Technician’s Manual

Chapter 937: Silver Hongqiao

more than two thousand years ago.

In Yuanyuan's deep dream treasure house, a green spot of light suddenly appeared. The spot of light quickly split and multiplied until it formed the exquisite body of a girl.

She is petite, with bare feet and bare shoulders, green eyes, messy grass-blue long hair reaching her waist, she looks like a little witch in an ancient forest.

\"Finally came in...\" Mr. Sen Luo Zhan wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, \"The threshold here is too high, besides me, maybe only the former nightmare angels can find this place?\"

\"It seems that raising the dream kingdom is only the first step of the nightmare angel. His ambition is really not small... However, only a sorcerer whose ambition is so huge that he can deceive his mind will covet the dream kingdom. The dream kingdom was born from the void It has existed until now, but no **** master has dared to think about the dream kingdom of heaven in tens of millions of years. If you think about it a little, you should know how hot this thing is.\"

Master Senluo Zhan looked at the collections all over the sky, and he knew the mechanism of operation here as soon as he turned his thoughts. She stretched out her hand to touch a collection bubble, but the latter took the initiative to avoid her and flew away.

She blinked her eyes, her brows and eyes became curious, and she turned into a stream of light and rushed over, the collection bubbles disappeared wherever she went, and she was not allowed to touch it.

\"Stingy ghost.\"She was angry and funny:\"I finally got in, and you refused to give me even a little reward!\"

The treasure house in the dream is dark and deep, and thousands of collections float quietly.

\"It's too wasteful for you to do this...Dreams are the spiritual power that accompanies the birth of civilization, and the resources of dreams will only become larger and larger as time goes on, but you hide them all to perfect these spells, and even one percent of them are useless After that, all other resources can only be left to go moldy... Resources will not give birth to babies!\"

\"The dream faction does not even have a natural god, and you have blocked it too thoroughly. Even taking me to learn the dream faction has to start from scratch. Killing the dream faction by yourself is only possible for you.\ "

Thinking of this, Master Sen Luo Zhan couldn't help being a little bit at a loss: \"But why did you do this...\"

The magician who has a little understanding of the source angel and the remote space will think that the behavior of the source angel is a natural phenomenon, which is the same as the sun\\moon\\stars. But when the magician has a little deeper understanding, for example God Lords, you will realize that the source angels do have self-will.

Then this is very strange, the source angel can obviously ignore the third layer of the virtual realm, the third layer of the virtual realm itself will evolve through the dream kingdom, but it insists on dreaming a distant airspace, the only result of doing so is to prevent the development of the dream faction , blocking the wheel of history for thousands of years.

At this time, a collection bubble floated in front of her. She took a closer look and saw that it was the colorful collection "Billions of Glorious Hands".

\"Four-Pillar God? Do you think the dream faction will make the Four-Pillar God flood?\" Master Sen Luozhan suddenly realized: \"Yes, the Four-Pillar God can only interfere with reality through the sense of touch, but if there is a better medium of dreams, Their will can reach mortals directly...\"

\"Well... makes sense.\" She nodded, looked at the collections all over the sky and said: \"I originally wanted to dig a loophole so that my country could be the place where the dream faction broke out. But if this is the case, the dream faction is still Save it for now.\"

\"However, the kingdom I conceived really needs the power of dreams. And it's too wasteful for you to idle dream resources like this. Obviously, only a few seeds are needed to create the gods of the dream faction.\" Master Sen Luozhan rolled his eyes:\ "How about this, as a reward for not smashing your treasure house, you open the dream treasure house to my dream kingdom, and let me borrow the power of dreams. Occasionally, I will send you a few **** seeds to help you consume dream resources and achieve How about a win-win? Is it a good idea?\"

The collection bubbles froze for a moment. What kind of win-win is this? Did you win twice?

\"If you don't object, I will take it as your agreement.\" Master Sen Luozhan waved his small hand, \"You have to think better, from now on, you don't need to dream alone, and I will accompany you deep sleep.\"

\"I have to leave, or the weaver master will find me.\" Her figure gradually dissipated:\"Goodbye, Yuan Angel, see you next time...\"

\"It should be your death date.\"*

Fourteen hundred years ago, a pale soul suddenly emerged from the depths of the darkness. After a moment of silence, a gust of wind blew from the treasure house in the dream, and countless collections gathered in the pale soul. A handsome young man in a white top hat came out of the windbreaker.

