Tech overlord

Chapter 213 City Slaughter

At this moment, below, the battle began again.

The army was hoarding under the city gate, with tank companies in front of them, artillery regiments and long spears behind, plus an ancient tee, standing in front with swords.

The Liger Paladin finally shot.

But he, where is the opponent of the ancient three links, after three rounds, he was pierced in the chest by the opponent's sword.

The Liger Paladin held the sword inserted in his chest, and said intermittently, "Can you let...they have a way out?"

The ancient three links were silent.


Liu Changfeng's expression was cold, he looked at the Liger Paladin, shook his head, and said, "The defeated general, death is not a pity."

Hearing this, the ancient tee no longer hesitated, and urged the nameless sword to lean upward, the sword's edge swept out, and the guts of the Liger Paladin shattered in an instant.

he died.

After the general marshal of the Roman armies, another fallen paladin.

But the sad thing is that no one feels sorry for him, and even some people show excitement, just like Roland, who is already planning to run away.

Fang Su stared at the situation below, sighed, and took a deep look at Alexei, his eyes full of disappointment.

The latter doesn't mind, go if you should go, stay if you should stay.

The tide of the army, under the tank's opening, broke through the city gate and drove into the interior of Wintery City. What greeted them was not the roar of the local people.

On the contrary, it was a series of festive firecrackers. As every family had prepared, a group of ordinary people dressed as Orientals came out of their house singing and dancing.

Seeing the monsters that "can run" slowly driving away from the front, everyone was overjoyed.

After being suppressed for decades, they were treated unfairly and became second-class citizens. After their big victory in Darkmoon City today, they finally turned around and decided to become masters.

Some people are happy, while others are worried.

The western dignitaries in the city, the gates were locked, and there were bursts of crying and even constant gunfire.

The tank company surrounded the city’s lord’s mansion, and the artillery regiment remained outside the city to prevent the younger generation from committing chaos and suppress those interested.

Except for a small number of soldiers, under the leadership of Liu Changfeng, occupying all important military areas in the city, the rest of the soldiers followed Yue Wuqing and Fan Paulo to start the massacre.

Without humane spirit, there are only victory and defeat.

If you lose, you are dead.

Therefore, when Yue Ruqing chopped down the old man who was begging for mercy in the front view, he wiped the blood stains off his face, turned to look at the people behind him, and said: "Don't have to pity them, if it is us who lose, then kneel on the ground now. It is your own parents who beg for mercy.

In order to ensure the continuation of science and for the future of the children, please...relentless!"


The generals echoed, and then began to rush towards the residences of the major powers step by step following the planned plan.


The massacre has officially begun.

Later, some historians judged that Li Ruoyu's killing heart was too heavy, and he must be covered in green hair in his later years, but the latter just laughed.

He knows the separation between races better than anyone.

What's more, this involves not only the two different races of East and West, but the collision of two different civilizations and beliefs.

Without confluence and hybridization, some can only swallow the other party cleanly. Only in this way can the problem of basic disk collapse in the future be completely cut off.

Of course,

The current slaughter of the city is also to deter the enemy on the other side.

The news of the destruction of Winter City quickly spread all over the country, causing an uproar in the three empires, especially when the massacre was spread out.

Basically, it has caused the crusade by countless scholars in the world.

Those who believe in science also participated in this matter.

they think.

The power of science should be used to benefit all mankind and to liberate their minds, not to use scientific and technological achievements derived from science to do such actions to exterminate humanity.

Their voices were very small. Today's Li Jueye is in the Dawn Empire, and no one can shake his position.

Unless the Empress personally ordered him to dismantle his military power.

But this is obviously impossible. Don't look at the fact that the Winter City has been broken and the victory of the first foreign war has been won, but it was just the beginning, and it did not mean that it was over.

In national warfare, there are victories and defeats. Who can guarantee that they will always be prosperous?How many people can believe that they will really fail?

Too many uncertain factors made Chenxi's senior management still maintain a high degree of unity in the face of the bombardment of public opinion, which also made Li Jueye's status once again improved.

Now he is a Viscount, and he will surely be promoted to the level of an earl after he goes back.

Although Chen Xi's titles are not many, but they are not many, most of them are passed down from the achievements of those ancestors during the war of founding the nation.

In today's world, there is only one Li Ruoyu, who was created by virtue of his great military exploits, and he was adored by the word Feng Kaichen. The hidden meaning in it is self-evident.

Therefore, even if countless scholars were fighting against him, they were eventually suppressed by mainstream voices.

"Populism, ha ha, and that Eastern culture is benevolent."

Alexei was imprisoned in the dungeon. According to the outside world, he had died on the first day of breaking the city.

Li Jueye was sitting on the chair of the Grand Master, with the ancient three links on the left and Liu Changfeng on the right, with two generals guarding the left and right.

"Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but blows and regenerates."

Lord Li Jue replied, peeling off an orange, and said, "Would you like to eat it? The fresh one just shipped from Darkmoon City is very fresh, much better than the ones in your house."

Alexei’s City Lord’s Mansion was officially settled by him and changed to General Zhengxi’s Mansion. As the wartime temporary command headquarters, key members of various major organizations are continuously dispatched from the Dawn Empire and are preparing to officially take over.

In the city, there was no one with blond hair and blue eyes. The massacre of the city that night was shocking to the whole world, but in the end he was silent.

"Eat, you give it to me."

Alexei looked very casual, he didn't look like a prisoner at all. Although he is still in a dungeon, he is still dressed in gorgeous clothes and well-dressed. That kind of Confucian general atmosphere has not changed because he became a prisoner. Being sloppy, on the contrary, it makes him look introverted and deep.

If the situation is reversed, it is impossible to see who has won or who has lost.

Lord Li Jue smiled upwards, moved halfway away and handed it to him, saying: "Why don't you have anything in the vault, I thought I could find some supplies to support my next siege, but it turned out to be a pauper. It's really a mistake."

Alexei said dismissively: "The wall of Winter City is money."

Lord Li Jue nodded thoughtfully, then smiled, "Are you proud? Do I have to say thank you? Or give you an award?"

"It's not necessary."

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