Tech overlord

Chapter 228 Gu Meng Regent

Jue Li, who had originally planned to go to northern Xinjiang as soon as possible, once again hurriedly handed in a discount after exploring such a wartime arsenal.

As for the content, he doesn't know it, anyway, it was Ouyang and Gong Yumo who wrote the two chief old coins for him.

In short, after staying in this way for half a month, news came from the imperial capital, which made him feel at ease to deal with the important events of Dark Moon City, and the time to return to the imperial capital was extended for a few days.

Therefore, Lord Li Jue had enough time to mobilize the soldiers in the city into the water and carry out all the weapons placed in the warehouse.

Not to mention, for the things inside the cranes and tower cranes, it is really difficult to defeat the talents of Darkmoon City. The king of Ryan Solomon is in charge, and the opportunity is to work overnight, and a simple version of the crane is soon built. .

It is very convenient to use to hoist weapons in the water.

The fly in the ointment is that the warships stocked inside cannot be driven out. Not only is there a lack of professionals in this area, but there is also insufficient diesel. After all, diesel needs to be refined from oil on a large scale, and this is in the gold mine. After the area was discovered, it was already intensively exploited.

Barrels of black gold are transported endlessly to Darkmoon City, but the equipment is limited and large-scale transportation is impossible.

The refined diesel and gasoline, the technology to support the initial operation of the city’s machinery, it is still difficult to thoroughly apply it to similar to warships.

The armored tank company that attacked the Winter City took away almost all the oil and gas resources mined and stored in Darkmoon City.

This also makes the Darkmoon Finance Department, which is not wealthy, once again even worse.

Even now, as long as there is nothing major, Ouyang and others will basically not show up, because as soon as they show up, major officials will come to him to approve the loan.

The operation of the city requires money.

Military preparations are a bottomless pit.

If there is no such thing as the women's products developed by Mining District New City and most of the money is exchanged, this battle will not be fought. R&D alone will be enough to bankrupt the entire Department of Finance.

Li Jueye didn't want to be a city lord without money. What's more, he was still the Viscount Viscount who was sitting on the side, and the task of sweeping ignorance was on his shoulders.

Asking him if he has money or not, I can't say one thing: I am so poor that I can only breathe.

But the people in Darkmoon City are very upbeat, and the weekly ideological education meeting held by the public to send ink has caused these people to burst into twelve points of enthusiasm.

Working overtime is often, as long as there is food.

No matter how late you add it, it doesn't matter, there are even people who are clamoring whether to use the rest day of the week for work.

The reason for the enthusiasm of the whole people, in the final analysis, is inseparable from the rapid development of Darkmoon City.

There is support for the elderly, education for the young, and middle-aged people will not be unemployed. If you are tired, you will have clean food to eat and sanitary water to drink.And, there is a considerable salary every month.

It is a hundred times happier than being a slave.

Batches of ammunition are constantly being transported to the new city. Because the new weapons are hidden in the canvas, ordinary people cannot see what is hidden inside.

But seeing that every intersection is heavily guarded, and the only train in Dark Moon City and Mining District New City has been temporarily requisitioned, that is enough proof.

What is transported here must be some extremely important things.

Wait until the armored combat vehicles, tanks, armored transport vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles and other combat equipment are hoisted from the lake and packaged on the train.

The entire Dark Moon City people are about to boil.

Because they have received the news, tomorrow will be held in the large square of the new city, a battlefield will be held.

Who doesn’t know about the dawn of the Empire of Dawn against the West?Fighting the two empires, who doesn't care?

Li Jueye broke the Winter City in one fell swoop, and who hasn't mentioned it repeatedly between tea and rice?These things that strengthen the country's power will spread spontaneously among the people without deliberately spreading them.

They also probably know a thing or two about placing soldiers on the battlefield.

Right now, after taking back the Winter City, the Empire of Dawn has a huge advantage in the situation in Rome, to use Li Jueye's words.

That is, if they want to take the initiative to attack the Empire of Morning Light, they have to go around the plateau line with an altitude of four to five kilometers and a length of thousands of kilometers.

This is obviously impossible.

That's why he would safely hand over Winter City to Liu Changfeng to sit there, plus tens of thousands of modern troops stationed there, who would dare to commit trouble easily?

So they knew that Lord Li ordered his troops to go to northern Xinjiang.

The situation of the stationmaster in northern Xinjiang is chaotic.

And it's difficult.

This is due to the inherent disadvantages of geography.

Northern Xinjiang and the Raksha Empire have a grassland border of hundreds of kilometers. The border between the two empires has only a small principality sandwiched between them as a buffer zone.

Although this duchy declared its permanent neutrality to the outside world, no one in the world knew that this duchy, called Gu Meng, had already surrendered to the embrace of Western gods?

This also makes Raksha's so-called one million heroes directly stationed under the Great Wall of Northern Xinjiang, which can directly threaten the highest brain center of the dawn-the imperial capital of the Forbidden City.

In the year that the female emperor became king, Rakshasa broke the Great Wall and wandered around under the Forbidden City on a horse. For some Dawn people with strong national self-esteem, it was simply a naked slap in the face.

Although the New Deal of the Empress and the new weapons provided by Darkmoon City drove them back to the north of the Great Wall, the six princes were still defeated by the opponents, only parrying, without the slightest strength to fight back.

Therefore, the purpose of placing soldiers on the battlefield this time is to set an example for the people of Chenxi, or to give them an invincible belief in their self-confidence.

Chen Xi's big changes today, although there are reasons for the scientific faction to fight the theological faction all the year round, the current situation may appear, but it is Li Ruoyu.

This person who turned from the slave to the knighthood almost became the soul of faith for the entire Dawn Empire.

Because he used to be a slave, he has natural appeal and convincing power.

So when the order to order soldiers on the battlefield was communicated, the people far away in Nanling, and Zuo Linggong, one of the founders of the new-style factories in the south of the Yangtze River, rushed over all the way, all just to see this A matter of ignoring soldiers.

he knows,

The rest also know.

The order of soldiers is for the battle of Northern Xinjiang, so there is no need to be sloppy.

In just a few days, the great figures from all sides gathered in Darkmoon City, and there were many princes and ministers from other small countries or kingdoms, which was surprising.

The regent of ancient Mongolian Principality is here.

Li Ruoyu, the deputy city lord of Dark Moon City, and the city lord, led the high officials and officials in the city to greet each other.

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