Technician’s Manual

Chapter 932: get together again

Vichy has forgotten how long ago it was the last time he walked with others.

She never thought that she would be dominated by a man, and she had to bear the humiliation to be a maid for several months, and she had the master of her soul.

I never thought that she lived like a mortal for a few months, no cultivation, no conspiracy, no intrigue, and spent every day molesting the master and the little sheep. Recently, there was an extra little hedgehog, and her life became more and more There is hope.

In order to protect this man, she tore up her rebirth plan and deduced the secret poison of hell, but she also let herself fall into the countdown of life, and even the soul box was meaningless, and returning to reality would only welcome the arrival of **** faster.

Also in order to protect this man, she does not run away in a hurry, but supports him to move forward with difficulty. During several times of living together and dying together, they have unknowingly established a deep bond.

\"As long as I die, everything will end naturally.\"

Yaxiu was startled when he heard this sentence, and turned his head to look at Weixi in disbelief, but saw Weixi approaching with a smile on his face, and lightly pecked the corner of his mouth.

\"Hey!?\"Axiu is confused, the witch is right next to you, are you finding fault on purpose?\"Ah!?\"Di Ya is confused, I am right next to you, are you finding fault on purpose?

Vichy smiled sweetly: \"But if the master doesn't want to protect me because he has a good impression of me, then the maid can only be obedient.\"

That's right, she and Ah Xiu have indeed established a deep least from Ah Xiu's perspective!

In the past three months, she has already figured out what Yaxiu is like. He has a strong sense of responsibility, love and righteousness, and can't be cruel. It's not that Vichy is not interested in him, and she also wants to accept him as a servant under her skirt, but after her long life In life, Ah Xiu is at best an adjustment in life, and feelings are just an entertainment game for her when she is resting.

Vichy's goal in life has only one goal from the beginning to the end - surpassing everything and reaching the top! Ghost Prophet sacrificed herself for Yaxiu? What kind of pillow can I use to sleep such a dream? For this goal, she can use everything, including Yaxiu. Cultivate the bond with her!

Yaxiu also immediately understood that Vichy was arousing his sense of responsibility, and he was angry and funny: \"Can't you just obediently go to die yourself for the sake of the master!?\"

Vichy shook his head, and said earnestly: "They insist on getting rid of me, just because I can **** the angel's legacy, maybe even the biggest one, so as long as I get through this catastrophe, I can get extremely rich in return. So as long as you protect me, master, I will never forget your great kindness.\"

\"You won't forget my great lack and great virtue.\" Yaxiu sneered and said: \"If you can break free from the chain, you may not take revenge on us at the first time.\"

\"Master, you have to believe in the bond between us!\" Vichy said sincerely: \"I promise not to take revenge on anyone around you!\"

The corner of Yaxiu's mouth twitched: \"You didn't mention a word about my fate, did you?\"

Vichy avoided talking about it:\"All in all, this may be my closest opportunity to the highest, and I will never give up. If you choose to help me, master, then you may plunder the angelic heritage from me; even if you don't want to Take risks, at least let me leave alone, and give me a chance to fight to the death, so that you may still plunder my angel heritage!\"

Asiu quietly stared at his maid, feeling a little helpless in his heart. Among the people he had ever met, Vichy possessed the most blazing ambition and the most steadfast will. It was simply that life could not surpass the kingdom of heaven, and death would surely surpass hell. hero.

Although it is possible for him to plunder Vichy's booty, he may not be able to - Vichy is betting on this possibility - but this is not the point, the point is, is he really going to bet his life for Vichy?

Desperate for the ghost prophet, it sounds too stupid, almost on the same level as "vouching for a fraudster" \\ "being a neighbor with a necromancer".

Not to mention that Vichy still harbors ulterior motives, deliberately plays the emotional card, and refuses to take the initiative to die... But...

Yaxiu motioned them not to help them, and turned to look at Deya. Deya reached out and wiped the corner of his mouth, staring at him, pouted as if wanting to bite someone.

