Technician’s Manual

Chapter 948: soul heaven

Vichy was very satisfied with what she had gained, that is, she was a soul demigod who was able to accurately step on the line of will collapse, absorb more than 1,000 collections, and successfully incorporate 1.02% of the treasure house in her dream into her soul.

In heaven and earth, except for the few **** masters, no one can do better than her. And her adventures also brought rich rewards—in the souls of mortals, the prototype of the Temple of Heaven was built!

Although Vichy had introduced it before, Ash and the others were just mortals after all. They had never been demigods, and it was still difficult for them to understand the huge difference between the heights of the temple. They probably just regarded the temple as a concept of aptitude.

But under the development of the sorcerer, the meaning of the temple is extremely complicated. If the temple is slightly larger, it can pull out ten times or even a hundred times the generation difference.

The most fundamental reason is that Shuling can build a "spectacle" in the temple!

In the realm of mortals, no matter how complicated a miracle formula is, it is nothing more than a combination of more than a dozen magic spirits. It takes more than 72 hours to construct it, which is already a super-large-scale miracle.

But after stepping into the realm of the gods, each of the magic spells of the magician is often hundreds of thousands of magic spirits, and the construction time is a long project calculated in years.

But demimages naturally don't construct miraculous spells when they need to use them, but let the magicians build magnificent magical buildings in the temple at ordinary times, so they are called "spectacles"!

It is true that demigods can skillfully use dozens or even hundreds of miracles, but when demigods develop miracle technology, the miracle technology in the past is doomed to be discarded, and there is no miracle that can really determine the outcome between demigods!

If the temple is smaller, he can build fewer and smaller wonders, and vice versa, the larger the temple, the stronger it will be. The gap between upper rank, middle rank, lower rank, and celestial rank is like a village, town, city, or province. Every step back is a leap beyond imagination.

Before Vichy was reborn, it was too late to build a high-level temple in the mortal stage by slaughtering the sky, and spent

The lower temple was successfully obtained before the trial of hell.

You have never been in charge of any gods, but with the spectacle of souls built outside the lower temple, you can't even kill other demigods through sneak attacks! Now that you don't have the prototype of the heavenly temple, even if you can still control the gods, Vichy has no confidence Step into the ranks of the top demigods in hell!

But it is precisely because Vichy understands the meaning of the temple so little, so before you see Harvey's soul, this ambition that has been tempered for eight thousand years has never wavered, and you can't help feeling tired at that moment.

If Tian Yu is also a careerist, you may still be jealous, but when you think that Tian Yu can even fix men, you will feel tired, destroy it, and want to play.

You just don't have a province, but Harvey doesn't have a country!

There are not even eight countries like that!

A group of eight is just one layer!

Seeing Vichy's tired expression of "Why is his fat hair getting into the cabbage again?" Harvey scratched his head

: "Is he so sad? That is just the prototype of the kingdom of heaven, but you don't have a real kingdom of thousand wishes. He thinks you are a reserve of the **** master at this time. Why are you still so excited now?"

"At this time, you also feel that the Kingdom of Thousand Wishes falling out of his hands is a waste of heaven." Vichy sighed: "And his prototype of the Kingdom of Heaven is less valuable than the Kingdom of Thousand Wishes—even if there is no wishing pool outside the Heaven of Thousand Wishes.

Harvey is very convinced: "Is it so? To be a god, you only need to hold down the kingdom of heaven? Even if you are a little smaller, the wishing pool in the kingdom of thousand wishes is not good."

"You have no way to explain the value of the kingdom of heaven and the secret realm of the world to you." Vichy said, "Because you understand -- you have also been a **** before!"

"So you are talking about these extravagances, and you are only talking about one thing: his own heaven, he took it away without a son."

Everyone was stunned for a while, before Igola hesitated to say: "What he means is... the God Lord can't just take the Kingdom of Heaven with him?"

"It is limited to the original heaven born from outside your own soul, and the remaining heavens obtained through other ways, such as the kingdom of thousand wishes and the kingdom of dreams." Vichy said: "Have you actually seen the gods bring the kingdom of heaven?" Running around, but your inference is groundless-because the demigod can't take out the temple, and can't take it away at any time."

"The master temples before the death of the demigods cannot be inherited by other sorcerers, but the location of the temples cannot be moved. Outside hell, those master temples are often important resource points for all parties to compete for."

"As for the meaning of taking away the Son of Heaven at any time, you feel that those wandering magicians should be clear about it."

Harvey, of course we understand that we now have property in any country, is it because we want to hold production resources

Is it the source? It’s just that we come and buy it in time, and we can’t take it away after we buy it.

If there is a way to take away the kingdom of heaven, the divine lord must guard the kingdom of heaven with all his heart, and he can only defend the kingdom of heaven in the face of the attacks of the internal enemies.

But if the kingdom of heaven can't be taken away, the **** master can't just slip away if there is any disturbance, and he will be in a defeated position.

Even if the quality of the kingdom of heaven is exactly the same, the strategic advantages brought by the original kingdom of heaven have not completely crushed the legacy kingdom of heaven!

Vichy said: "Apart from the eight modern gods, there are only blood moons and stars. You have not raised the kingdom of heaven in your age. Of course, you are saying that the other seven still appeared in your era, but you may know We, or we changed our names before we became god-lords."

"Outside of your memory, Blood Moon and Stars are notoriously fierce. You once witnessed two demigods trying to use the legacy of heaven to become a God Lord, but they were both killed by Blood Moon and Stars."

"If the blood moon and starry heaven can move, the new God Lord has a reason to counterattack us. The only reason can only be that the new God Lord can find a target to fight back after being beaten, until he is completely defeated by us."

