Technician’s Manual

Chapter 949: I believe in your ambition

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Migrate the Stars to Ash's Soul Kingdom?

Feili was heartbroken, "Really? Can Ash really save the house?"

Nia murmured: "I will live in it later..."

"Of course, in the country where you really live, there are no toilets, it's just a transfer station." Ash said, "When the kingdom of stars is destroyed and the Ruby Mountain is unblocked, the kingdom of the gospel will be transferred."

Igula's heart moved, and Harvey stopped drinking the cup directly, and said consciously: "Just use the method of Qianyuanguo to save Senluo's doom?"

"Yes, exactly the same." Ash said softly: "The second silver lamp failed, but once..."

"The same will fail."

Vichy folded his arms and said calmly, "Although the kingdom of the soul is said to be the prototype, it is only a prototype in the end. It can only live in the spirit of magic, and can't really be embodied in reality. In the past, I wished that the kingdom was fortified, but I can go to my own. Is the soul stuffed into even a hair?"

Ash was impatient, nodded slightly, looked at Vichy and said, "So you need help, Ghost Prophet."

"Do you know the honorable name you're calling?" Vichy sneered: "Think you can help?"

Ash smiled: "On the issue of the soul, there is no doubt about the authority of the whole world."

"Ah!" Fili nodded and hugged Vichy's arm: "Sister Vichy must know what to do!"

"It's pretty sweet." Vichy glanced at Fili, and suddenly laughed: "For the sheep's sake, I can help, anyway, there are interests involved. It is true that there is no miracle that Jianguo temporarily manifested, but there is no related magic- "

Duan Sheng immediately said: "The eighth envoy killed many magicians outside the hunt, and plundered many magic spirits, so I can gather them together."

"—But even if it can really manifest the soul kingdom, it's meaningless."

Wei Xi said faintly: "From lying to victory, it is all right."

"I can save the country with a thousand wishes, just because of some of the kingdom of Senluo". "

Vichy', word biting accent,

"But the one I want to save now is the "" of the kingdom of stars. "

Harvey opened his mouth, only to realize that he had missed the most crucial place - Feili.

It was only because Felicia was real, so real that Duansheng fundamentally regarded it as illusory, that Harvey forgot the shadow of the body, the mirror image outside the mirror.

Duan Sheng is afraid of stealing everything, but can he steal the mirror image from outside the mirror?

"As long as the kingdom of stars is destroyed, it will definitely live." Vichy opened a lollipop and bit it: "The mirror image can be separated from the mirror."

Phili understands the dialogue very well, but seeing Harvey's gloomy expression, she understands everything outside of her heart.

He squeezed next to Harvey, stretched out his hand and pressed his leg, and comforted: "I haven't had time yet, I can still find a way...Is that harvest, because I haven't been able to pass the trial of hell, should I celebrate?"

Niya hugged her legs and said loudly: "...Destroy it, destroy it, anyway, it depends on that world."

Harvey opened his mouth, and his expression was quite simple: "I was mocked by Igula several times just now, and I really want to say something... But do you really know who it is?"

"Know!" Philenia said in unison in unison, and Igula turned on the phone recording mode in seconds to record Harvey's confession.

"Yes?" Rose blinked.

"Of course." Harvey immediately walked down the steps, "and home."


Sheep Hedgehog pouted and looked at Duan Sheng resentfully. Harvey immediately changed the subject: "Isn't there anything Vichy can do?"

When Ben asked casually, who would have guessed that the valet nodded very if: "No!"

Harvey was startled: "What can I do?"

"Although I can use the Soul Kingdom to accept the stars, I can use the Soul Kingdom to explode the star screen, break the blockade of the Ruby Mountain, and let the source escape." Wei Xi said: "Only the source escapes, and the Master Fanxing will naturally stay in the crowd. Star country."

"Can Vichy do it?" The spirits of the crowd were lifted.

"It's definitely possible to form a set of soul magic words." Vichy said fiercely: "But the question - why help?"

Waiting for Igula to speak, he continued: "Then there needs to be a very complicated and detailed soul technique outside. If you definitely want to weaken the order, you should read the soul technique first. If the speed is slow, you should be able to read it for decades. ."

Feili pulled up her sleeves, and there was water mist outside her eyes: "Sister Vichy..."

"Other so-called, even willing to help, but that's okay, sheep." Wei Xi shook his finger: "Because I also hope that Yuanyao will die."

"When it dies, the way to the lowest will be found; when it dies, it will seize its inheritance."

"Harvey, you're willing to save the world. But you definitely want to stop climbing low peaks, so let's just try to see how far the chain can go."

"It is certain that the path to the lowest level must be slaughtered, and let the blood of the stars stain the stairs of the throne."