Seeing this scene, he didn't even bother to ask \'witch, do you want to run away alone\', or the witch would bite him angrily.

\"Witch, let's run away if the situation is not good.\" Yaxiu said: \"Vichy, remember your promise just now.\"

Vichy was taken aback, then smiled and said: \"I promise, all my anger and desire will only be vented to you, my master.\"

\"I'm glad you showed your attitude, now...\"\"It's time to tell the devil about our attitude.\"Boom!

The three of Axiu moved forward in time, first saw a battle ax hit their position heavily, and then saw an orange-haired figure running wildly along the wall of the building, the law of gravity seemed to have lost its effect on him!

\"Borrow an axe!\"

With a long roar, Lebai jumped directly onto the handle of the battle-axe and stomped heavily, grabbed the battle-axe and threw it at the backs of Yaxiu and the others, then jumped onto the battle-axe and flew over!

Vichy hit the battle ax with a steel pipe, and Yaxiu and Diya turned around to attack Lebai in the air. But with a flash of fists with symphonic phalanges, Lebai flipped in front of Yaxiu and the others, aiming at Vichy with a blast Rage's Strike!

At the same time, Yinzhi's death knell sounded again, covering the positions of Yaxiu and Diya, and Yaxiu had to block the bullets of the two with all his heart - unless it was a flash of a fist, Diya's hands would not be able to block it Hold the bullet!

At this time, Long Yuan also caught up, and Di Ya swept Le Bad down to create a gap for Vichy, and the three hurriedly fled along the road.

Back, back, back!

They can only escape on the street. If they escape indoors, the building will be destroyed by Long Yuan, and they will not be able to escape at that time!

\"Yinzhi!\" Long Yuan shouted angrily.

\"Understood!\" Yinzhi aimed at the backs of the three people, and when Long Yuan threw out the double axes, the sound of her guns rang out.

Yaxiu and Vichy can block Yinzhi's bullets, but at the moment when the bullets and weapons symphony, Longyuan's twin axes have already struck silently.

Fist flash!

Diya could only slap one tomahawk away with all her strength, but facing the other tomahawk, they had to stop and dodge!

Lebai fell quietly like a shadow, and his soft and slender hands bent out cruel curves, grabbing Vichy's head like a torture tool.

The sound of gunshots was endless, and Yaxiu had to concentrate on parrying the bullets. Diya and Vichy faced Lebai, and the latter easily parried again, turning over and falling in front of them.


With the sound of a big earthquake, Long Yuan, who caught the double axes, jumped down, and the axes fell like a guillotine!

Surrounded by bullets, there is Lebai in front, and Longyuan in the back, and the three of them are once again in a deadlock!

Without hesitation, Yaxiu threw the long sword out, but Le Huai grabbed the blade just as he let it go.

\"Don't litter.\" Lebai said with a smile.

They have already seen Yaxiu use this trick to move Miracle to escape once, how could they give Yaxiu a second chance to escape?

In the nick of time, it was as if a drop of ink fell beside Yaxiu, and the ink marks splashed radially, scattering the space!

Miracle Heart Pen Splash!

Le Huai and Long Yuan, who were close at hand, did not panic. A flash of fist and a flash of ax abruptly deflected the direction of the ink mark. After a second, these miracles were purified by the mysterious chain. But this move also exploded the street. The fire hydrant next to them was blocked by ink stains, they thought the splashing torrent was an attack, so they quickly dodged, giving Ashura and the others time to escape.

But Ash broke the last empty wing, and the severe soul pain that surpassed the trigeminal neuralgia almost made it difficult for him to move, so he had to hold on to the witch's hand tightly.

He squeezed out a few words from the corner of his mouth: \"Witch...\"

Deya pursed her lips and looked up at Vichy, who immediately said: \"Let's part here.\"

They were running to a crossroads, Deya nodded and pulled Ash to the right, and Vichy fled to the left alone.