The birth of the **** of thorns and jealousy.

Seven hundred years ago, another red soul floated out from the depths of the darkness. After reconstruction of the collection, a girl with red hair and cat ears jumped out of it.

Zhishu Fire God was born.

Three hundred and fifty years ago, a blue soul flew out from the depths of the darkness. After the reconstruction of the collection, a long-legged royal lady with blue hair and white feathers emerged from it.

A wish-fulfilling **** was born. Three months ago, the silver soul floated into the treasury from the depths of darkness.

At that time, the treasure house in the dream set off a storm of collections far exceeding the previous three times. The collections were shattered into the purest colors, and the darkness was filled with gorgeous rainbow flowers. They were like a grand greeting and a gorgeous farewell .

Then, a little girl with five silver tails came out of the silver light. She held a silver lamp in her hand, with long blue hair, a white bonnet, a dark red shawl, a platinum priest robe, and long black long hair in her hands. Gloves and round glasses.

The **** of the silver lamp was born. Since then, Sen Luo's dreamland has fallen into darkness...

...\"Xiao Zhan's backhand!? Impossible, she is dead!\"

Yinzhi shook his head violently: \"I can't make a judgment at most, and it is impossible to make a wrong judgment! Unless the realm of the prophecy faction surpasses me, it is impossible to interfere with my judgment!\"

\"Just a little accident.\" She took a deep breath, \"Anyway, Xiao Zhan is gone.\"

In the eyes of God Lord, it has long been no secret that the Senluo Kingdom is a dream kingdom. As for the dream world secret domains in the Void Realm, the most famous ones are obviously the remote space and the dream kingdom. More precisely, it is the dream of the source angel. .

It's just that what Yinzhi didn't expect was that Lord Senluo Zhan even secretly excavated the treasure house in his dream.

If Sen Luo Zhan Lord is still there, she must have the means to interfere with the treasure house in the dream, and no one can **** her. But the problem is, she has already fallen.

Even if she left behind all kinds of means, as long as she can't activate them, it doesn't matter. As for whether she will have a successor... Her injuries that cannot be healed, her divine civil strife, and even Senluo Kingdom's two-hundred-year-long abolition In the soil era, everyone contributed a lot.

Even if she has an heir, it's too late to attend the feast.

Yinzhi calmed down and carefully perceived the current competition for the treasure house in the dream.

After she plundered more than a hundred collections, she established a more stable connection with the treasure house in her dream. Not only can she know how much authority she has obtained, but she can also faintly detect other people's competition.

She has plundered 2,000 collections so far, and she has obtained about 2% of the treasure house in the dream. Of course, this does not mean that the treasure house in the dream has only 100,000 collections. The 2,000 collections probably only occupy one ten-thousandth to one-thousandth of the treasure house in the dream. one.

But the problem is that the dream treasure house is on the verge of collapse.

The real load-bearing pillar of the treasure house in the dream is the source angel. Now that the source angel is gone, it only temporarily relies on the huge collection to temporarily maintain the dream. .Now that someone is willing to be its load-bearing pillar, it will naturally rush to hand over the authority, so that the demons will bear more pressure.

The ratio of the number of collections obtained to the authority of the dream treasure house is not a linear relationship, but an exponential relationship. The later it is, the easier it is for her to obtain more authority. According to Yinzhi's estimation, 2000 copies can only obtain 2% of the authority, but 10000 copies may You can get 100% access.

However, it is impossible for her to obtain 100% authority.

Yinzhi clearly perceives that besides her, there are four other people whose collections exceed the 1,000 mark, and their permissions are about 1.6%\\1.4%\\1.35% and 1.01%.

The first three are probably other demons, and the last one with the least authority is obviously the Ghost Prophet.

However, this should also be the limit of the Ghost Prophet.

Ghost Prophet can obtain more than 1000 collections, which has far exceeded Yinzhi's expectation. She thought that the upper limit of this old demigod should be several hundred collections.

But for the next main meal, only demons like them are destined to enjoy... huh?

