Tech House System

Chapter 46: Work hard

    Wei Shuxun is not a person who likes to read books, even if he is trying to correct now, he cannot hide his true nature. For example, "Mental Health Education for College Students", "Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis" are two courses that he must skip classes, and his requirements for courses such as advanced mathematics and English are only not failing, and he has never considered what to take. high score.

    He has been tutoring for a long time just to keep up with these courses, and it is not easy to get rid of it. Unless he is cramming during the exam, he absolutely does not want to be entangled with textbooks in extracurricular time.

    But for some reason, he is very fascinated by books other than textbooks, especially related to electronics. The "High-Frequency Electronic Circuits" and "Micro-Nano Electronics" that he bought in the previous paragraph are obviously also textbooks, but he likes them very much. Not only does he study, but he also takes reading notes - this is an incredible thing for him.

    Wei Shuxun is a person who lives calmly. When he finds that he likes electronics, he will go to learn it, and he will not struggle too much. Now I found a very interesting solar energy storage device, and it happened that Liu Yongdong and the others had nothing to do, so he naturally wanted to learn how to make them.

    The name of the solar energy storage device is very powerful, but for those who understand electronics, it is actually a very easy product to make. It's just that there are too many portable storage devices on the market, and no one wants to spend energy on making them.

    Liu Yongdong didn't hide it either, he handed the design directly to Wei Shuxun and said to him, "This is for you, don't ask me again if you don't understand. Also, don't call me a girl, I don't participate in social gatherings."

    "No, no, we want to participate." Feng Wei objected: "That's the beauty of the Foreign Languages ​​Institute, it's a pity not to know each other!"

    Wei Shuxun hadn't seen Zhang Ling for a long time. The two had made several phone calls after military training, but they didn't get in touch much after that. And Han Zhixin, who basically stayed in the library, and the two of them had not seen each other for a long time even though they were from the same school. Just called them all out for a get-together.

    After returning to the dormitory at night, Wei Shuxun called Zhang Ling, Zhang Ling heard Wei Shuxun's suggestion, turned around and asked the roommate in the same dormitory, a girl came from the other end of the phone Wei Shuxun faintly heard someone calling: "A student of University A? Go, of course!"

    Whether Liu Yongdong is willing or not, Wei Shuxun promised to help with the friendship after taking the design drawings. It happened that Zhang Ling was also willing, so Wei Shuxun and Zhang Ling agreed on the time for the next week's friendship, and called again. Notify Han Zhixin.

    Han Zhixin still looks like a nerd, after hearing Wei Shuxun's notification, he sighed, and then asked: "Have you been in class recently and missed a few classes? It's okay to be idle. Just come to the library, I'll make up for you..."

    Wei Shuxun hung up the phone silently, took out the design drawing of the solar energy storage device, wrote down the necessary accessories in the notebook, and planned to buy them tomorrow. Speaking of the cost of accessories alone, it is estimated that it is much more expensive than buying mobile storage devices on the market, but Wei Shuxun still prefers to make them himself.

    Tonight's training with Zhou Quan was two hours earlier than usual because Wei Shuxun planned to invite Zhou Quan to dinner as a thank you. The place for dinner is a restaurant next to the school. Although the restaurant is not big, it is clean and tidy, and a few special dishes are also very good.

    When Zhou Quan entered the door, there was another person behind him. The man was also in his twenties, about the same age as Zhou Quan, and he was wearing a dark blue overalls with many pockets, somewhat like an electrician's overalls. But he looks gentle and handsome, and he also wears a pair of rimless glasses.

    Wei Shuxun felt that this person was very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. There was no expression on his face, but the man seemed to have seen his confusion and said with a smile, "Don't you recognize me, little friend. My name is Xu Yuanjun, we met last month."

    Wei Shuxun suddenly realized that Xu Yuanjun was the group of friends who gathered together when Zhou Quan invited him to dinner when he just returned from military training. Xu Yuanjun also left him an email, asking him to find him in trouble. Although Wei Shuxun wrote it down, he didn't take it to heart.

    "Long time no see, Mr. Xu."

    "You don't need to call Mr. Xu, Brother Xu or Brother Yuan."

    Wei Shuxun called out to Brother Xu with kindness. After the three sat down, Wei Shuxun ordered a few dishes from the restaurant. Wei Shuxun was not familiar with Xu Yuanjun, so he just chatted politely during the meal, so as not to be cold. Xu Yuanjun seems to be extremely talkative and knowledgeable, no matter what Wei Shuxun says, he can answer. Even if Wei Shuxun complained a little about the course "Mental Health Education for College Students", he could recite a few sentences.