But at this moment, the tomahawk pierced through the buildings on both sides to form road ruins, and the bullets from all directions blocked all their escape routes. Di Ya's hands could not resist the bullets, and Ashius almost bit his lip to clear his mind before barely blocking the bullets.

\"Yinzhi!\" Diya shouted angrily.

\"Sorry, they want to ask the viewers some questions.\" Yinzhi said: \"Although I am not very interested, if I am here, I can guarantee your safety. If you let them come, they may not let you go.\ "

At this time, Weixi was already entangled by Lebai, and she couldn't match Lebai herself. Lebai was so entangled with her that she couldn't even shake her off. Longyuan had already caught up, and he first used a round ax to oppress Weixi's maneuvering space, Then form a pincer attack with Lebai!


Vichy blocked Lebai, Yaxiu blocked Longyeon, Diya took the opportunity to grab Yongyeon's ax and threw it far away.

\"You gave up the last way of life.\" Long Yuan said coldly.

\"There is no so-called way of life from the very beginning.\" Yaxiu gasped, his body trembling slightly:\"I will not answer any of your questions.\"

\"Correct attitude.\"

Long Yuan held up the battle axe, Lebai sighed, Yinzhi's bullets surrounded him from behind.

Yaxiu's mind is as ethereal as a lake, the witch's hair is colorful and frantic, and Vichy's eyes are full of unwillingness and ambition! A flash of a sword! A flash of a fist!

Gun flash!

The ultimate skill meets the ultimate skill, the supernatural power that is very close to the miracle blooms the brightest color!

It was the first time they had a head-to-head confrontation with the demons! It was the only time. Boom! When the demons attacked for the second time, the magicians could no longer burst out with divine power.

Yaxiu hugged Diya who was knocked into the air, and crashed into the flower shop facing the street together with Vichy. Longyeon immediately used a battle ax to knock down the load-bearing column, and the whole building collapsed!

When they struggled out of the rubble, Longyuan\\Lebai\\Yinzhi had already surrounded him. With his back against the ruined wall of the flower shop, Yaxiu, who was full of scars, let out a deep breath: \"I'm so tired.\"

Xu Yi was broken, and after so many flashes of the sword, Yaxiu was so tired that his whole body seemed to be filled with lead, wishing to die suddenly on the spot.

\"Go back and give you a massage.\"Vichy breathes shallow and fast:\"But I have to wait until I finish my rest.\"\"No.\" Diya said,\"Viewer, let me come.\"

The witch's empty wings are unscathed, and she still has four chances to make a move, at least able to resist the devil's four attacks. However, Ashura shook his head, \"I can still try my best.\"

\"It should be soon, they said that time is running out, as long as we persist until then-\" Long Yuan shook his head: \"A magician should believe in miracles, but a magician cannot rely on miracles.\"

\"Otherwise, one day,\"he raised his battle ax high, forming a pincer attack with Lebai,\"the miracle will abandon you.\"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Yaxiu raised his mind, but found that at this moment, the roar of the bullets, the whistling of the axe, and the sliding of slippers, all the sounds weaved into a sound network. If they were placed just now, they would never be affected, but They are now mentally and mentally exhausted, seriously injured and weak, this sound network is enough to temporarily disconnect their consciousness from their bodies.

The demons have long realized that the witch still has the power to resist, and they deliberately launched an attack at this time. Now the three of them have become lambs to be slaughtered!

Demons don't need miracles, demons will create miracles themselves!

Yaxiu couldn't even move, he just watched the tomahawk fall, and then a blood red came into view—dang!

The elegant blade blocked the brutal battle axe, Long Yuan's face showed a look of astonishment, Le Bad's figure froze when he turned around with his hands in his pockets.

Vichy was taken aback. Deya pursed her lips.

Yaxiu stared blankly at the red-haired figure standing in front of him, his whole body relaxed involuntarily, leaning against the wall softly, with a smile unconsciously showing between his brows and eyes.

Miracle may abandon him, but Sword Fairy will not.

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