Tech overlord

Chapter 269 Conspiracy

Lord Li Jue laughed, arrogantly, squatting, and smiling for a while, he was almost out of breath when he saw it.

He reached out and put his hand on Keanu Sergey's shoulder, and said, "I just buried Alexei a few days ago, oh, yes, there is also the Liger Paladin.

Today, I am afraid there should be one more person."

Keanu Sergey closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Do you want to know why you lost?"

Hearing this, the other party opened his eyes immediately, revealing those eyes that had become red because of hunger and anger combined with the defeat.

Grim, but terrifying.

"Soldiers, tricks are also about the results, not the process. This is the difference between Chen Xi and you. In terms of tactics, you do have the advantage. If one year ago, you can unite and launch an offensive, maybe I The Empire of Dawn may really be ruined in your hands.

But you are proud, you disdain to practice hands, but also guard against each other.

Haha, what's ridiculous is that when I knew that Dark Moon City had a lot of talents, I still taunted him. Not only did he not investigate our true strength, but naively believed that the gods were above all, and they deserved to win.

Did you win?

The Winter City was broken, how did you spread the news?

What did you do when Alexei and the Liger Paladin died?Honey is confident, thinking about defeating us, right? The result?"

Ha ha.

Jue Li smiled on his back, lit his cigarette, and took a faint breath. The exhaust gas circulating through his lungs was sprayed onto Keanu Sergey's face.

"The arrogant soldier will be defeated, the truth has not changed since ancient times.

Gu Meng transported stones for a continuous period of time, but you only found out after four days that this is a lax governance, knowing that there is no retreat, only staying behind can keep a glimmer of hope, but still can't help our clamor, regardless of the decisive battle outside the city It is arrogant to try to annihilate us in one fell swoop.

Now, it is time for you to pay for your ignorance and arrogance."

It may be because the identity of the other party is too sensitive, or it may have been fighting continuously for a period of time, which gives Li Jueye a sense of loneliness that is so beneficial to him. He does not have the usual sense of loneliness. After the nonsense is finished, Killed the opponent with one shot.

Instead, he asked his subordinates to get a chair, lying on it with a big thorn, with Erlang's legs tilted, his eyes skipped Keanu Sergey, and stayed on the battlefield in front.

Keanu Sergey spoke up.

"This handsome, I just don't want to lose."

"Because of this?" Li Jue was happy, patted his thigh and looked at him funny, suddenly feeling a little depressed. With this kind of stuff, he can defeat the six princes who have muskets. How did he do it?

This was the thought. Suddenly, a touch of thought appeared in my heart, but he still smiled on his face, then got up and lowered his head to whisper in Old Liu's ear.

When the latter heard the words, his expression was shocked, then he turned around, led a troop into the crowd in front of him, and began to fight.

In Keanu Sergey's view, this was just an order from Li Ruoyu to clean up the battlefield.

In fact, this is not the case.

If it hadn't been for this battle, he wouldn't have thought of the last big defeat, there would be tricks to hide.

May I ask, who would associate that aspect?

The coalition forces of the two empires, with hundreds of thousands of troops hoarding outside the Great Wall of Northern Xinjiang, the two armies using genetic medicine, add up to tens of thousands.

This kind of power is enough to allow them to complete all the siege areas effortlessly. Coupled with the two commanders, Keanu Sergey and Maxford, who are no weaker than the Paladin, suppress the rear, almost an invincible army.

The six princes will fail, which is justified.

With the collapse of the other party this time, Li Jueye suddenly discovered that the fact may not be the case. Just like the painful plan arranged by the empress before coming, and Gong Ye and Zhang Chenghuan’s cooperation, she can speak this plan, so the early stage Why didn't she say when the Sixth Prince was on the front line?

It's not that this plan needs him to come before it can be executed.

Furthermore, with the ingenuity of the Empress, how could this army hide into the hinterland from the Great Wall and cut off their logistics supply lines to complete their strategic deployment?

Think about it, the empress knows it.

Just as Li Jueye said when he was out on the expedition, you can go to Gu Meng to have a look.

Yes, so he went.

The power of the principality lies in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the major empires, the principality is just a trivia.

Since Li Jue came into this world, he had never stepped out of the territory of the empire, making the Principality just an impression in his mind.

Regardless of the principality or the kingdom, at least, he has a complete and independent statehood.

In this way, no matter how weak it is, it is not weak enough to restrain the chicken. This is why when he conquered Yue Ruqing in his early years, he would lament that the other party could lead an independent regiment to directly destroy a principality.

Judging from this, the big defeat of the Six Princes is not only a tactical error, but also something deeper hidden in it.

That's why he ordered Lao Liu to take the troops to the battlefield.

In fact, he was asked to go to the battlefield to harvest prisoners on the open, and secretly, he was asked to return to the ancient Meng Principality.

Li Jue closed his eyes, pondered for a moment, thinking about the causes and consequences of this war, not wanting to know, after deep thinking, he suddenly realized that this war was a little smoother.

It went so smoothly that it was unimaginable.

Even if this victory was a tragic victory with one thousand losses and one hundred losses, the result did not change at all, as if it had been set in advance.

It is nothing more than another copy.

Thinking of the copy, his squinted eyes suddenly opened, and he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, the moment he raised his head, he saw a satellite moving in the sky.

And this time, the satellite has also adjusted the distance to make it larger when viewed with the naked eye, but in the same way, the picture it can detect will be clearer than before.

In my mind, the word experiment appeared for no reason.

It is said that governing a great country is like cooking a small fresh food. This marching and fighting is also like governing a country. Military discipline represents the law of governing the army, and as the commander in chief, he is the creator of this rule.

Thinking of this, Lord Li Jue stopped his thoughts, and withdrew his gaze from the sky, he couldn't stop sneering in his heart. While giving him a little time, only a little bit was needed. When the time comes, he will definitely distract him from this satellite. Hit it down.

"Well, Lord Sir Alex is in a bad mood, you can go and die first."

Speaking of this, he drew out a long knife and stabbed Keanu Sergey in the chest. The blade said, three points into the flesh, but the opponent's physique was different from ordinary people, and in a short time, he did not die.

Lord Li Jue was taken aback, and said: "It's really an iron knot."

Suddenly he dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to kill him, thinking that his side had been probed with data just now, then he would not be indecent.

This time, he would do the opposite.

Keanu Sergey has lost the power of genetic medicine. He is no different from ordinary people, except that he has a strong body and strong vitality.

So ordered.


"Come here, give him a pipa bone."

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