    Wei Shuxun unknowingly chatted with Xu Yuanjun so much that he didn't even care about eating, and even felt like he was a confidant. It wasn't until Zhou Quan snorted that Wei Shuxun woke up and turned around. He invited Zhou Quan to dinner today, how could he leave the host and guests aside.

    "Uh... Zhou Quan, the stir-fried river prawns here taste very good, you can try it." Holding a chopstick of river prawns into Zhouquan's bowl, Wei Shuxun laughed shyly: "What else do you like to eat? Do you want to add a few more dishes?"

    "No." Zhou Quan's expression softened slightly, and he offered him a few dishes: "Don't talk while eating." At the same time, he glared at Xu Yuanjun with a warning. Xu Yuanjun shrugged and made an apologetic gesture.


      , even had a feeling of being a confidant to Xu Yuanjun. And recalled the content of the chat just now, and found that under the temptation of Xu Yuanjun, he actually said a lot of things in the university, and he himself knew nothing about Xu Yuanjun except his name.

    Fortunately, Xu Yuanjun was not interested in his little friend, he just asked about the life of A University, otherwise Wei Shuxun doubted what he would say? It didn't matter about being a punk in the past, but learning the machine and Wei Cheng's affairs must not be revealed. People like Xu Yuanjun are probably specialized in intelligence, so it’s better to stay away in the future.

    After eating, the three drove back to Zhou Quan's apartment, Wei Shuxun noticed a large canvas bag on the back seat. Seeing that he was curious, Xu Yuanjun patted the canvas bag, patted his overalls, and said with a smile, "Work."

    Wei Shuxun nodded without asking too much. Back in the training room of the apartment, Xu Yuanjun took out a few strange electronics from the canvas bag and said, "I don't think the Shuxun kid needs to learn these things at all, he can't be in danger of this level."

     "Yes." Zhou Quan nodded: "Just by the way."

     "Hey, isn't it just a few fights between children, you can teach him some fighting skills, there's no need to let him learn so much, right?"

    Although Xu Yuanjun complained so, he still put out the electronic products one by one. Wei Shuxun squatted beside him and curiously took out a square box: "Brother Xu, what is this?"

    "Voiceprint lock." Xu Yuanjun pointed to a few electronic products next to him: "That's a fingerprint lock, the big one is an eyeprint lock, these are mechanical locks, password locks."

    "..." Wei Shuxun looked at Zhou Quan: "My class today, are these?"

    Zhou Quan nodded: "By the way."

    Originally, the course arranged by Zhouquan was just ordinary unlocking, but I happened to know that Xu Yuanjun had brought back a batch of special combination locks, so he called Xu Yuanjun over to teach.

    Xu Yuanjun is good at all kinds of combination locks. Seeing Wei Shuxun holding the voiceprint lock, he smiled: "Since you like this, let's start with the voiceprint lock first. What do you understand?"

    Wei Shuxun thought for a while and replied, "An electronic lock that recognizes and unlocks by sound."

    "Yes." Xu Yuanjun nodded: "The sound is converted into a digital signal through the analog-to-digital conversion chip, and then the digital signal is reversed to the EMG amplifier..." Seeing Wei Shuxun's face showing confusion, Explained: "It's a muscle electrical signal analyzer, and it can only open the door if it can reflect the characteristics of the human body. Otherwise, the thief can open the door with a tape recorder."

    Wei Shuxun looked at the voiceprint lock in his hand in surprise. There are so many working programs in such a small box? He thought it was the function of receiving voices, unlocking, and one-step.

    "Learning machine, can you scan the inside of it for me?"


    In the process of Xu Yuanjun's explanation, Wei Shuxun also saw the internal operation of the voiceprint lock through the scanning of the learning machine and the void image display at the same time, so the unlocking speed is extremely fast, making Xu Yuanjun harmonious Zhou Quan was greatly surprised.

    "Have you learned to pick locks before?"

    "No." Wei Shuxun shook his head.

    "...If you were in our technical class, you would at least be in the top ten." Xu Yuanjun patted Wei Shuxun on the shoulder: "Kid, do you want to change to the military school? Zhou Quan and I can help You recommend, right Zhou Quan?"

    Zhou Quan shook his head: "I hope he is safe."

    When I first taught Wei Shuxun, I discovered that his attack method was completely military, neat and ruthless. If it wasn't for his complete understanding of combat terminology and his instinct to make moves, Zhou Quan would have suspected that he was from the army. Such a natural soldier material, if it is someone else, Zhou Quan will definitely try his best to recruit him into the military academy. But Wei Shuxun can't do it. Zhou Quan hopes that Wei Shuxun can laugh and laugh like ordinary young people and live a peaceful life.

