Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1115: Lucky person

As one of the overlords of the central continent of the universe, the spacecraft snatched by the Zerg civilization possesses powerful abilities and can make space jumps. Only in this way can they find fresh food in a place as large as the central continent of the universe.

Chen Ying, who was making a space jump and leaving, found the other party closely following her, and suddenly exclaimed: "Damn it, I have encountered an advanced civilization, and I have the ability to jump in space."

Realizing that Chen Ying couldn't get rid of the opponent, she quickly thought of a way and tried to get rid of the opponent by turning and jumping in space.

"It's time to get rid of it now." Chen Ying murmured.

"Dididi~". Suddenly, the alarm sounded loudly, and the spacecraft intelligence reported: "The target appeared behind the spacecraft."

"Impossible, why can't I get rid of the other party". Chen Ying exclaimed.

In the Zerg spacecraft, the insect general sneered and said: "If you want to get rid of us, don't even think about it."

After chasing and fleeing, the two spaceships formed a tug-of-war. The Star Moon Kingdom spacecraft, which can absorb void energy from the hull formation, did not have the crisis of energy shortage, but the Zerg spacecraft was limited by energy, and its speed began to slow down.

Inside the Zerg spacecraft, the insect will furiously said: "I don't believe that I can't catch up, charge me up."

"Yes". The insect soldiers responded.

At the energy core of the Zerg spacecraft, a strange tube stood in the center. The insect soldiers opened the iron and non-iron lid. The humans in the prison were thrown into it one by one, and then they screamed loudly.


Inside the tube, the concentrated stomach acid corroded humans, the biological spacecraft was full and restored its power.

With a biological spaceship with sufficient energy, it bit tightly behind Chen Ying's spacecraft, and the insect will laugh and say: "You can't run away, obediently become my food."

Among the Xingyue Nation spacecraft, it was originally discovered that the opponent's spacecraft had slowed down, but not long afterward, it regained its strong power. Chen Ying said in despair, "Damn it, what's going on, is it really impossible to escape?"

Agitated, the child who was conceived for 9 months was born prematurely, the amniotic fluid split, and the severe pain made Chen Ying pale. Chen Ying, who was in danger, shouted: "Don't let the other party catch up, send a robot to deliver the baby for me." .

"Yes~". The spacecraft responds intelligently.

In the temporary delivery room, the robot that downloaded the medical information became a skilled doctor and delivered the baby to Chen Ying. However, Chen Ying, who was inexperienced, was unable to deliver a baby and was exhausting a lot of physical energy.

The robot urn shouted: "Inhale, exhale, squeeze hard~".

"Ah~~". Chen Ying squeezed hard, the pain disappeared, and then he fell short.

In the chasing battle, without Chen Ying's advice, the intelligent manpower in the Star Moon Kingdom spacecraft carried out primitive flight, flying forward, but in a straight line, the space jump formation pattern was not the opponent of the Zerg's space jump engine.

Chong Jiang gazed at the target that was getting closer and closer, and smiled grimly: "I'm finally catching up."

The distance between the two sides ranged from 10,000 kilometers, slowly approaching 1,000 kilometers and 500 kilometers. After that, the bow of the Zerg's biological spacecraft and the stern of the spacecraft that Chen Ying was riding were closely separated by a distance of 100 meters.

In the clinical delivery room, a premature baby was born, and the robot slapped the baby on the buttocks. A burst of crying sounded: "Wow~~".

Chen Ying, sweating profusely, took over her child and started breastfeeding. The baby who drank the first bite of milk exudes a hazy colorful light. Chen Ying was stunned and dumbfounded: "Evolved from birth. Super power."

"Eh~". The full baby murmured and fell asleep beautifully, the colorful light on his body stopped.

"The super power that emits colorful light, I have never seen it before, what can it be? Chen Ying thought to himself.

At the moment the colorful rays appeared, the vanity's fate changed. Originally, the probability of Chen Ying and Zhang Yu meeting was a few tenths percent, but it instantly became 100%. In the void zone, the Xingyu spacecraft appeared in Chen. In front of Ying spacecraft.

In the Zerg creature spacecraft, the insect general also found the Xingyu, and exclaimed: "There is another ship of food."

The Zerg spacecraft, which had caught up with Chen Ying's spacecraft, did not attack at the first time, but waited for the Xingyu spacecraft to approach before preparing to take the two spacecraft together.

In the Xingyu spacecraft, the missing Chen Ying has been found, but Zhang Yu muttered with a dull face: "Obviously, he has stopped absorbing energy. Why would you still find Chen Ying? This is impossible. Is it this time? It's really luck, but luck is too good."

Li Yu didn't care so much, and shouted: "Your Majesty, I found Chen Ying, let's pick her up soon",

Song Bao discouraged: "Wait a minute, behind Chen Ying's spaceship, there is a strange spaceship, which looks very bad."

After regaining his senses, Zhang Yu found a Zerg creature spacecraft from the spacecraft detection system. The hull was covered with bone spurs and hideous weird things. At first glance, there was a creepy feeling.

"Look in." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". Xingyu responded intelligently.

"Brother Yu, be careful." Song Bao reminded.

"I know". Zhang Yu nodded.

