authority of others is Meer's usual method.

"I'm sure.The twelve tribes of the horse kingdom with the same ancestors, and the families of fire, will surely be able to get back together again. "

Then Meer cuts the words once and thinks quietly.

--The result of the horses and the authority of the ancestors... is this enough to convince them?

Think about it for a while... and come to a conclusion. Not enough!

I came up with the idea, "Actually, I couldn't do it!An excuse like that. I remember hearing such an excuse several times during the revolution, and Meer herself said so.

If so....!

Meer quietly opens her eyes and adds.

"Of course, let's have a hard time.Sometimes it takes patience.That's what you can see now.What you can predict. But someday.... "

Hold your breath, put your hands on your chest, and Meer says.

"I believe that one day I will be able to walk as one people again.That's why I'm asking you to work hard.Never give up. "

Try it, it didn't work... so don't end it, Meer says!

These results came out with horses, and the ancestors said to follow them, so don't give up easily even if you can't.Try your best, until the end!Meer and I are trying to be careful!

"So, once again, I hope to build a better relationship between the horseback riding kingdom, which became the thirteen tribes, and my Tier Moon Empire."

Horseback riding kingdom is a special country.

There is no king, but twelve chiefs.That's why I don't want to get along with one chief.

Here, while all the clan chiefs are gathered, I appeal to them that building friendly relationships will be easier later!

"It's not just Xiaojin-san.I want to be friendly with all my tribes. "

Tie it together smoothly and gently.

- It's settled! Perfect!

When I was immersed in self-satisfaction, I saw Ludwig running from afar.

--Fufufu, you did well this time.Even if you're running with fucking glasses right now, you can't complain.

I was convinced that it was Meer, but I immediately became anxious when I saw Ludwig's harsh expression.

--Ah, oh? Am I mistaken...?

and so on, and when you're distracting your gaze...

"Princess Meer... I'm sorry."

At the top of the opening, Ludwig lowered his head.

"Um, what happened?"

"Last night, Mr Straina went missing."

"... hah?"

Suddenly, Meer opens her mouth.

"Hmm? What the hell is that...?"

It was a confusing mea, but the words that followed made my head cold.

"I would like to take responsibility from the Imperial Guard (Princess Guard), who was in charge of the guard, as soon as this matter is over...."

Unbelievable words stimulate a sense of crisis.

"You know that, right?Ludwig, you don't have to do that.If you think you have failed, tell them to redeem themselves with merit. "

The Imperial Guard is Meer's lifeline.With each drop, Mia's Little Heart can't stand the fear of the rope getting thinner and thinner.

"Anyway, we need to find out quickly.Let the people of the Horseback Kingdom help us. "

That said, Meer turned to her new friend.

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