Tearmoon Empire Story

Lesson 34 Princess Meir, Talk to Your Friends

It was not until seven days later that the horseback riding tournament was held.

In the meantime, Mea was practicing as much as she could. It was a full-fledged mode.

Basically, when the chopper is chasing from behind, it is meir that shows unparalleled concentration.

--If there's something and you have to run away with your horse, just because there's a fence in front of you, you can't stop your legs.

For that reason, hard practice is not a pain at all.

Meer, who had polished the "unobstructed riding of horses" with mekimaki, finally took her hand off the reins while riding, showing her enough room to wave one hand.

I could spare... or I could show my guard...

"Ufufu, ah, riding a horse is somehow so much fun!"

That's how you move your body with practice, eat plenty to quench your hunger, sweat plenty in the bath, and sleep plenty.

Meer lived a much healthier life than ever before. Her skin seemed healthy and radiant.

Usually, someone followed me to practice.

Sometimes it was Bell and Strina, and sometimes it was Smart Horse.

Today, Yana and the three children were together.

The children seemed to enjoy riding small horses in particular and were well aware of how they were enjoying themselves.

And while Meir was practicing, Abel was watching over the children.

Abel gently pulled the reins and played with the children. It seems that she is looking at her own family in the future...

--Abel looking after the children... that's good!

It was meer who came inadvertently.

... well, aside from that.

On that day, after completing his horseback training, Meer returned to White Moon Palace and bathed in the hot tub. After that, the body that had turned into a hokka hokka was cooling down in the cafeteria.

Ahh, when you go to the bathroom, the cold juice will soak up ~

Saying that, I saw Jana walking suddenly as she was darling. When she found the hair moist and damp, she smiled.

It is a well-known fact in the palace that one of the few luxuries of Princess Meir is bathing.

In an empire like St. Noel, boiling water is quite a hassle. Nonetheless, it was an indisputable luxury to want to bathe every day.

That's why I always thought it would be a waste to throw away the hot water that only meer had. After all, Meer's bath is a luxurious design that also floats in the bathtub vanilla (bath herb) that Anne prepared for me. Replacing the hot water once a time feels like such a waste...

That said, letting Anne use it is a little bad. Even though it's a dedicated maid, the special treatment is more attractive to Anne.

However, in the case of a noble lady, such as Sturina, or a nobleman of another country, it is naturally not possible to use the remaining water of Meer. It's natural to have hot water for each of them so that they can take a bath.

In this way, for a long time, the usage of the remaining water of the princess Meir was uncertain...... but the presence of the three children eliminated Meir's desire for such a waste.

Well, even so, today, they are still the children who were kept in Meir's second bath.

--After the horse ride, it's disgusting to be covered in sweat, and it looks like you're using hot water effectively.

As she wipes her hair, Mia calls out to Yana, who walks up and down.

You just got out of the bath?

Ah, Meir-sama!

Yana jumps up and stretches her spine. And then I got close to a little run.

Near the point where it was within reach, Meer touched Yana's hair.

"Hmm, you also use a lot of hair wash and perfume oil, right?" Ufufu, my hair is very beautiful. "

Meer smiled gently after tinkling with her fingertips to check her hair.

Anne told me strictly to use the bathing goods that Anne had arranged for me and for my children.

I'm not kidding. If my grandmother and her friends don't keep me clean and healthy, I'll be in trouble.

--When I get back to St. Noel, if she's sloppy, Rafina will be mad at me...

In that sense, this child may be a good indicator of whether to make Rafina an angry lion or a friendly cat.

Let's treat ourselves with generosity! It's a meer with a strong temper.

Stroking her hair, Yana giggled.

Huh? What's wrong, Yana?

"... I've never been told that before."

Yana said, dyeing her cheeks a little bit red.

"Oh, is that so?" In that case, you'd better be prepared. "

Meer laughed mischievously,

"I'm sure you'll be a beautiful lady." Fufufu, I think you're going to tell me you don't like it. "

Saying that, Yana stared at me with a troubled face.

"Well, anyway, what about the Imperial City?" Are you bored, Cyril? "

"Ah, yes. Please take care of me like this..."

