Tearmoon Empire Story

Lesson 78: Like a magician.....

Well, Patty and the others were brought to a basement.

A place up and down some stairs through a winding underpass... It was Patty who wanted to learn the directions along the way, but she gave up early.

--Perhaps even if you abandon Yana, you won't be able to escape...

Because I was sure of that, I felt a little relieved.

I can't die, but I can't survive abandoning Yana. So you don't have to abandon Yana. I think so... now I feel rescued.

"Well then, let's listen here slowly..."

It was like a dungeon with an iron lattice entrance. Near the entrance to the room, a man brutally lowers Yana. It seems that she woke up from the shock.

”Nh... noo... eh?”

Yana glanced around the room and took a breath.

Because there was something there that would scare off the strong and steadfast Yana.

It was, for example, like a coffin placed on the wall... with a lot of sharp thorns inside it. Alternatively, the martial bone chains hanging from the wall are all shackled to the tip of the chain, please hang them on both arms.

In addition, there are jagged whips and clubs with thorny iron spheres on the tips... there are all kinds of surprising things there...

Imagining being brought to a room like this and what they were going to do... it seemed very natural for Yana to react.

"Oh, fufufu... do you care about the tools around here?"

Seeing Patty staring at the tools, the young maid smiles abusively, as if she were enjoying herself. A snug, entangled smile... but Patty's expression looked like something she'd made somewhere.

It's as if you're trying to frighten me... because doing so would give you an advantage in the interrogation... and you're calculating... that's the impression. Thinking of it, Gerta always had the emotionless smile she always made. This young maid may be the same.

That's why Patty dares to be expressionless. "Believe it will help the situation..."

Seeing Patty without a reaction, the young maid quickly returns to her true face and crushes boringly.

"After all, for a child educated by a snake, is it less effective?" As Gerta said, you're educated in snakes... hn? Was it effective on your child? "

The maid looked at Yana, who was trembling with a blue face, with a disgusting smile. "Then, I got closer to that coffin-like tool..."

"I'm curious about this, aren't I?" This spiky spiky. This red one... what the hell do you think it is? Now, what did you use this for...? "

The maid laughs...... bang! He clapped his hands at the spikes.


Yana's twitching screams. As expected, Patty's body trembled with amazement.

However, the maid had a cool face... and even smiled...

"The answer is, this..."

The maid then shows the palm of her hand. There was... not a single scratch on his hand.

"This is a tool of magic." "Look, it doesn't prick..." All the tools in here are magic tools. The underground tunnel I just passed through... Were you surprised? "

The maid tilted her neck slightly when she said so with a puffy look.

"Actually, I was thinking about how much information I could tell with lies if I didn't practice, but I don't seem to have much time... and..."

"Gently, she stared at Patty with a demonic gaze..."

"Your identity, that you are educated by snakes, must be investigated as soon as possible." Knowing the name of Master Gerta, I was reacting to that Clausius... "I wonder who you are, Master Gerta... so let me take a bit of a rough step."

Then she gives a gentle smile.

"Oh, it's okay. I don't do painful things. And there's nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be scared of, nothing to be scared of.”

Then I took out something like a round eel.

"Actually, there is a medicine that prevents me from telling lies..." After seven days, you'll be out of your mind, but don't worry, everything will be over by then. "

The maid said in a nicking, childish tone. However, it was not Patty or Yana who responded... "

"Oh! That's scary."

Suddenly, the voices resounded, and the maids turned their gaze in amazement. Gently, on the other side of the iron lattice... was standing,

I don't think it's enough to be drunk at all.

It was a saffias with a shrugged shoulder and a bitter smile...!

I was the one who was about to be given the medicine by Meer and the others a while ago! I'm so glad you didn't give me a drink!

You, Saffias Etois Blue Moon!

The young maid stands up and squints at the sapphire. In contrast, Sapphire:

"Hey, you're not being polite, maid."

The aristocrat slammed at the high-pressure words, and then mocked them.

Well, it's not unreasonable to say a word of courtesy to someone who dodges a young child.

Then he turned his gaze to the man behind the maid.

"I wonder if that man is one of your evil companions..." Speaking of which, I don't feel like the Schubert family anymore... maybe they were plotting something by disguising themselves as him...? "

At the end of Saffias' gaze, a lean man moaned like a troll.

"Either way, you're not worthy of Retizia or this Schubert family." Let's get rid of it. "

"Haha. You say that, don't you? Cowardly saffias. How are you going to stand around with a noble boy who hasn't even swung his sword against a man who looks like a bad guy?”

The man smiles, as if mocking Saffias. Along with that, the young maid also shouted out.

"Did you really think it would be worthwhile to declare a dismissal?" Or did you think that if you were proud of the bloodline of the nobility, you would be afraid? "

Behind the maid, a man pulled out a knife. With the blade shining in front of him, but... the cowardly and scolded Sapphire didn't seem to panic.

"Hahaha, you don't have to understand. It might be necessary to make you regret it, but... it's just that you got caught up in it."


Shortly after, the bottom of the steel coffin fell out. The shadow jumped out of there... "The thin, supple shadow swings its legs high toward a man with a knife in a gust of wind. A long, whip-like right leg kicks a knife up from a man's hand. As it is, the shadow is rotated once. With his left foot, he kicked the chest plate of a man who was stiffened by amazement.

While seeing the man slammed against the wall, the figure held out his right hand. At that moment, as if by magic, the knife fell there, and it was stuck in his hand brilliantly.

"I was vigilant that it would be troublesome if the blade was poisoned, but... I guess I was worried."

After lightly touching the blade, Keithwood shrugged his shoulders and smiled sarcastically.

"What!? Where did you...?"

The maid hurriedly backed off. Saffias looked like he had won...

"Of course, from the concealed door." As I said earlier, this is where I keep my magic tools. "

It was time to show off the stylish winks.

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