    "Thank you, I'm not interested." Wei Shuxun also refused. He personally likes the simple life of the army. Daily training and fighting are not at all for his good physique. what. But the goal of the learning machine is "great people". He feels that if he is a soldier, he can only sacrifice this way if he wants to achieve this goal.

    It is better to consider becoming a civil servant after graduation, and see if you can climb to the position of national leader before dying of old age!

    After Wei Shuxun learned about electronic locks and mechanical locks, the electronic locks turned out to be very easy to open. turned on. On the contrary, the mechanical lock is more complicated and takes more time.

    "A lock that has been used for more than two hundred years is naturally valuable." Xu Yuanjun smiled: "Don't you see that most safes and vaults are mechanical locks? History has verified its stability."

    "How about the eye pattern lock?"

    All kinds of locks on the scene were finished, only the last eye pattern lock was left, Wei Shuxun was eager to try it. I have never seen eye pattern locks in real life, but they often appear in tech movies. Of course Wei Shuxun wants to try it.

    "There is a special video camera to unlock, but it's not here, I can't teach you this." Xu Yuanjun smiled: "But there is the easiest way to unlock it, dig out the eyes..."

    "Xu Yuanjun!" Zhou Quan lowered his face.

    "By the way, you are just an ordinary student." Xu Yuanjun spread his hands apologetically: "Because you behaved too well, I mistakenly thought I was in class."

    After Xu Yuanjun's teaching ended, Zhou Quan began to teach Wei Shuxun the ordinary unlocking method. Before teaching, Zhou Quan emphasized severely: "These skills can only be used in situations where you are trapped and dangerous. If you use them as a traitor, I will personally solve you."

    Xu Yuanjun said something similar before teaching. Wei Shuxun nodded solemnly and raised his right hand: "I swear, I will never use these skills unless I am in danger."

    Wei Shuxun is still obsessed with the eye pattern lock. While learning the unlocking technique from Zhou Quan, he asked the learning machine to scan the eye pattern lock. After returning to the dormitory, Wei Shuxun immediately took out his notebook and drew the inside of the eye pattern lock as a circuit diagram.

    The next day, Wei Shuxun called Liu Yongdong and the three of them and asked them to accompany him to buy accessories for the solar energy storage device. At the same time, he also asked them to help analyze the accessories of the eye pattern lock.

      What are the accessories, Wei Shuxun had to ask Liu Yongdong and others to help "see the picture and talk".

    "This seems to be a T8 squelch filter." Sun Yi.

    "I think it should be an EMI filter." Feng Wei.


    "This is already the fifth pair." Wei Shuxun smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid the money is not enough."

    He now understands why Liu Yongdong and the three of them do not have enough money every day, because the determination of one part requires at least three experiments, and dozens of accessories are rotated. eat poor.

    But he didn't give up the idea of ​​making an eye lock. Obviously the eye pattern lock is not necessary, but after he drew the circuit diagram, he couldn't control the desire to make it. Not for showing off, not for profit, just simply because I like it. If I want to make the circuit diagram of the tablet into a finished product from my own hands, even if it is available on the market, I want to make it myself, just because of the joy and satisfaction.

    Wei Shuxun felt that he understood Liu Yongdong's feelings about making solar energy storage devices by himself.

    Considering the economic problem, Wei Shuxun did not buy a one-time package, but first bought the accessories of the solar energy storage device. He didn't want to give it away like Liu Yongdong, so he only chose a few ordinary cheap ones. accessories. I bought a few more accessories for eye pattern locks, and you get what you get for every penny. It can only be said that the "gold content" of high-tech is so high that it hurts. Wei Shuxun only bought the accessories for the thermal effect analysis part. For the rest, he planned to buy a little bit a month and finish it slowly, so as not to run out of money.

    It was past one o'clock when I went back to school after buying the accessories. The school cafeteria was closed, and the four of them went directly to the small restaurant on the second floor to eat. The environment of the small restaurant is well decorated. Some evergreen plants are used to make small cubicles. The four of them just sat down for a while when Liu Yongdong, who was looking at the menu, suddenly stopped moving.

    "What's the matter..." Wei Shuxun asked, suddenly Feng Wei pushed his arm, following Feng Wei's finger, Wei Shuxun saw two female students walking upstairs.

    She doesn't look very pretty, but she dresses stylishly. The focus is on the **** the right. Although Wei Shuxun doesn't recognize her face, she still remembers her brown curly hair.

