Tech overlord

Chapter 425 Real Target

The middle army is unlucky, the momentum is very good, this is an era of information uncomfortable, and there are hundreds of kilometers from the two places, plus the previous strict prevention, they must, the news has not been spread to Rome.

After all, the kingdom of Tu Mang, the two places, has been smoked, the zone along the way, except for the land, and the land burned by the war, no longer see a green grass.

I am afraid, normal people, will not go upstairs in the land that has been smashed, and a hundred thousand troops have been buried, and there is a king, destroyed.

The scorpion of the ancient battlefield, every time, it is sinking in the Yangyang, and when the town is unsatisfactory, there will be countless phantom.

There is no sound, there is no wind, some are just the two armies of the arms, and they strand them on the battlefield.

Then set a painted painting that never fades.

They are English, and they are also the soul of death, the blood of the enemy, the blood of the self, fight each other in the air, then in another space, life and death.

Battle, fighting.

Traveling these few hundred kilometers, can't see a complete land, you can't see a city with a cigarette, the more we are, the more difficult it is.

Stepping on this floor, in remembering the flow of the Chinese army at the time, the five major palades in Rome, and Li Ruyu couldn't help but have a heart.

Western land, very strange, obviously a complete continent, but the crushing of countless rivers, plus topography, causing the West to show different sectors, there are plains, also have a high mountain, and the morning Empire is also vast people. But the mountain is the mountain, and it will not be inserted into the plain.

And the West, just contrary, among the plains, there will be a mountain range, the mountain range, and there are deep valleys.

In short, it is a seven-zero-falling zone.

Tu Mang, just in this central, the king of Tu Mang, in this meticulous land, defeated the countless small country of Lin Li, became the first place under the empire.

Now, it will become ruins here again.

It is difficult to re-build the city, because no one is.

The external terrain is really confusing, even if there is enough manpower, I want to re-build the city in this soil, and there is no effort to have a few generations of people.

It is said that the times before the natural disasters, Tu Mang's country, was once divided into the fourteenth country, and it was in the past year.

It is because of the mess of terrain, so that Li Ruoyoo admires Liu Changfeng, I really don't know how he wins the war.

Krie God is very cold in the north, it is really cold, the highest temperature will be a few degrees.

He clearly remembers that the army of the extent should be unavailable in cotton clothes ...

"This guy, amazing."

Yue ruthlessly recognized, nodded: "Changfeng, it is indeed different."

"how about you?"

Yue ruthless is a bit sad.

He used to be the head of Tu Mhang Kingdom, and he also helped Titang Kingdom to attack a public country, if it is not because of the harsh policy, he will not be rebellious?

However, he is finally the people of the morning Empire, even if it is in another country.

Looking back, I am not sorry, looking forward to the future, full of hope.

Since it is broken, it is necessary to completely, as Li Ruoyu has reforms the reform, Liu Changfeng will not hesitate to pick up the butcher knife, but funerate the family.

Turning is not rooted, spring breeze is born.

He Yue ruthlessly walked in the world for decades, and now thirty, it is at the moment of the most blood, but it is still alone, there is no parent, there is no fetch in the afternoon, there is nothing in love, the top more Some friends who know Mang know.

Friends who can be numbered, perhaps, have warned in the last war.

"Bo, the end, no regrets."

"Good." Li Ruo Yu appreciated him, said: "There is no past, that is just a small episode in your life, follow this Bo, in the future, you will be proud of today's choice,"

Yue ruthless: "..."

how about you? Yue ruthlessly asked silently.

No one has passed, what is your past? Do you have this hurdle?

Yue is ruthless and I want to ask, but I don't know where to start.

It seems to read his inner thoughts, Li Ruyu suddenly laughed, looking back, looked at the dust caused by the eye, said: "Baber's past, you can't imagine, it is like a star."

He didn't answer your front, but did he have an answer?

If there is no cross, can he still live now? I am afraid that I will choose suicide because I can't afford the height of the civilization.

He can live to the present, is a silent certificate.

Where is the fall, then, from the bottom, re-climb it.

In one day, iron is to lead this army, play this starry sky, perhaps, can meet with the ancient emperor in the ancient road.

The great emperor, civilization is not a high, and the mother of his mother is more, there are several gaps that cannot span, but they are in his power, and they will be able to win, and also in the empire. Directly towards the star field.

Timely is his female star, and it will occasionally appear the first version of the other party. Although the other party in his eyes, it is just an antique.

Now, he is also a member of the antity, and the ant ants are still small, then, just, call them, float.

"Bo, is the long wind not to take this road?"

After the army, I will leave traces. Now there is no white snow, I can't get rid of the traces, but these days, the land is still that land, it seems that there is no longer walking, but also let Yue ruthlessly unexpectedly, even The traces of the camp stationed have not appeared.

So he is somewhat.

Who is the main attack, who is the secondary attack? Although Liu Changfeng walks, change the combat policy, but this, enter the Roman Empire, and this road.

Is it hard to fly?

Li Ruo smiled and said: "What do you do with him? We can do your own."

He knows where the other party is going.

It's really a thousand miles, it's really in order to use a $ 22,000 army.

However, acting, it is necessary to make it thoroughly, not only let yourself believe, but also let the accompanying people believe that he will Liu Changfeng, it is indeed to attack the Roman Empire, otherwise, let those enemies, Relaxation?

The main attack is indeed Rome, and whoever stipulates, must attack Rome?

They are all soldiers, the heart is, then the soul is in, it is better to understand that it can be understood.

This is the same point of his and Liu Changfeng, and the two don't even speak, you can read the hearts of each other.

When Liu Changfeng changed the combat instruction, he knew that the center is, where is it.

Yue ruthless is a little dumb, I really want to put the roots.

But at this time,

On the horizon, there was a burst of horseshoes.

"Come, so fast."

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