The Xingyu spacecraft approached Chen Ying’s spacecraft. The Zerg’s biological spacecraft immediately launched an attack. In order to capture the people in the spacecraft alive, the race’s biological spacecraft did not fire powerful naval guns, but launched strange insects. .

As long as the strange creature touches the spacecraft, it can corrode the armor, enter the spacecraft, and capture the food inside.

Zhang Yu, who had a **** for a long time, noticed the abnormal movement of the Zerg, and quickly ordered: "Little star, open the space shield."

"Yes". Xingyu responded intelligently and opened the space shield.

When the strange creature came into contact with the space shield, it released corrosive substances, but failed to corrode the space shield.

After blocking the attack, Zhang Yu ordered: "Launch the space cannon, I'm in return."

"Charging begins."

"Aim is over."

"Space Cannon Launch". Xingyu Smart reported.

"Kawiwiwi~". Once the space gun was launched, all the space in front of the naval gun was shattered and spread to the Zerg's biological spacecraft.

In the Zerg creature spacecraft, the piercing siren sounded loudly: "Danger~".

Insect changed his face and shouted: "Open the space shield."

"Beep, the space shield opens."

The space cannon and the space shield collided and canceled each other out.

Failing to destroy the enemy with a single blow, Zhang Yu's face became solemn, and he ordered: "It is actually a civilized spacecraft with space technology, Xiaoxing, let me continue firing space cannons. I will rescue Chen Ying first, and then join you." .

"Brother Yu, be careful." Song Bao worried.

"Your Majesty, please, if there is any danger, please give up Chen Ying, you can't do anything, or I will be a sinner in the Star-Moon Kingdom." Li Yu used a lot of courage and said with red eyes.

Zhang Yu, who turned his head, smiled and said, "I will bring people together and bring them back safely."

Zhang Yu, who said the guarantee, left the spacecraft from the end of the Xingyu spacecraft, and came to space alone. There is a small universe in his body. There is no need to worry about oxygen. Even the rays in space will Be absorbed.

Zhang Yu, who borrowed the power of the small universe, tore open the space with his hands and jumped to the outside of Chen Ying’s spacecraft. All the spacecraft produced by Xingyue Kingdom had a back door. Zhang Yu only used a smart wristband to take over Chen. Ying's spacecraft.

Pressing the operation button, Zhang Yu opened the door of the spacecraft, walked in and shouted: "Chen Ying, where are you?"

In the temporary delivery room inside the spacecraft, Zhang Yu's inaudible voice came here, and Chen Ying did not dare to say: "Impossible, how come I seem to hear someone calling my name, but it's impossible."

After a pause, Chen Ying asked the robot and said, "Did you hear that?"

"No". The robot shook his head.

The evolutionary's ears are stronger than robots. Chen Ying took the child and walked out of the delivery room, and met Zhang Yu who came into the corridor from the cabin, and Chen Ying suddenly dared not say: "Your Majesty, it's you~".

"It's me, come with me, there will be a fight later." Zhang Yu said hurriedly.

"Oh~". In front of Zhang Yu, Chen Ying had no opinion at all, and responded blankly.

Zhang Yu, who put Chen Ying and the child into the small universe inside his body, gave up the spacecraft in order not to attract the attention of the enemy. After walking out of the spacecraft, he tore the space again and came next to the Xingyu spacecraft.

In places where Zhang Yu's perception was unclear, Zhang Yu couldn't tear open the space to get there. There were array patterns on the spacecraft, which obscured the perception ability, so Zhang Yu could only approach first and open the Xingyu cabin door to enter.

At the same time, the Xingyu spacecraft and the Zerg's biological spacecraft were shooting space cannons in the void. The strength of both sides was equal, and no one could do anything. The situation was deadlocked.

In the control room of the Xingyu spacecraft, Li Yu, who saw Zhang Yu returning alone, said to himself with red eyes: "My Xiaoying, I'm sorry for you".

"Hey~". Song Bao patted Li Yu on the shoulder and sighed.

Seeing Li Yu's miserable appearance, Zhang Yu said silently: "Why are you crying? I have rescued your wife and children."

"Don't lie to me." Li Yu was distraught.

"Who lied to you, don't believe it for yourself." Zhang Yu released Chen Ying from the small universe in his body.

"Brother Yu". Chen Ying, who was holding the child, looked at Li Yu with a smile and shouted.

Hearing the shouting, Li Yu raised his head and suddenly saw Chen Ying. He ran over with excitement. He wanted to hug her, but found the baby in Chen Ying's arms. He asked ecstatically, "This is us." Child".

"Well, it's a baby girl, she has superpowers since she is born." Chen Ying said happily.

"I am a father, I am a father". Li Yu yelled happily.

"crazy". Song Bao said with jealousy.

Song Bao, who has two wives, has been working hard and has not been able to have children. After listening to Zhang Yu's words, he realized that his chance of conception was so low because he was too strong. Now I see that Li Yu has children. , I was envious of all at once.

Li Yu's quarrel, awakened the baby, she started crying, Li Yu coaxed helplessly: "Don't cry, my little baby~~".

"Wow~". The baby girl did not give face and continued to cry. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (chapter 1115 lucky person) reading record, and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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