Technician’s Manual

Chapter 951: Ordinary without miracles

"Drink wins!"

In the starry country, in the secret garden of Jianhua University, four female college students are clinking glasses, attracting the frequent glances of nearby students. But that's all, no one would disturb the mood of the strongest young generation in Jialeshi so blindly.

"I'm treating you today!" Adele said proudly, "Give everyone a round of wine, and the magician will pay for it!"

The other students smiled and congratulated, and Lois said angrily, "Those who don't know think you have become a legend."

"But I became a magician in the second grade, and I am at the top of the entire water science department!" Adele said proudly: "Now I only need to spend six years to complete the credits to graduate!"

Lois poked her forehead: "Give me four years to graduate!"

Ingrid took a sip of the classic iced tea and said with a smile: "Now everyone in our dormitory is a magician."

In late December, Adele successfully resonated with the Void Realm to summon the hydrotherapy magic spirit, and their dormitory became the first elite dormitory for all magicians in the second grade.

You must know that the vast majority of Jianhua University students become magicians in the fourth grade, and being a magician in the third grade is considered excellent. Being able to become a magician in the second year is not bad even in the University of Truth.

Sonia smiled and said: "I thought that sooner or later, Adele, you would summon the 'movie critic art spirit' because you watched too many dramas. I didn't expect you to practice water art secretly."

"I didn't sneak around!" Adele muttered, "Ingrid practiced swordsmanship all day, Roy was also busy practicing, and you were not in the dormitory all day. I didn't even have anyone to share with me when I watched the drama, so I had to reluctantly go." I've been studying for a while...I've been studying for several months!"

Claw Claw Sword Master blinked, "It's so rare, then will you continue to study?"

"Ah? Why do you want to continue studying?" Adele raised her eyebrows: "I have successfully completed my mission in life, and I can firmly inherit my father's title. From now on, I just need to wait until I get married after graduation and enjoy life!"

Lois clicked her tongue, "I knew it."

Regardless of whether it is a noble of the imperial palace or a noble of the near palace, the title can be inherited directly, but the basic requirement is that the successor must be a magician, otherwise it will be directly deprived. Adele's father is only her one daughter. If Adele fails to become a magician, the title cannot be inherited. What's more important is that an extremely high inheritance tax will be collected. If there is an estate linked to the title, it will be directly nationalized. (For example, companies and factories with more than 100 employees need titles) - "Letter" and "property" will never be handed over to the incompetent.

Adele has to become a magician no matter what, even if she wants to have a worry-free life for the rest of her life.

Conversely, now that she has become a sorcerer, she can live carefree for the rest of her life just relying on inheritance, and now she is willing to graduate from Jianhua University, which is considered quite self-motivated.

"But you have seen the wonders of the sea of ​​knowledge, don't you want to see the scenery at a higher place?" Ingrid is full of longing: "The Time Continent of countercurrent golden rain, the remote airspace of dreamy bubbles, and the Ruby Mountain, the sacred place of magicians... "

"The remote airspace has been destroyed." Sonia said: "Now the new third floor of the void seems to be called the 'dream ladder,'"

"But those are so far away. Not only do you have to sail thousands of miles in the sea of ​​knowledge, but you also have to break through to the gold level in magic." Adele shook the ice cubes in the wine glass and shook her head: "And the scenery is not as good as movies and TV shows. Just watching the show is enough."

"But you can become stronger."

"So what if it becomes stronger?"

"Be strong and you can live the life you want."

"But I can already live the life I like now." Adele tilted her head: "After getting married, I drink afternoon tea and go shopping, raise cats and dogs, and watch dramas every day. I have become stronger and have no impact on my life. Affected, but now I can treat minor injuries and pains by myself, yay!"

Lois said: "You can change to a better partner when you become stronger."

"No, if I'm not used to it, he will be sad too." Adele stood up at this moment, turned around, and said with a smile: "He picked out this suit when I went shopping with him yesterday, and it looks better than mine! "

"I rarely say anything about other people's lifestyles." Ingrid said: "But Adele, don't you think it is better to have more power to control your own life than to rely on others?"

"It will be better, but also

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will work harder. Adele spread her hands: "I don't want to leave my comfort zone." And isn't today a reception to celebrate my becoming a magician, why are you criticizing me!"

Lois: "We just want you to be happy."

"Actually, maybe Adele will become the happiest person among us." Sonia said with a smile: "Don't envy, don't follow blindly, recognize what you want and be able to grasp it...Adele does have skills teacher's wisdom."

"Look, look." Adele looked as if she had found her backer, "This is the gap between you and sanctuary magicians!"

"But two-winged artisans can graduate directly without taking exams, and you will have to study for credits anyway, so wouldn't it be the same if you spend your study time on studying techniques?" You will forget it after you try it, spells have at least a longer shelf life, even if you don’t use them, wouldn’t it be better to choose an investment product with a longer shelf life?”

Seeing Adele lost in thought, the village girl blinked at the other two, Lois and Ingulite had to lament that there was a gap between them and Jianhua—told Adele that the future is as good as chicken and duck , only credits and exemptions can affect Adele's heart.

"What is the trend of your wrist accessories?" Sonia asked curiously, "How do you fit together?"

"This is the latest rune watch. We bought it when we saw it when we were shopping." Adele turned the watch, and the runes on the watch suddenly lit up: "After turning the watch, the text will light up to tell us the time, yes Isn't it pretty?"

"But can't you tell the time with a miracle bracelet?"

"If you are surrounded by miracles, isn't this kind of ordinary without miracles particularly precious?"

Sonia was startled, then nodded immediately: "It makes sense, I'll buy one if I have By the way, I have a gift for you."

Claw Claw Sword Master took out three knowledge weapon spirits, "See if you like it."

The three of them took the knowledge tool spirit and received the message inside, "Miracle spell?"

"They are all miracles that you should use." Sonia said: "As for the magic spirit, you have to buy it yourself. The amount of gifts I prepared for you is only enough to buy miracle magic formulas. If there is more, I will feel bad for my wallet. gone."

Adele scratched her head: "It's very troublesome to master the spirit."

"At this time, just say thank you obediently." Lois said angrily.

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