Feili murmured, "It's so scary."

"The eight little gods can't live in peace with a thousand young people. The only reason is that we are all born in heaven and don't have the same strategic advantages." Igola pondered: "But since he knows the danger of leaving the kingdom of heaven, why does he still get involved? Dreaming of heaven? He must also want to hold down the dreaming of heaven and become a god, right?」

Vichy said with a smile: "First of all, the kingdom of heaven in the dream is also a secret domain of the world. You cannot borrow power from outside, or even build wonders outside. Secondly..."

"Even if you know that you will be attacked by other gods before you lift up the kingdom of heaven, you have no choice."

You closed your eyelids, "Compared to staying in **** forever, you would rather die on the way to heaven."

"You are really afraid of death, because you can't do less and less things if you live. But you must live to follow the tide

Zhuliu has come to a standstill since then, it's no different from the buried corpse"

"Don't respect the corpse." After drinking the last glass of wine, Ash said, "The corpse is also seriously retreating into the small natural cycle, and it will stagnate... Harvey, I will give you the Holy Grail of Discoloration.

Before a brief silence, Harvey suddenly said: "Do they think your eight-level soul distribution is more boring?"

"Isn't it imitating the void?" Vichy raised his eyebrows: "Under the sea is fish, under the fish there are cows, under the cows is the ruby ​​mountain, under the ruby ​​mountain is hell, under **** is the small earth, under the small earth is heaven ...And because he has seen **** and heaven, both **** and heaven have been completely formed, so there is nothing to discuss except that his imagination is weak? Did he really conceive it at all?"

Tian Yu blinked, I vaguely remembered that when the embryonic form of the kingdom of heaven was born, I seemed to have consulted my advice, but I was too busy seeing the silver lamp, so I didn't care about the changes outside the soul.

Ash took out a metal bottle and poured it out of the Holy Grail, and asked while drinking: "Why is there a remote space?"

Tian Yugong guessed: "Because Harvey knew the physical location of the remote airspace in the Void, and I witnessed the collapse of the remote airspace and saw the new eighth floor of the Void, so I deleted it directly."

"Master, he probably thinks that the prototype of his kingdom of heaven is similar to the real world, so he feels that he can't reshape the world and recreate reality instead of the virtual world?" Vichy's lips curled up slightly: "Does he think that there is no way to reach my heaven?" Where do you go? The kingdom of heaven is designed by the gods themselves, even if they want to restore the virtual world 100%, it’s okay, but it’s just that there is no meaning other than fun.”

Harvey blushed, I really thought so,

"Sooner or later, the prototype of his kingdom of heaven will change. For example, in order to build a wonder, it is practical to merge several floors and divide it into eight floors." Vichy was jealous as he spoke, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You have nothing to lose." The embryonic form of the kingdom of heaven..."

"He actually doesn't have the chance to take charge of such a small kingdom of heaven," Tian Yu said leisurely, "When you become a **** master, he can't be your servant or your angel. It's okay to entrust your kingdom of heaven to him..."

Vichy stared straight at Harvey with an expression on his face: "You should be his servant, why are you not a big fool who can only call his master?"

Asiu asked while drinking: "So Tian Yu has no son to pass the **** trial now?"

Harvey patted himself on the head. I was only thinking about the distant future of the God of Heaven, and I forgot that we still have urgent problems to solve.

"My soul can never endure the first level of **** alone." If Vichy said, "As for whether I can withstand the other seven levels of **** with my empty wings, it depends on my own ability."

As soon as these words came out, Igola and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from **** trials, the most dangerous and most stable factor is not that the magician himself can independently create new gods to endure the seventh level of hell. Now Harvey cannot endure the first level of **** alone, at most he can solve the smallest problem.

More importantly, as long as Harvey creates new gods, no demigod ghouls will risk attacking me!

"Great Harvey!" Felly grabbed Harvey's hand tightly, "He's finally in danger!

"Actually, there is more, after all, it is not difficult to endure the seventh level of hell." Harvey said quietly: "It has passed, at most it has not retreated a bit. Vichy, his soul can withstand the first level of **** without a child, right?"

"You can pass the trial of **** at any time." Vichy said lazily, "but you will still stay. It is to fight for the last angel inheritance, but because you are the master's servant, you will definitely leave Master."

In a certain sense, Vichy did make a mistake - on the seventh day of being infected with the secret poison of hell, Igola reminded Harvey to give Vichy a new order, requiring Vichy to recover to the seventh Void Wing. You must contact Tian Yu, and then hurry up to break your wings.

Harvey blocked the channel for you to escape through the **** trial early in the morning.

"That's up to you." Harvey said, "The goal of this follow-up is not to weaken the background of Igola and Ashura as much as possible, but to win the angelic heritage for us, and..."

"Save the kingdom of the stars."

As soon as this remark came only Igola and Harvey looked calm, with expressions that had been expected; Rose didn't care, and continued to massage Ash's palm; Lianiya also raised her head abruptly, staring straight at Yaxiu, as if she wanted to see traces of Yaxiu lying.

"I'm actually very glad that you finally know how to use words to win over Fei Li and Niya. I can assure you that they won't be unwilling if you want to be slept with."

Vichy's expression calmed down, and he said coldly, "But I'm also worried, you're not serious, are you?"

"Not only am I serious, but I already have a direction." Ash said, "If the kingdom of the stars is destined to be destroyed, wouldn't it be good if we moved the people of the stars to a safe country in advance?"

He pointed to himself with his thumb: "And now, I happen to have a vast soul heaven."

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