At this time, Yinzhi suddenly noticed that there was a sixth competitor who obtained more than 1% of the authority.

She was a little confused. The four demons, together with the Ghost Prophet, add up to only five people. Even if the others have a way to burst the bubble quickly, their willpower cannot withstand the huge torrent of knowledge. They can only step into the realm of God Only a great soul can get a hand in this angelic legacy.

Who else is down?

But Yinzhi didn't care too much, because no one can compete with her. Her 2% authority progress is ahead of everyone, and because of the exponential growth, her advantage will only get bigger and bigger, and it is even possible to get more than 50 % authority. Others who are one step behind her can only share the remaining 50%.

But at this moment, she saw that the silver light originating from the other side of the darkness became clearer and clearer, like a silver bridge running through the long darkness. The treasure house in the dream instantly turns into a beautiful world of silver bubbles.

The ominous premonition in Yinzhi's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Because she saw, at the other end of the bridge of silver light, a pure white light and shadow appeared.

When the pure white light and shadow stepped onto the silver rainbow bridge, the silver-white light spread from the frost like a spider web to capture the nearby collection bubbles, completely silvering and absorbing the collection bubbles at an astonishing speed!

Yinzhi watched as Pure White Light and Shadow absorbed more than 1,000 collections, and soon exceeded her 2% authority progress, and the absorption speed did not stop at all!

Even if you are an acquaintance, you have to rest for a while before you can continue to absorb the collection!

At this time, it doesn't matter who the sixth competitor is, because if this continues, they will all have to eat the leftovers, and the treasure house of the dream will be wiped out by this lucky one favored by the silver light!

Without any hesitation, Yinzhi flew directly to the silver bridge. She wanted to try to see if she could walk on the silver bridge, and if she couldn't do it, she had to get the information of the pure white light and shadow, and see who dared to **** food from the mouths of the demons!

There are many people who think the same as her, and the light group flew towards the silver bridge, but as they approached, the silver light became more and more intense, and they all felt that their consciousness melted away, and they had to stop outside the silver bridge, Watching the pure white light and shadow walk towards the other side step by step, I am as humble as a minion.

The power of the gods! This silver light comes from the gods!

Moreover, Yinzhi can tell that the silver light contains the power of truth and dreams. This may be why the silver light can help break thousands of bubbles and help the pure white light and shadow collapse the torrent of knowledge.

Sound is numb.

These demons all have to rely on themselves, but how can anyone rely on gods? This is the first time she has discovered that her backstage is not strong enough for others.

Why is there a **** in the treasure house in the dream, and why does the **** favor only one person? If it is the **** of Senluo's dream, but is the Senluo dream already a completely destroyed land of silence? Even if the **** can resist, there is no energy to persist !

And don't forget, no matter how many loopholes there are in this angel hunt, the death rule is that only mortals can enter. Except for the extremely rare case of the first gospel, mortals cannot control the gods, so Yinzhi is very sure, pure white light and shadow It is definitely not a master-servant relationship with the gods!

But if it is not a master-servant relationship, why would the gods show their brilliance for him?

In the state of not being enslaved, no matter how good the relationship between the gods and the magician is, they will only take the initiative to use 1% of their power to help the magician, because more than 1% of the power will consume the source of the gods, which is equivalent to suicide.

But this silver light **** is almost showing 100% power to help pure white light and shadow absorb the collection and disintegrate the torrent of knowledge, otherwise he would not be able to absorb it as easily as breathing!

What is the relationship that can make the gods give everything for mortals?

It was the first time that Yinzhi not only lost when he was well prepared, but also didn't even know where he lost.

\"Is he the God Lord?\" came the puzzled doubts of other magicians next to him. After seeing the miraculous event beyond comprehension, the magicians first reacted \'This should be a miracle created by the God Lord\',\"But Which God Lord?\"

\"It must be the Lord of the Blood Moon!\"\"Hey, it must be our Lord of Infinite Abyss!\"\"It must be the Lord of Music!\"

\"The Omniscient Weaver Lord is the answer!\"\"The Master of the Stars must be the only winner!\"

Yinzhi silently withdrew to continue absorbing the collection, and turned around to see several light clusters that were also rapidly bursting the bubble. They looked at each other and flew in different directions tacitly, searching separately.

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