    "Liu Yongdong's goddess?" In fact, you don't need to ask, it's clear just by looking at Liu Yongdong's straight eyes.

    The two girls didn't notice them at all, they chatted while walking, and happened to be sitting in their cubicle. Liu Yongdong followed their direction, and his body slowly tilted from hair to hair. In fact, he didn't need to tilt his body, so close, the girl's laughter came clearly.

    "...Hahaha, that guy is so funny."

    "What fun." The brown-haired girl complained: "I opened the gift in front of the whole dormitory, but it was such an ugly box. It said that it was solar energy, and the wiring inside was exposed. I'm here. Since I entered the school, I haven't received such a cheap gift, and I'm still in front of the whole dormitory!"

    "So you quit the next day?"

      Mobile storage, what do you do yourself!"

    "Hahaha!" Her friend laughed again: "Maybe he has no money, so he made it himself."

    "It should be." The brown-haired girl nodded: "I don't usually see him participating in class activities, never attending class reunions, nor joining clubs, student unions, staying in an abandoned office all day, saying yes The laboratory, I don’t know what to study, and I haven’t heard of any results, anyway, it’s a worthless person.”


    Feng Wei's face was full of anger, and he wanted to pat the table. Liu Yongdong held his shoulders and walked over by himself. The brown-haired girl didn't seem to expect that the person she was mocking was next to her, her expression changed and she didn't dare to look directly at Liu Yongdong.

    Liu Yongdong has a stable temperament, without swearing, looking at the girl he likes in front of him, his tone is calm: "Wodsr solar panel, the price is 450 yuan, carbon graphite 120 yuan, thermal end face 200 yuan, Farah capacitor 150 yuan, 25 yuan for a clarinet... plus the discarded experiments, the total cost is 2,500 yuan, enough to buy ten mobile accumulators."

    The girl's face was pale, and she felt that she had lost face in front of her friends, so she snorted and turned her head.

    Liu Yongdong had already left, Feng Wei and Sun Yi patted him on the shoulder to comfort them, and the three went downstairs together. Wei Shuxun finally stood up and looked at the girl condescendingly. The girl was displeased and scolded, "What are you looking at?"

    Wei Shuxun shook his head: "What is the prospect in your eyes?"

    Due to the morality of friends, Wei Shuxun considered whether to advance the friendship with Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling has a mild personality, and her friends should not be too bad. It's not that Liu Yongdong wants to fall in love again immediately, everyone singing and playing together can make people feel cheerful. It's okay to say lovelorn, but being laughed at behind the client's back, and I even heard it, it's really too miserable.

    Not only Wei Shuxun is thinking about how to get Liu Yongdong out of this heavy blow, but Sun Yi and Feng Wei are also thinking of a way. Sun Yi was more straightforward. When everyone arrived at the laboratory the next morning, Liu Yongdong's workbench was full of various design drawings.

    "These are all my design drawings, many of which are incomplete." Sun Yi said to Liu Yongdong, "Help me study it together."

    Liu Yongdong: "...what are you doing?"

    Sun Yi pushes her glasses: "I heard that the best way to forget about a broken love is to keep looking for things to do."

    "..." Wei Shuxun and Feng Wei looked at each other and admired Sun Yi's sternness. If there is an animation effect, you must be able to see that Liu Yongdong's heart has been stabbed with several arrows - in fact, Liu Yongdong can no longer control his heart.

    Sun Yi continued to persuade earnestly: "You first try to see if being busy can alleviate the pain, and then I will check online to see how it can help you get out of the shadow of lovelorn as soon as possible..."

    "Don't talk about Sun Yi." Feng Wei raised his hand: "I have the best way to keep us busy and get revenge."

    Liu Yongdong shook his head: "I don't want revenge..."

    "That's not what it means." Feng Wei showed a piece of A-4 paper: "Dangdangdang, the "National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest" held by the Science and Technology Museum, the highest prize is 10,000, and the Education Desk will undertake it, and there will be bonuses to win. You'll even be on TV! How about, refute her that you're useless and show her a champion!"

    The 10,000 yuan bonus was completely ignored by the three of them. Although they complained about the lack of money, they actually made a lot of money from selling technology. It's just that the three of them don't like to be public, but they are regarded as unpromising. Feng Wei is not someone who can bear it, of course he has to slap his face back.

    Sun Yi nodded: "Yes."

    Liu Yongdong was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

    Feng Wei clenched his fists excitedly: "Okay, the four of us work together, we must win the championship of the "National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest" and make the gossip guy impress!"

    Wei Shuxun smiled: "Come on... eh... four people?!"

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