Tech House System

Chapter 44: learn combat skills

    "It hurts!"

    Wei Shuxun rolled over to avoid the attack, Zhou Quan's fingertips grazed his throat, and hurriedly clenched into a fist.

    "There is a flaw!" Wei Shuxun took advantage of his distracted moment to raise his leg to attack, Zhou Quan raised his hand to block, and knocked lightly on his leg, Wei Shuxun felt his left leg suddenly Going numb, staggering back.

    "It really hurts this time!" Wei Shuxun shouted as he retreated.

    Zhou Quan's fist stopped in the middle of his chest, paused, and said: "In the middle of the chest, six inches above the navel, after being hit here, it hits the liver and gallbladder, and vibrates the heart. Death. Fighting with people try to avoid this position."

    " almost hit me."

    "I pay attention to the distance." Zhou Quan stretched out his hand to support Wei Shuxun and asked, "It still hurts?"

    "Well, where did you knock me just now?" Wei Shuxun moved his feet, feeling a little tingling in his feet, and asked with interest.

    "Three inches below the outer knee, the most suitable part to attack when fighting."

    Zhou Quan is a pragmatic person. After finding Wei Shuxun fighting, he will not seriously warn him to be a good child and not fight, nor will he condone and spoil him by saying, "If something happens, report my name in the future." "Or "Just do it, I'll take care of it for you", but take Wei Shuxun home and teach him how to fight "safely".

    Although he vowed to protect Wei Shuxun, Zhou Quan immediately adjusted his protection method after discovering Wei Shuxun's nature. Sure enough, teaching Wei Shuxun to fight made Wei Shuxun very happy. In the past, they were too polite and unfamiliar to get along with each other. When a coaching fight came down, Wei Shuxun hung himself on Zhou Quan's shoulder lazily and said: " You know a lot, by the way, what's the point of attacking my ribs just now?"

    Wei Shuxun's gesture of closeness caused Zhou Quan's mouth to curl slightly, but his voice was still cold and calm: "The third intercostal space on the midline of the sternum connects the anterior chest arteries and veins, which stops the blood supply to the heart and causes shock. Don't get hit in this part, and don't attack this part of others lightly."

    Wei Shuxun nodded and wrote it down. He also remembered that he was in prison for murder in the future. Although he was trying to avoid trouble, who knew if trouble would come to him. Such as being robbed, to resist or not to resist? How much resistance is there, if you accidentally over-protect and kill people, who can guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen? The best way is to find a place to attack that will not hurt your life when you are fighting - in the past, when you were a gangster, you would fight with people all the way to the head, chest and abdomen and other important positions.

    "Also." Zhou Quan paused, seeing that Wei Shuxun had memorized it before continuing: "When you rolled over just now, my fingertips swept across your throat, where There is no need to say the danger. But it is about 1.5 inches next to the Adam’s apple. If you hit it, you will be stunned by qi stagnation. If necessary, attack that part. You are still a student, try not to contaminate human life.”

    Wei Shuxun touched his neck. He was busy dodging just now, but he didn't realize that Zhou Quan almost killed him. No wonder Zhou Quan lost his composure. Expose flaws.

     "Don't worry, I won't have to kill someone, I'm just an ordinary student!" Wei Shuxun laughed, thinking of his future in prison for murder, and Wei Cheng saying "Historical force majeure", the smile faded: "...Probably not."

    Zhou Quan looked at him, puzzled. In fact, he was just talking casually. As a student of Wei Shuxun, it would be extremely dangerous to encounter a few robbery cases, but Wei Shuxun seemed a little uneasy. Zhou Quan lowered his face, helped Wei Shuxun to the sofa, sat upright in front of him, and asked sternly, "Do you have someone you must kill?"


      Now that he sees it, Zhou Quan will of course ask.

    "No..." Wei Shuxun looked at Zhou Quan's serious face, didn't dare to perfunctory, thought about the wording for a while, and said, "Actually, someone told me that in the future I have In the case of jail, I will go to jail for murder, so I am very worried." In front of Zhou Quan, a future officer, it is useless to lie, so Wei Shuxun told the truth very honestly, but he just concealed that the person was from the future. .

    Zhou Quan observed Wei Shuxun's expression and tone, confirmed that he was not lying, he was relieved, and touched Wei Shuxun's head: "Don't believe these words, don't be afraid, you can come to me if you are in danger. ."

    After thinking about it, she took out an inconspicuous bead from the bedroom. The bead was wood-grained and looked like an ordinary Buddhist bead. Zhou Quan strung the beads with a black rope, lingering on Wei Shuxun's wrist: "This is my communicator, gravity is activated, press for three seconds during communication, I can also receive it during the task. I may not be able to reply, but I Will listen, find me through this when in danger, try not to kill people."

