Tech House System

Chapter 91: Cause and effect

    Han Zhixin's plan to send him to the hospital was finally rejected, and Wei Shuxun returned to Zhou Quan's house under the pretext of heat stroke. After vomiting, the discomfort in his chest disappeared. Wei Shuxun walked into the bathroom to take a shower. Halfway through the shower, he heard the sound of the door opening and the sound of hurried footsteps.


    "Wait." Wei Shuxun opened the door a crack, and Zhou Quan had already entered, hugging him tightly: "Are you alright?"

    "Wait, wait, I haven't dressed yet..." Being naked in someone's arms is not a comfortable thing, I just wanted to talk to Zhou Quan, who knew he would break in. Wei Shuxun didn't have any fancy ideas. He was still foaming on his body and pushed Zhou Quan hard: "If you have something to say, let me wash it up first... Hey!"

      Zhou Quan hugged him with a reassuring look on his face: "It's okay, I'm not injured."

    Learning that Shu Xun was sniped, Zhou Quan was going crazy, but he didn't care about revenge. His first reaction was to rush back to check his safety.

    "Relax, I'm fine, nothing at all." Wei Shuxun pushed Zhou Quan, he finally felt that the atmosphere was not right at this time, and was hugged by Zhou Quan in his arms His posture is too ambiguous, especially when he hasn't dressed yet: "Let me go first, I haven't finished washing yet!"

    Zhou Quan's eyes swept across his naked body, his pupils shrinking slightly. Wei Shuxun blocked his eyes: "Hey, what kind of eyes are you looking at!" Those aggressive eyes... I dare not look directly.

    "I'll be waiting for you outside." Zhou Quan's voice was slightly hoarse, he slowly let go of Wei Shuxun and exited the bathroom, closed the door, and looked back in a worried tone: "I'm just outside, I'll call immediately if anything happens. I!"

    "What's going on in the bathroom!" Wei Shuxun locked the door and hurriedly cleaned it. When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Zhou Quan sitting on the sofa with a sullen face, with a laptop in front of him. In the computer video, Xu Yuanjun was saying, "Come later, the body and the surveillance video were taken away by the people over there first." Although he said that, he still had a smile on his face, obviously not bothered.

    "It doesn't matter." Zhou Quan's voice was cold: "Just know who is behind the scenes."

    Wei Shuxun came over, leaned on the back of the sofa and asked, "Is it about Surbana Jurong?"

    "Well, come here." Zhou Quan pulled him onto the sofa, took the towel from Wei Shuxun's hand and wiped his hair. Xu Yuanjun in the video widened his eyes.

    Wei Shuxun was accustomed to being spoiled by his mother at home, and he didn't think there was anything wrong, so he took Zhou Quan's place as a matter of course, and asked Xu Yuanjun: "Why, the body and surveillance video have been taken away ? Then didn't you find anything?" Actually, I knew this would happen for a long time. Someone must be waiting for the aftermath of this matter, but it was originally intended to deal with Wei Shuxun's body, but now it has become the killer's body: "Behind the scenes Is the black hand the Lin family?"

    Xu Yuanjun looked at the incredible scene in the video, and was stunned for a moment before he regained his senses. He could no longer maintain the smirk on his face: "It should be, but you should check carefully. Even if There is no body, and it is enough to follow the clues of the aftermath. Now the trouble is your business, the surveillance video has been taken away, I am afraid they will involve you. "

    If the other party gets the surveillance video of the murder scene, I am afraid that Wei Shuxun will be bitten to death by the other party.

    "Don't be afraid." While wiping his hair, Zhou Quan comforted him in his ear: "I will destroy all the evidence."

    "Oh, the surveillance video should be fine." Wei Shuxun waved his hand: "I have already cleared my own image, although there is no guarantee of 100% clearance, but the scene where the person died It was definitely not recorded." Although he was confident in his skills, Wei Shuxun explained his work to the two professionals and asked, "It should be no problem, right?"

    "...!" Silence.

    "What, what's wrong?" Wei Shuxun looked around anxiously: "Which link is wrong?"

    "...Book Xun!" On the other side of the computer, Xu Yuanjun stroked his forehead and asked weakly, "I remember, you are only 18 years old?"


    "I remember, you are an ordinary college student?"