"Fufufu, you don't have to say it that hard." Yes, if you're not bored. Oh, yeah, yeah. "

Gently, Meer clapped her hands.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but how is Patty lately?" Is she enjoying it too? like horseback riding..... "

When she heard that, Yana turned around and her expression clouded.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Is there anything that bothers you? "


"Yana, just think about it a little bit..."

“I think riding a horse is fun. but....."


"I think I miss my brother." She said she was the only one in the family... "

"That's right..."

Meer frames her arms and thinks.

- Does that mean that the Clausius family didn't have parents? Now then, the owner of the Clausius family during Patty's time... hmm...

"Um, I'll continue to be careful, and I'll make sure to see how it goes and report it."

Meer smiled gently at Yana, who was stretching her spine with a crisp face.

"Yes. Please......"

At that moment, a bad feeling ran through my spine. The [premonition] had a nicky, smiling Raffina face.

- I-It was... what the hell...? What did I think was dangerous?

Quick thoughts. The answers are readily available.

The keyword is "friends."

Meer assembles her words, guided by her sense of crisis.

"Yana, I'm so happy with your feelings. But I don't want you to be around Patty."


"I'm glad you care about Patty for me. But I don't want you to take advantage of your friendship to explore Patty's heart. I really want you to be a good friend of Patty's.”

"Friend" is very important to Rafina, the Saintess of Verga.

So, what if it were known that Meer was using that "friend" to gather information...?

- I don't feel good. It's not surprising that you think your values have been tarnished.

That's terrible. When I did it badly, I said, "Who were you?" There is a possibility that Rafina will say something like that.

"No, even though you've made friendships, you can hurt Rafina even more..."

--Even a scary lion is in your hands... it's so dangerous!

It's scary, and it's mentally hard to see that smile again before that.

Now that you've become friends, I want you to remain friendly.

This is Meer who really wants you to stay like Rafina who is kind to her heart.

"Of course, as a friend, you don't have to worry about Patty." That's what a good friend is. If you have any concerns, just let me know. Just trying to be for me... if you get too strong, you won't know if you're friends with Patty. "

Then Meir stroked Yana's head.

"Yana, I'm so happy with your feelings." But you don't have to think about it as being of any use to me. Whatever useless you are, I will never forsake you or Cyril. That's why I want you to feel at ease and treat Patty as a regular friend. ”

When she heard Mia's words, Yana snorted with a crying face.

"Master Meir... what's your friend...?"

"... eh?"

"I... don't know because I've never had a friend before."

In response to the words, Meer unexpectedly haunts them.

"That's right, Yana is a Vaisalian..." Even if she doesn't have any friends, it's only natural that she's pointed to as the descendant of the pirate...

"Ah, yes... that's right."

Meer tongues at her own bypass, but thinks about it unexpectedly.

--What is a friend...? It's quite difficult.

In the light of the flow of talk, I cannot say what is appropriate. Yana is asking serious questions. It could have a negative impact on Patty if we just let it go.

Meer often thinks... I thought of my friend Chloe in my head...

"Hmm... that's right. In my opinion, can I treat my friends as my dearest friends without denying or making a fool of them?"

Meer and Chloe became friends through reading. However, the book's preferences are not entirely consistent. What's so funny about that? Sometimes Chloe was reading something she thought was true.

But Meer never denied it. Chloe also doesn't deny Meer's favorite book. Rather, it was something I didn't get, and I actively read it, and as a result, the range of their preferences widened.

"Talk to the other person, know what is important to them..." That way, I think we can be good friends who can influence each other and expand each other's world...... I've said something a little difficult. "

It was Meer with a smile on her face, but Yana was listening with a serious face. If anything, it was a momentum that could be taken out by note.

"You don't have to look so scared." Even if you haven't been here before, you can still make lots of friends. It's okay to be more relaxed. "

Meer strokes Yana's head. I tried my best to encourage Patty to become a good friend and help her get motivated.

By the way... there was something I didn't realize.

It means treating the value of "friend" with care and taking it seriously enough to bother your head... That means that Rafina cares about what she cares about...

Without being particularly aware of it, she was not at all aware of the fact that she was cultivating good friendships with Rafina.

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