    Wei Shuxun played with beads and asked curiously, "Should I accidentally kill someone?"

    "Notify me as soon as possible." Zhou Quan patted Wei Shuxun's head, as if his question was irrelevant: "I'll handle it for you, don't be afraid."

     "Don't worry, I will never kill anyone. Thank you anyway!" No matter whether it's true or not, Wei Shuxun is still very grateful for his unconditional help. Really helpful. I didn't say it before, this training alone gave him a guarantee for decades to come.

    And the learning machine also issued a task during his training: learn attack skills from Zhou Quan. At present, the task has been completed 98%, and when he returns to school, it is estimated that the task will be completed.

    Seeing that it was getting late, Zhou Quan drove Wei Shuxun back to school, Wei Shuxun watched with satisfaction as the task progress bar began to beat. Not only did I learn useful combat skills today, but I also earned a quest. What reward should I get from the learning machine?

    As he got off the bus, Zhou Quan said, "I'll pick you up tomorrow night."

    "Huh? Is there something going on tomorrow?" Wei Shuxun wondered.

    "We will have weapon attack training tomorrow." Zhou Quan said: "I have a week off, do you want to come?"

    "Of course, I can't ask for it!" Of course Wei Shuxun would not refuse, just nodding, he heard the voice of Didi. The task progress bar of the learning machine started to regress from 98%, and finally stopped at 17%.

    "Please continue to work hard." said the learning machine tablet.

    "..." Wei Shuxun was speechless: "Do you want to be so stingy, you will die if you publish more tasks?!"

    As soon as Wei Shuxun returned to the dormitory, he was pulled by three people in the same dormitory to ask questions. Yu Xin and the others knew what happened to Wu Feng and the others, and they were frightened for a while. As boys, they were not afraid of fighting. They were simply afraid of getting kicked out of school. Fortunately, Wei Shuxun and the group of gangsters knew each other, and there was no large-scale fight.

    After Wei Shuxun appeased his classmates, he turned on the computer to search for the figure of the human body and pasted it in the document, and carefully recorded the attacking parts that Zhou Quan taught him today beside the figure.

    Although Wei Shuxun has military combat skills, it is only a physical instinct. When he was fighting with the instructors in the military training, he only knew that attacking a certain place could make the instructor lose his mobility. As for why, he also I couldn't tell, so the instructors praised him for being a natural soldier. Now Zhou Quan's training has made up for his lack of knowledge.

    Fights and training are all small things, but class is the biggest event in a student's life. In the Monday morning class, unfortunately, most of the boys don't like "College English" and "Mental Health Education for College Students". The most important thing is that the teachers usually call names on Mondays, and they can't run if they want to.

    Wu Feng complained while brushing his teeth: "After taking English mental health education, I said, in fact, the school knows that learning bird language will make us mentally unhealthy, so put these two courses together ."

    "You can watch European and American action movies after learning the language of birds, isn't it useful." Yu Xin interfaced.

    "No, I only look at island countries."

    Compared to the roommate who played late at night last night, Wei Shuxun rested early, got up early, and went to the stadium for a run. While the roommates were busy dressing and washing, Wei Shuxun had leisurely finished breakfast, sorted out his textbooks and sat at the computer desk to watch the morning news.

    "Don't bother chatting, there are fifteen minutes left, hurry up."

    Wu Feng acted rudely, washed and changed clothes hastily, Yu Xin and Wang Anqing were still washing their faces, Wu Feng shouted while putting on clothes: "Yu Xin, you actually use facial cleanser, what a bitch!"

    "Shut up!" Yu Xin replied.

    Wu Feng laughed, adjusted the hem of his clothes at will, and turned around to see Wei Shuxun sitting in front of the computer desk. A neat light white shirt, well-fitting light blue jeans, neatly combed hair, and neatly sorted books on the bookshelf, no matter how you look at it, Wei Shuxun is a well-behaved student who loves to learn.

    Wu Feng took another look at his messy clothes and trousers, compared the figures of the two, and sighed: "Wen can't compare, Wu can't compare, I think my life is really a failure."

    "What?" Wei Shuxun gave him a puzzled look and pointed to the table: "Come over for breakfast, hurry up."

    Wu Feng scratched his head, picked up a steamed bun and ate: "Thanks Shuxun."

    "It's fine, I bought it by the way." Wei Shuxun waved his hand indifferently.

    "And yesterday, thank you."

    Because he made a call for help, he rushed over alone knowing there was danger. Although Wu Feng was rude and could not speak, he kept Wei Shuxun's friendship in his heart.

    "Small things." Compared with the upright and kind behavior of helping roommates buy breakfast, fighting is Wei Shuxun's daily life, and he doesn't even care about it.

    Hurry up and hurry up, barely rushing into the classroom before the class bell rang, the four of them randomly found a back seat, and when they walked over, inexplicably saw some strange eyes from some classmates. Wei Shuxun patted Wu Feng: "Are they looking at you or at me?"