    "What do you want to say?"

    "...Why did you think so thoughtfully when you just escaped the pursuit, and you still rely on...what kind of technology?"

    "Intelligent building system." Zhou Quan replied.

    "Yes." Xu Yuanjun nodded heavily, tapped the keyboard quickly, and after a moment looked bitter: "The building intelligent system is really an ordinary professional subject, how do I think its description and your usage are correct No... Shuxun, are you really an ordinary college student?"

    Zhou Quan and Xu Yuanjun had not been to the scene. In their opinion, Wei Shuxun must have killed the sniper by sneak attack from behind. An ordinary student like him, suddenly attacked, could kill people on the street in panic, let alone remove fingerprints and bloodstains from the scene. Maybe the police arranged by the Lin family are already on their way to arrest them. This is also Zhou Quan's emergency rush. Reason for coming back. The first thing the two considered was how to put an end to him and never let him be charged with murder. Who would have thought that Wei Shuxun was more thoughtful and unexpected than them.

    "Well, it's an ordinary college student." Wei Shuxun nodded with a serious look: "I will graduate as a college student and work in the future, and I will never let myself be accused of 'murderer'. ."

    "I promise, this kind of thing will never happen again!" I have already done a murder case that may require paying a certain price in exchange for Shuxun, let alone revenge against the Lin family, Shuxun's safety is the first one. But now that the Lin family does not have Shuxun's handle in their hands, the goal will be changed to revenge. Zhou Quan touched his dry hair, and turned to Xu Yuanjun: "The target has changed, ask Lu Xin to come back."

    There was a murder case at Surbana Jurong Mall, and Captain Feng of the Lin family faction had been secretly ordered to bring people to control the scene and clear the clues left by the killer.

    However, the victim was not the young student he thought. A completely unexpected result, judging from the body of the deceased and the gun beside him, he was the killer. It doesn't matter if the murder is not the opposite of being killed, the most bizarre thing is that he was electrocuted to death himself!


    His thoughts were the same as others, such an ordinary student suddenly murdered, leaving not too many clues in panic.


     "Captain, I've asked about it on the first floor, and they all said that I didn't see the deceased passing by, nor did I see anyone else."

    "What?" Captain Feng dropped the cigarette in his hand: "How is it possible!"

    "The offices here are mostly used as warehouses, and the doors are usually closed." A female employee who was asked said innocently: "And this is a shopping mall, who would pay attention to everyone passing by the door. people."

    Without exception, all the answers are similar. There are so many strangers in the mall that the staff here are used to not looking at the door.

    The manager of the mall is still trying his best to shirk his responsibility: "The induction door and the anti-theft power grid have been closed for a long time. I suspect this person is a thief. He was electrocuted when he tried to enter the office to steal something and trigger the alarm system. I hope you all Close the case as soon as possible, so as not to affect the business of our mall. Otherwise, I have to complain to the top."

    Captain Feng was annoyed, but fortunately, his subordinates brought what he wanted: "Captain, today's surveillance video has been obtained."

     "Captain, take a look, the situation of the security captain is not quite right."

    The only security captain who was in front of the surveillance video at the time of the incident was an important witness. When the homicide was discovered, the fat security captain rushed to the scene at an unprecedented speed and saw that he was locked for no reason. When the corpse inside the door, he slumped to the ground.

    "Strange, isn't the door here closed? How can it be activated?" asked the security guard next to him.

    The security captain thought about the strange black screen in the surveillance video, and shouted in horror: "Ghost, it's a ghost, he was killed by a ghost!"

    It wasn't until the police came to question him that he calmed down a little, but still insisted that it must be a ghost.

    Captain Feng doesn't care whether this person is mentally ill or not, he just wants to get direct evidence that Wei Shuxun is the murderer.

    The captain of the security was dragged directly into the office, and Captain Feng directly induced a confession: "I ask you, during the period from 16:00 to 17:00, have you seen a young man around 17 or 18 years old in the video? people?"

    The security captain shook his head blankly: "No, I just saw the dead man, he was the only one."

    "Are you sure?" Captain Feng threatened.

    "Yes, yes." The security captain nodded affirmatively: "He was chasing something at the time, he kept running and running, and then he turned a corner and disappeared, and I heard someone died." The security captain Shaking: "The anti-theft power grid is clearly closed, it must be done by ghosts."


