Tearmoon Empire Story

Episode Nine: Saint Raffina's Appeal! Princess Meer is off guard!

"Are you a collaborative researcher...?"

Meer grumbles in her mouth as she examines the sudden suggestion. On the other hand, Rafina nodded heavily with a grim face, as if she had been thinking about it for a long time.

“At Meer School, I hear you're doing research on wheat.”

"Yes, that's right. We are developing wheat that is resistant to cold."

“The problem of famine is common to all people. It is something that the Duke of Verga and the Central Orthodox Church have been working on for a long time. I think there's something I can do to help."

It was the Central Orthodox Church that always reached out to the needy.

Staying in the crescent district, that priest's face, who was caring for orphans and the sick, passes through Meer's head.

Um... pure and poor... the face of the Holy Maiden Mania priest...

--Hmm, let's send a portrait of Rafina to work.

Thinking about it, Meer calmly considered it.

― ― You should think about the advantages and disadvantages...

What bothered me was that St. Noel would take my credit. What if that happens...?

So, Meer, I notice.

--Oh? I don't think it's going to be a problem...?

on the fact that

I see, it is true that if Meer School develops a new kind of wheat on its own, it will also raise the name of the school. The name of its founder, Meer, will surely shine... maybe a golden color...

Meer thinks that she's sniffing her throat with tea.

--If you're not good enough, it looks like there's a golden statue around Belle... that shows the merits of someone I don't know, such as Empress Meir... That could have made the finances worse. "When that happens, there's a lot of trouble..."

In addition, it was a letter from Emeralda that reminded me.

--A lot of students who have struggled with the achievement may become my followers under the influence of the "good influence from the surroundings". That... feels a bit like Abu Nai.

Too great a feat also brings troublesome things together.

― ― Rather, it would be satisfying if only the results of the achievement were obtained. Whoever receives that admiration, if the whole continent is satisfied with wheat, I am satisfied with it.

That's right. Meer's wisdom never misses the essence.

What's so important?

It is, of course, to eat full of delicacies. It is a matter of course.

So, what's so important about that?

It is to bring food to all.

That's what Meer wants... Conversely, as long as you get it, it doesn't matter who gets the credit.

Rather, I hope that St. Noel will play a role in spreading the knowledge of wheat.

Or you could say:

Now, what Meer seeks is neither honor nor food for the Empire to survive the famine. Then it was not enough at all.

Since the [Pancake Manifesto] was made, things have become bigger than the Empire, neighboring countries, no, and even the whole continent.

Therefore, the name of St. Noel, already known as the highest school on the continent, was very useful.

Whatever you do, the outcome you want comes from the other side. Is there such a wonderful thing in this world?

Meer doesn't want to be seeded or pruned, and I don't want that kind of achievement. Meer's ideal is to have a little bit of the fruit after cutting.

--Well, it's not going so well, so I'm trying my best...

Anyway, if you want me to work with you, I'd be happy to leave you to it. but......

"Then, St. Noel will also participate in the study of wheat......"

Raffina shook her head at Mia, who nodded.

"No, it's a school-led study by Meer. I can't be a part of this later and take credit for it. Of course, I don't intend to spare your cooperation....."

And they turned me down.

"Besides, it's about Miss Meer. Isn't it time for the research to come out of the wheat industry?"

"Yeah... well, Cyril and Princess Arsha are working harder than I say..."

Meer, I'll make a quick correction.

When it didn't work, she said, "This is it, Miss Meer! Of course, there are things such as not being told, but when the results come out, they must be accurately credited.

"Her Royal Highness took away the achievement!" I can't help but be told, "etc.

― ― Cyril's sister is Tiona-san... If you get angry, you could become a revolutionary demon... and Princess Asha is a Peruvian princess. It's not very nice to hurt the mood of that country at the present time.

Take great care to avoid breaking the good relationship we have built. It is a meer company with a reputation for aftercare.

"Ufufu, I've heard from Tiona-san and Princess Ragna." They say it's a very easy place to work and there's plenty of support. She said she was grateful to me. "

After smiling like that, Rafina continued.

"But I think we can study a lot more than just wheat. I don't know yet, but there must be something. And if possible, I would like to appeal to the kings of all countries to cooperate with the movement."

“I want to show the world that I started collaborating with St. Noel at Meer Academy to combat famine... I mean, the banner.”

“Yes, and I'm looking for something to do with it.”

That's quite a challenge, isn't it?

Meer roared, mum, mum.

Meer had knowledge of cold-resistant wheat. For the rest of the world, dealing with famine is a completely new idea.

In the first place, Meer is a yes-man.

It is not very good to propose to someone, even if he says yes to his proposal.


"That's right. This is not something I can immediately think of, and I'd like to take it home with me.”

"Of course I don't mind." just..... "

Gently, Rafina stared at Mea with a very serious face. Without a heart, the cheeks are getting a little red...

"I... as a friend of Meer's, I want to be useful to Meer." What Meer is trying to do is absolutely amazing... and I want to do it with her. Remember that. "

Looking at the seriousness of that face, Meer is unexpectedly happy.

--Hmm, if Rafina-sama is so motivated, I can say that the fear of famine has gone further away. Huh? Maybe I don't have to work so hard?

Hmm... it was just meer who was about to start a little dangerous guard, without any repercussions.

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