    "I don't know, I'll ask."

    During class, Wu Feng sent a text message to Kong Ping, and he received a reply quickly.

    The English teacher who is in class is a very experienced male teacher. He put down the textbook and smiled: "It seems that Wu Feng likes what I read? Then please read the second half. paragraphs, and translate the full text.”

    "No...Teacher..." Wu Feng weakly defended: "I...I saw mosquitoes..."

    While Wu Feng was being taught by the English teacher, Wei Shuxun took his mobile phone from the drawer and raised his eyebrows when he saw the text message.

    Yesterday's events made You Zhong feel guilty, scared, and aggrieved. He just said that the money had been extorted, and he didn't ask anyone to help him get it back. He didn't know that these gangsters didn't run away after defrauding the money. In short, he never meant to harm everyone, but the classmates insisted that he almost killed them.

      Wei Shuxun is still friends with those gangsters, and everyone keeps praising Wei Shuxun for his loyalty!

    Zhong You was crowded by Kong Ping in the same dormitory last night and couldn't sleep, so he came to the classroom early in the morning. The classmates in the class didn't know what happened yesterday, so they said hello and asked a few times, but Zhong You was angry and told what happened yesterday. Of course, his rhetoric is another matter.

    The general idea is that Wei Shuxun and the outside gangsters are good friends, and they cheated him out of money. Seeing that everyone was dubious, but Zhong You made an oath, he watched Wei Shuxun pump out five hundred of his two thousand yuan to the gangsters with his own eyes.

      The students in the class have always had a good impression of Wei Shuxun, so they can't accept the collapse of his image.

    The weird look Wei Shuxun saw just now was more sad than treating him as a bad guy. Wei Shuxun is so good, handsome and temperamental, he fights fiercely, he is a hero who saves lives, and is praised by military instructors.

    How can such a student who is excellent in all aspects get mixed up with a gangster? It doesn't matter that way, men are still attractive if they are bad, but why should they cheat their classmates for money? Everyone can't accept Wei Shuxun, who is diligent, cheerful and upright in their eyes, such a despicable person in his bones.

    Kong Pingping drank some wine yesterday and woke up late this morning. When he came over, he realized that Zhong You was ruining Wei Shuxun's reputation. Unfortunately, the bell rang before he could defend himself. After class.

    Wei Shuxun is not a saint. He will never say, "It's okay, I don't care, he's just a clown hahaha!" He flattered the principle of repaying hatred on the spot and not waiting for outdated. As soon as the English class was over, before everyone got up to change classrooms, they strode over and grabbed You Zhong, raising his hand and punching him.

    Thanks to Zhou Quan's blessing, he is now more and more handy at hitting people, such as punching Zhong You in the depression above the pubic bone in the lower abdomen, enough to make Zhong You unable to move, but leaving no traces .

    The whole class was stunned by Wei Shuxun's hand, and looked at him blankly. Wei Shuxun directly dragged Zhong You to the front of the podium, and Zhong You shouted all the way: "Help, Wei Shuxun beat someone, call the teacher!"

    Wei Shuxun threw him on the podium, turned to face the class, and said, "I didn't want to talk too much, but to prevent my classmates from being hurt by this kid again, Kong Ping, yesterday's Let's talk about it."

    Kong Ping also has a certain prestige in the class. After he detailed what happened yesterday, other students came forward to testify. To Wei Shuxun's surprise, everyone didn't seem to care much about Zhong You. Instead, a female classmate kept asking him, "Wei Shuxun, do you really know those gangsters?"

    "Well, I know." Wei Shuxun replied calmly.

    "Then, did you cheat or extort money with them?"

    "No." Wei Shuxun added: "And they only bet money, not extortion."

    "Shu Xun, did you really knock over a dozen gangsters by yourself?"

    This topic is a bit weird, why are you so excited to ask? Wei Shuxun replied, "I haven't knocked over that many, but I don't have any specifics."

    "That's amazing." The female classmate shouted: "Shu Xun went to rescue the classmate alone, like the hero of a TV show!"

    "Yes, yes, so heroic!"

    "..." I always feel that the topic is getting more and more strange. Since everyone already knows the truth, Wei Shuxun no longer wastes time. He was also too lazy to act brotherly and brotherly, and kicked Zhong You away with one kick: "Don't blame me for being rude if you dare to arrange me in the future."

    Zhong You fell to the ground, didn't dare to say a word, got up in a hurry and ran out. Wei Shuxun took the schoolbag handed over by Wu Feng and turned to go out. The whole class enthusiastically followed behind him.

      In times of danger, there is nothing more reassuring than having a friend who can turn to help!

    DiDiDiDi—Total task progress: 16.5%.

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