    Although there are hundreds of surveillance cameras, they only keep video in important road sections. So even though Captain Feng tried hard to find Wei Shuxun from the video, his eyes were bloodshot, but he only saw a black screen for a few seconds where the security captain said there was a ghost. The black screen time is very short, just like the line is unstable.

    The crime scene is too clean, there is no trace of fighting, and judging from the intermittent video, you can only see the victim running alone. It was as if he ran into the empty office and was electrocuted himself—from the beginning to the end, he couldn’t find anything to do with Wei Shuxun, even if he wanted to impose a crime, he couldn’t get away with it. The Lin family got the benefit.

    At the same time as her heart was gloomy, she couldn't help but despise the Lin family. If he didn't dare to deal with the Zhou family, he vented his anger at the friends of other people's children. In the end, he didn't kill him, but his own people died, which was useless. It seems that the future of the Lin family is hopeless, it is better to find a backer again.

    Whether it was the Zhou family or the people who knew about the murder, they all thought that the Lin family could not deal with the Zhou family, so they attacked innocent ordinary students. Although no one said anything on the surface, disdain was quietly growing, which caused the Lin family to lose many political allies in the future. Of course that's all for later.

    The Lin family was really shameless in dealing with Wei Shuxun, but the reason was because future descendants told them that Zhou Quan died in 2016, and Zhou Lao died of excessive grief in the same year. The Lin family took advantage of the situation and occupied several important positions that the Zhou family had originally relocated. After that, they continued to suppress the Zhou family through the power of the old man. When the end of the world came, they finally ruled the only safe city for mankind - the empty city.

    However, the Zhou family and several other big families have been vying with the Lin family for the **** of the empty city, resulting in the Lin family's rule gradually becoming weak. Therefore, descendants hope that ancestors can take advantage of future information to strengthen political capital, so that when the end of the world comes, they can seize the absolute power of the empty city in one fell swoop. At that time, let alone ruling the empty city, it is a matter of course to be the emperor.

    Getting the information from the descendants, the Lin family suddenly found out that the death of Zhou Quan they said did not happen at all, it is now 2017, Zhou Quan is still alive and well, and the old Zhou who was in bad health , After returning from his hometown of Yucheng, his condition has stabilized, and it seems that he can live another five years or ten years without any problem. Therefore, the Lin family plotted against Zhou Quan on a whim. Due to hasty actions, they were caught by the Zhou family and had to withdraw from the competition for an important position.

    After that, the Zhou family was pressing hard, and the Lin family's job adjustment and arrangement according to future policies were all seized or destroyed by the Zhou family. If future descendants didn't guarantee that the Zhou family would never have a time machine, they would all suspect that the Zhou family also knew about the future.

    The current Lin family does not know that in the future world, there is a terrorist who has already formed an alliance with the Zhou family of this era. They want to kill Wei Shuxun, just to express their anger - because of Lin Peng's Going to jail, and the fact that he saved Zhou Quan.

    Lv Xin was ordered by Zhou Quan to destroy the evidence. As soon as the security captain was brought up for questioning, she received a call from Zhou Quan to call off work. Wei Shuxun is now lying on the table eating takeout hungry because of vomiting at dinner. Zhou Quan wipes the corners of his mouth with a tissue from time to time while he is working.

    "I'm back..." Lu Xin walked behind Xu Yuanjun and stared at the scene in the video, "What's the situation?"

    Although it is just a gesture of wiping the mouth, this person is Zhou Quan! Zhou Quan!

    "Cough cough..." Wei Shuxun choked in a hurry, took a sip of water, and asked Lu Xin, "Sister Xin, how is your investigation? Do you have a video of me?"

    "No, you're so lucky." Lu Xin didn't know the situation, just pretending that Wei Shuxun was lucky not to be photographed, and doubted: "But it's very strange, I interrogated that security captain, he kept If you say there are ghosts, they are killed by ghosts. Haha, if I hadn't taken over this matter, I would have thought he had been bought by you, and deliberately pretended to be crazy and sold stupid to help you!"

    "I don't." Wei Shuxun tilted his head in confusion: "Strange, is there really a ghost in that building?"

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