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed. It was obvious that Vichy was still under Harvey's control, but his aura was so repressed that he couldn't breathe.

Vichy has always been tame and well-behaved, so much so that when he shows his fangs, Jia realizes that he is still an ancient viper greedily trying to devour everything.

Igula stood up suddenly, without a hint of violence in his eyes: "Vichy Pavilion, have you forgotten the first virtual wing that Harvey can take away?"

"Remember that Harvey took all the proceeds from the eighth hunt." Vichy took the initiative to kneel on the carpet behind Duan Sheng and stretched out his hand: "Well, the first virtual wing that was taken away."

Harvey is not surprised: "Is it very close to the first virtual wing?"

"It's only what you can get." Vichy smiled sweetly: "But it will definitely be lost, I will rest assured."

"From the very end, you know that you will keep the proceeds of the eighth hunt. Even if you provoke the sword girl and the devil, you will find a reason for it, or find a reason to directly deprive you of the benefits, right?"

"Duan Sheng, only stupid, but stupid. How can you really make your wings full?"

"The degree of suppression can be suppressed, the power that can be used without limit, and the rules can be used to make fantasies obedient to get rewards. If you change places, you will do better."

Vichy lay on Harvey's leg and tilted his head to look at it: "I don't think it's time to use myself as a bait to seduce weak males to serve myself?"

Before Feili and the others dared to speak, Duan Shenglin watched with a stern expression, only Yaxiu was still drinking.

Harvey glanced at it, took the scales of the golden fish, and pressed it in the palm of his hand.

For a moment, Vichy's face turned pale, and he smiled: "When you got 80 feathers, did you really only take 80 feathers? Keep taking the rest, will you be obedient to the reward?"

"First, it's so stupid to imagine." Harvey said: "I only hope that the sword girl will be rewarded for provoking the devil. Compared to the sword girl and the devil quarrel, it's really a headache."

"Seventh, I wanted to find an opportunity to return the proceeds. For example, I would gradually return the 80 feathers for my help."

"Very good," Vichy said. "It's rewarding with something, but it's about getting the know-how of management."


Harvey sighed, "Vichy, do you know why you always feel that the world is full of conspiracies and calculations? Because you are always proud to be the enemy of the world."

"I never wanted to use the mechanism of reward and punishment to be weak, a thousand-year-old demigod, and only a seventy-year-old, how can I play it? Later, I also wanted to be able to soften my emotions, but I soon realized that I was not stupid- ―And think that the passionate demigods, on the contrary, have more surging emotions than the seated ones.”


Everyone was stunned, with an expression of disbelief, but there was no smile on Vichy's restrained face.

"How can someone who is warm-blooded like so cold-blooded charge towards their ideals, and how can someone who is affectionate fight for their goals so coldly?" Harvey said: "Knowing the beauty of the world, knowing how to please yourself, and enjoying life, the love for Fili is not false. , and the anger in the tone is also pretentious."

"How can a person who is indifferent to his feelings persist in his ideals for thousands of years? Vichy's weakest will is able to override his own ambitions over those he has no feelings for."

"There is no chain in that life that can be locked." Harvey stretched his finger to focus on Vichy's forehead, "Feelings, rules, dignity, everything is small."

"So, it will definitely help."

The corners of Vichy's mouth slanted, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh?"

"If the source is now dead, can he really compete with his god?" Harvey said: "But the source is fleeing, at most, he can fight for ten or even a hundred years, and he can take advantage of that period to develop. It is difficult to have confidence to achieve the rank of God Lord?”

"When you catch the source envoy again, you can really compete with the gods on the same stage."

"Certainly heavier—"

Harvey flicked Yiweixi's forehead: "Is it difficult to untie the ruby ​​chain in a hundred years?"

"I'm thinking of trying to win the envoy's inheritance, but I'm still being dominated, right?"

Vichy touched his forehead, "The Lord said it as if he knew this manservant very well."

"But the feelings of right, the credibility of doubt, even the chains of doubt." Harvey reached out his hand, "but doubted the ambitions of the ghost prophet."

Everyone dared to breathe, quietly waiting for the game between the two.

Wei Xi stared into Duan Sheng's eyes, and suddenly made a snort. He lay down on Harvey's legs and laughed, his shoulders trembling slightly, making Harvey scratch his head.

"I said so decisively just now, and it feels so embarrassing to regret it now."

Wei Xi was tired of laughing, wiped the tears from his eyes, and held Duan Sheng's hand with a smile: "But who is an idiot? As you wish, my lord."

"Okay!" Feili applauded vigorously and said bitterly, "Celebrate - is there no wine? Mr. Duan Sheng, what to drink? If it's good, let the family drink it together!"

Yaxiu thought about it, nodded, and poured a glass for the family.

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