Tech overlord

Chapter 421 Yue Mou

In his view, but kill people, the concept of nature is different, wait until he hurts, what should I manage?

The army is not a Jianghu martial art, not a place where the sword will take the rivers and lakes, and feelings.

If it is in the rivers and lakes, it's big to pull the sword, the blood splash is five steps, then the lack of the horizon, you are home, there is no bondage, there is no rule, how to do it.

The army is different, especially the built-in army, in terms of discipline, more strict, no drinking in the army, if you secretly drink the wine, and being found, you can't have a great guilt.

It is precisely because this strict discipline exists to make the army often maintain combat power, and enthusiasm.

The Kirin Legion can become the head of the four major gods, not only because he is a royal partner, at the same time, it is also extraordinary existence, the remaining three empire's boundaries have radiation area, so will all year round The army is stationed on the edge and the beast.

In the middle of the three major empire, the empire is like a sandwich cookie. Although it will be less than the threat of the beast of the radiation area, it can be surrounded by the three empire, this feeling is not good, so the Qilin Army is another role. The dispatch of military and other empires work together to serve as a responsibility against the beast.

Number of people who have killed each year, nothing over 10,000 people.

The wheel system is turned to the radiation area, which also maintains the combat power of the Kirin Legion.

Not to mention, just say that the moon city, three years ago, Ji Li Ruoyu has not risen, is just a poor city in the western region, the population is less than 100,000, and it is also the transportation of the various countries in the West. So it is confusing, it is called the most dark city of the whole morning empire.

The name of the hint is from this point.

There is Zheng Lao Governance in the local place, but he has no military power, and it is a thousand steps. Even if he has military power, it is not necessarily commanded.

Ok, let's take a step, the command is moved, how can it?

Is this soldier fighting?

No, the public, the old weak soldiers, the same spicy chicken like waste.

Three years later, Li Ruoyoo rose, with this weakest army, played a loud war, hard to grow in their hearts, implanted into the army.

Let them find the confidence of being a military.

The Tucheng of the foreign willow will die, directly in the moon, forging, and the most powerful army, no one.

What God beast, weaker, how to put on the new equipment? There is no corresponding war theory to support, then, just like a big machete with a child, you may not hurt yourself.

And this is the internal cause.

The soldiers have their own pride.

The Kirin Legion also has.

It is, when the Anhu is staying in the huge city of Lujing, waiting for Li Ruoyu, he is in his heart, it is what is the reason, but there is no way.

A war status is enough to force everything.

So he will ignore Li Ruoyu in the meeting, there is no reason to give the other party's finishing.


Annthus took a breath and his shoulders were shaking.

"You are a little bit, I want to kill me."

Yue ruthlessly finished the last ointment, then wrapped in the band for the other party, this only opened: "No pain, where you can teach."

Annti Tiger is bruising,

He turned over the body, sitting on the bed, looked at a camouflage, his face was also smeared, there was a green object, said: "People do not have anything, the ghost thing, there is no face to see the enemy ? "


Yue did nothing to refer to the paint on his face, said: "This is called camouflage."

When I said this, I started to give the knowledge of the new era of the new era, said: "People can disappear, we can make it unresolved, the army can disguise, can kill the Quartet."

"The soldiers, should be closed, five meters, see the bayonet, secretly touch, cover the cover, and you are so bright, I really don't know how Li Ruo Yu is taught."

Different vision, the views of treating things are different.

This, Yue is ruthless and no helpless, although the Kirin Legion accepted the new equipment, this concept, it is really not completely reversed for a while.

For example, Although he has the courageous, he is a rough bridge, but the deep-rooted old thought is extremely difficult, and he is a bright and standing way, pay attention to the big way.

Relatively speaking, Li Ruoyu prefer to breathe silence, and the overall control of the war to the extent to which the wire is stripped, and only the final result is required.

"The times are different, not the era of cold weapons, if you still hold your thoughts, Yue, Yue respect you is a man, you will not twist down, tell you the truth, this country Battle, just starting, maybe the Army has never told you that we really enemies, but I still want to tell you in advance. "

Anni Tiger is a blinking, said: "What."

Yue did not refer to the ceiling.

Ann Hu looked up, except for the hunger, no one, his brow wrinkled, just asked questions, but suddenly thought about what, the pupil could not help but deeply, said: "God?"

Yue did not feel slightly nodded, expressed recognition.

An Hui took again in the cold, said: "His mother, this is the same."

"Ha ha ha." I heard this, Yue was happy when I was ruthless, said: "So Yue is advised An Hu brothers, to learn more about the modern operational way, and the foundation, or when you are eliminated, Just now, God said, Yue will disclose a little, after the end of the national war, our huge city, will component an air force, and the Space Army. "

An Hu: "..."

What is the air force? He doesn't know, ask: "Can I eat?"


Yue ruthless face is a black, said: "If you eat, eat, you know to eat, you don't say you are going to God? After the national war, we can last day.

On the nine days, the moon is taken, the next five octaves, you can understand? "

In nine days, it refers to the air force, the five oceans, and naturally refers to the Navy.

At that time, the Sanfu San Army in the hands, plus the supermarket of the sky and Guiyang City, I am afraid that I will create a military that goes beyond the era.

Yue ruthlessly imagines that scene, but it is unable to describe the language. It can only look at An Tiger with full-excited eyes. "" Do not accept the era, it will be crushed by the times, no one will remember you Subscription, no matter, you are today, no matter how high your status is, it will eventually become the residue below the era. "

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