"Go up, I am here to watch." Lin Han said beside Li Qingyu.


Li Qingyu took a deep breath and left the background.

This is the second press conference conducted by Divine Weapon in just two months. As the president of Divine Weapon, she will also host this conference.

Lin Han will not come forward. She must be on the court for such an important press conference.

The news of the robot, because of the accident, fermented too much, and reached a fever of public attention.

Just now, Long Yun told her that the conference was broadcast live on 13 platforms at the same time, and the total number of viewers reached an unprecedented 30 million, which does not include the broadcast of foreign websites.

It can be said that this conference proactively made a global sensation.

Now Lin Han is behind the scenes, and she has a bit of a backbone on the stage. Once there is a problem, Lin Han will be her backing.

Thinking of this, Li Qingyu's mind is much calmer.

da da da!

When the audience was silent, the sound of Li Qingyu's high heels stepping on the floor was particularly pleasing.

When the spotlight focused on Li Qingyu, all the live broadcast cameras were aimed at her.

"Dear audience, audience in front of the live screen, good evening everyone."

Li Qingyu spoke, and immediately burst into applause.

Nowadays, the audience is full. In addition to the media reporters from Peak around the world, there are also some big names in the science and technology industry and robot research and development experts on the scene.

The robot performance exposed by Divine Weapon is the top level in the robot field.

Currently, no robot of any company in the world can extinguish a fire at the scene of a car accident and rescue several injured people in just a few minutes.

"According to the last press conference, only two months have passed. Didn't expect to see you again so soon." Li Qingyu said with a smile, the typhoon was much calmer than last time.


Wei Xing glanced at the live broadcast of Divine Weapon's press conference on his mobile phone, closed the screen, and looked up towards the building where there was no movement in front of him.

This is Lin Han's office building.

They stared at the target for so long.

"Wait a minute, according to the plan, even if you can't get the robotics technology, I will get some hard disk computers or other materials." Wei Xing said into the headset.

He has no idea about this action. They can get too little information, but even if they fail, they have to gain something.

Now in the black market, the robot technology of Divine Weapon company, some people are offering a price of one billion yuan, maybe there will be other teams stealing it, once it is preempted by other teams, strengthen security, it is difficult for them to steal Just bigger.


Several sounds came from the headset.

He, the woman, and the robust man are the action team. The stammers are responsible for the driver and the wind. The peaked man is a computer technician, and the four eyes are the brain command. The action plan is formulated and the division of labor is very clear.

"Scientist, are you ready?" Wei Xing asked in the wireless microphone.

"Ready." The voice of the capped man came from the microphone: "Everything is normal now, but the monitoring in the building still cannot be controlled."

"It doesn't matter. No one of them." Wei Xing said: "Now let’s take action."

"Yes, boss."

The bare-dressed woman got out of the car with a small bag and walked quickly. The security booth of the building passed.

"How much do you think this operation can gain?" In a house not far from the building, the capped man asked the eyes around him.

"I don't know."

Four eyes shook his head, with some worries in his eyes. He doesn't have much hope for this action, but Wei Xing will do it. He Can only follow together.

"Now, block the external communication of that building and cut off the network."



"Not long ago, our company's robot participated in a car accident rescue. It was a coincidence. Our robot's transporter happened to be not far from the tanker truck. If the tanker truck exploded, it would affect countless people. The loss of family and people is immeasurable.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. We believe that since we encounter it, this is part of our company’s responsibility to society. Our technicians immediately command intelligent robots to carry out car accidents Rescue. Our robot participated in the scene of car accident rescue for the first time. But the results were satisfactory."

Li Qingyu's words fell, and there was thunderous applause.

Due to an unexpected accident, the reputation of their Divine Weapon company opened up, and the visibility of the robot also opened up, which is a very big publicity for the corporate image.

"Today’s press conference is the robotics press conference. The press conference is planned to be released after half a month. It will give everyone a surprise, but the outside world has too much voice and desire for our company’s robots. Gao, we decided to release it in advance."

Li Qingyu nodded the control pen in his hand.

Two robots appeared from the background and walked slowly to Li Qingyu's side.

For a time, the scene was surging.

The people in front of the live screen all opened their eyes and stared at the moving figure of the robot. If someone tells him that this is a special effect synthesis, they will definitely be more willing to believe it.

Even if I have seen the action of the robot in the video of the car accident scene, this is the first close-range high-definition picture.

They can see many details clearly.

The most important thing is that not all robots at the scene of a car accident are humanoid robots. There are various design designs, and the two on the stage are humanoid robots.

"This is the robot we are going to release today, the first generation housekeeping robot: Chengying."

Li Qingyu walked to the robot and stroked his hand on the robot's shoulder.

There are two models for men and women.

"The robot is named after Divine Weapon'Changying', and is given the name of exquisite elegance. It is a housekeeper robot, which can complete the work of housekeeping, washing, shopping, cooking, cleaning, Take care of children and the elderly, trim garden flowers, etc.

It is equipped with our company’s most advanced intelligent interactive technology and intelligent learning system, which can adapt to the owner’s living habits and corresponding instructions through learning. The more it is used The smarter the robot..."

"Is this why Divine Weapon Company is called Divine Weapon Company?"

"In the name of the Ancient God soldier, it’s an interesting way."

"I found a business opportunity to register all the domestic weapons spectrum."

"Is this a Divine Weapon of modern technology?"


"Can't afford the series."

Hearing the name of the robot, countless people are admiring Divine Weapon's clever name. What surprised them at the same time was the nature of the robot's work.

"Chengying is equipped with our company's most advanced bionic motion system, using the latest high-polymer porous elastic alloy fiber as the power source. This material can be energized and stretched, like the muscles of the human body. As the power of movement, alloy fiber has less motor noise than traditional robots, and at the same time increases the flexibility of movement."

Li Qingyu began to introduce the new technology contained in this robot.

Just as soon as the new material of alloy fiber came out, it caused an uproar at the scene.

"It is indeed the Divine Weapon company that started from the material, and another new material breakthrough."

"No wonder the robot's movements are so silky, it turns out to be this material."


"Tell me a price, let me give up."


Lin Han quietly watched Li Qingyu's release in the background, and looked at the live broadcast screen from time to time .

After two months of driving ducks to the shelves, Li Qingyu has grown a lot, mature and confident temperament has appeared, and she has the embryonic form of a strong woman in her previous life.

Lin Han sees all this and is very satisfied with her growth.

In time, he will get a right-hand man.

dīng líng líng!

Lin Han's cell phone ringing suddenly rang, and what popped out was a scene of refining a demon.

"What's the matter?" Lin Han asked.

"Sir, the communication and network of the studio have been cut off."

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