Tearmoon Empire Story

Episode Seventy Princess Meir is completely defeated in front of a sweet trap.

The next afternoon... peaceful time when school hours were over.

Speaking of mea, after eating a snack, I'm going to nibble a little bit, that's the time...


St. Noel's Girls' Dormitory, in Meer's room.

Meer was roaring without lying on the bed.

I sat down at my desk seriously, with my arms folded up, mumbling... and so on, roaring with a difficult face.

Meer was seriously thinking about it. "By the way, what were you thinking about..."

"It was Rafina-sama's idea... and we can't fail for the children of the special elementary school or for Julius-san's sake."

An example of this is the rapprochement cooking party.

Sure enough, you can say that Julius' treatment on the spot was pretty much settled. I don't think the cooking party has anything to do with it directly... but that's...

What if we all made horse bread and it was made to last?

"The rapprochement itself is going to be a delicate matter." I want to avoid that.... "

After all, Rafina wants to close the case in a good way. Then the next sandwich-making meeting must be a great success. Best of all, even though I made the horse bread that Meer invented, it's not very pleasant for me to fail.

Isn't it necessary for me to come up with an idea like last time?

Keith Wood, on his own shoulder, is a meer who begins to evil with complete good intentions.

It's a complete bewilderment!

"After all, the shape is three-dimensional... with fine feathers..." Wings... oh, that's right. Here, I'll take care of the texture of the wings with that mushroom... and start collecting mushrooms... "

Meer starts writing the blueprint of the sandwich in the notebook nearby. "To there..."

"Excuse me, Miss Meir..."

Huh? Chloe, what's wrong?

It was Chloe who opened the door and showed up.

Chloe, holding a book in her hand, stared at Meer with a serious look on her face.

Well, what about the book?

"Yes, I thought I'd do some research for my next sandwich..."

Meer unexpectedly smiled at Chloe, who replied that she was a real person.

"Fufufu, that's Chloe." You were thinking the same thing as me. "

Meer nods contentedly to the words of a trusted reader friend, and then looks at Chloe's book.

So, what about the book?

"It seems to be a book that summarizes the most popular dishes of recent times. Monica gave it to me."

Oh, Monica-san?

Meer leaned her neck into an unexpected name, but she struck her hand.

"I see. He was originally from the intelligence organization." I wonder if that's what you said when you took Lord Rafina's life and gathered the information. "

Hmm, it was meer who gave a convincing nod.

"I thought I might have an idea for a sandwich in this borrowed book, so I loaded it..."

Saying that, Chloe spread out her book on the desk.

"Huh. Did you find anything good?"

"That's right. It was a lot of help. For example, this fruit and cream sandwich....."

As soon as she heard that, Meer opened her eyes wide.

"Well! Is there such a thing?" Is that bread? Not a cake? "

I peek into the book in a hurry. To my surprise, there was a picture of bread with cream in it!

It was a round bread with a gap between the fruit and the white cream.

It's the same thing, I've eaten stuffed meat (sausage), but... the idea of sandwiching sweet things like this on bread didn't exist in Meer.

"Ahh... but that's right. If you think about it, you can even put jam and honey on it, and even if you pinch fresh cream and fruit... no wonder!"

"I had no idea there was such food either. As a merchant's daughter, I am ashamed. This seems to have been developed by a prominent chef, but it looks very sweet and delicious. Monica also said that the children also like sweetness...."

"Oh, that's the truth, isn't it?" There are no children who don't like sweet things. "I'm sure Patty would like it too..." If so, this sandwich is good. Yeah, that's really good. "

Sweet, well, sandwiches fill Mia's brain.

"In particular, this red moon strawberry and fresh cream sandwich..."

"Raw cream and red moon strawberries!? So it's not a sandwich, it's hardly a shortcake!? Are you saying that sandwiches like that are allowed?"

When I received the book from Chloe with a shivering hand, Meer reads it in a state of confusion.

It looks like Monica marked something nice.

"Oh my... That's the original Feng Rong..." The organization of information is yours, isn't it? "

I mean, it was mea with a clear smile...

She couldn't notice.

That's all, Keith Wood Feat. I didn't even imagine that Monica would be the agent.

Conversely, Mushroom Empress Meir was snatched from her sweet trap. That would be a rare example of how the Empire's wisdom was completely defeated in an intelligence war.

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