Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1124: True disease Kimono disease

In the past, the Milky Way galaxy had experienced the attacks of interstellar pirates. Zhang Yu was impressed by the strength of the synthetic star beast. Coupled with the gene of the demon king's undead talent, he must be able to synthesize a powerful star beast that could not be killed.

Shi Xi, who had guessed Zhang Yu's thoughts, said with a smile: "Teacher, your idea is great."

"Then let's hurry up and start researching." Xu Bo couldn't wait to say.

"Okay, let's start scientific research." Zhang Yu smiled strangely.

The nine-headed dragon swaying in the Martian sky suddenly trembled, and a strong feeling of being stared at came from the nine-headed dragon. When the nine-headed dragon was suspicious, Zhang Yu called it to pass, but the nine-headed dragon didn't think much. Just passed.

In the square, Zhang Yu, Shi Xi and others looked up at the huge nine-headed dragon. Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Little nine, don't move."

"Roar~". The nine-headed dragon screamed aggrievedly.

I saw a few people from Shi Xi, holding a thick barrel of syringe, plunged into the gap in the scales of the nine-headed dragon, and drew out a large tube of blood. Although the nine-headed dragon did not hurt, it was very itchy, like being caught. The mosquito bit the same.

Shi Xi, who had finished the blood draw, shouted: "Teacher, all right."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu said to Jiutoulong: "Okay, let's go play."

"Roar~". The nine-headed dragon answered, and flew away as if to escape.

Returning to the isolation chamber of the laboratory, Zhang Yu and his team saw the Demon King again. The Demon King who was locked on the dissection bed was so hungry that his eyes turned green. He was forgotten by Zhang Yu and others for more than a year. It's not that he has the gift of immortality, he's starved to death long ago.

The devil roared weakly, "I want to eat meat~~".

"Uh~". Zhang Yu was taken aback, looked at Shi Xi and others and asked, "Did you guys feed him?"

"forget". Shi Xi and others smiled embarrassingly.

"Forget it, let's draw the blood first, and then give him food after the blood draw." Zhang Yu didn't care.

The devil on the anatomy bed heard this and said angrily: "Asshole, can you eat first and then draw blood?"

It was just the opinion of the Demon King that Zhang Yu and others did not accept. After the blood was drawn, the Demon King was dizzy and extremely anemic. Shi Xi, holding the thick barrel of the barrel, turned and left with satisfaction.

"Don't go, give me something to eat". The devil cried sadly.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." Shi Xi suddenly.

"---". The devil was so angry that his lungs exploded.

With the blood of the devil and the nine-headed dragon, Zhang Yu, Shi Xi and others began genetic modification and cloning. The combination of the devil's undead gene and the strong body genes of the star beast gave birth to a strange life.

It resembles a western dragon, with teeth, claws, scales and wings, as well as dragon horns, but they are all in miniature form. They sleep quietly in the breeding room, and their body absorbs nutrients and grows quickly.

Looking at the miniature star beast giant dragon, Zhang Yu solemnly said: "If these beings are born with wisdom, it is very likely that they will betray humans because of their strength, and restricting devices must be installed."

"Teacher, how can I restrict them from harming humans". Shi Xi asked.

"Send my wife Man Lisa to the laboratory. Her soul superpowers can plant soul seeds in the dragon soul. As long as the star beast dragon harms humans, the soul will explode, even if they have the gift of immortality. It's useless." Zhang Yu said.

"Good Le". Shi Xi responded.

Through the portal, Shi Xi quickly took Man Lisha from the integrated tree house to the laboratory. After listening to Zhang Yu’s request, Man Lisha cleverly used spiritual power to give the soul of the star beast giant dragon. Plant the soul seed.

The lineage of the star beasts is astonishingly strong, and Man Lisha just planted a soul seed, and she collapsed in Zhang Yu's arms.

"Is it all right". Zhang Yu said caringly.

"My okay husband, just take a break." Man Lisa couldn't bear to leave Zhang Yu's embrace, Yan said with a smile.

"Then I will take you to rest." Zhang Yu said, holding Man Lisa and leaving.

Shi Xi and the others, who were fed dog food, rolled their eyes and observed the star beast dragon cubs in the breeding warehouse. The rich spiritual power was injected from the pipe and absorbed by it, and the body quickly swelled, and it has grown up. Basketball is so big.

Using the genes of the demon king and the nine-headed dragon, Zhang Yu cloned a total of nine star beast dragons, each of which has different attributes. Fortunately, the cloned star beast dragon is very weak, and Man Lisa can grow the soul seed. .

The soul seed grows up with the star beast dragon, and is not afraid of the problem of breaking away from the soul seed, but Zhang Yu doesn’t know that the soul seed planted by Man Lisa is not that the star beast dragon can’t harm humans, but is honored by Zhang Yu. Command of the Lord.

Under the unlimited spiritual power and food supply, the nine star beast dragons grew rapidly. In only three days, they grew to three meters high and nine meters long. They couldn't be accommodated in the laboratory. Zhang Yu had to They moved out.

Coming to the outskirts, the nine star beast dragons were like mischievous children, playing to their heart's content. Zhang Yu called the nine-headed dragon in his heart, but was rejected by it. Obviously, it was scared by the blood draw last time.

"Come here quickly." Zhang Yu had to increase his tone, and the nine-headed dragon flew to Zhang Yu tremblingly.

As soon as the nine-headed dragon arrived, the cubs of the nine star beast dragons grinned and yelled at the nine-headed dragon.




The provoked nine-headed dragon opened its mouth wide and yelled: "Roar~~~".

The sound blasted out, flying sand and rocks, and the nine star beast dragons were terrified. They all hid behind Zhang Yu, but their bodies were so big that they couldn't hide from them, they were just covering their ears and stealing bells.

"Okay, don't scare them, get to know them, they will be your little brothers in the future, you must protect them, you know". Zhang Yu instructed the nine-headed dragon.

"Roar~". The nine-headed dragon nodded in response.

After exhorting the nine-headed dragon, Zhang Yu looked at the cubs of the nine star beast giant dragons and said, "You also have to be obedient."

"Roar~~". The nine star beast dragons roared tremblingly, not daring to do it again.

Finding a babysitter for the Nine Star Beast Dragons, Zhang Yu returned home without incident, taking care of Man Lisha, who had become weak because of the extreme use of abilities. On the big bed, Man Lisha said pale. .

"Husband, go to your business, I can do it by myself".

"If you can take care of yourself by yourself, you won't make yourself the way you are now. If you have reached the limit, why do you have to force yourself to plant the soul seed for the star beast giant dragon". Zhang Yu didn't have a good air.

"Sorry, I just want to help my husband." Man Lisha said coquettishly.

"Yes, it helped me a lot. Lie down and don't move, I'll get you something to eat." Zhang Yu rolled his eyes and said.

"Ok". Man Lisa answered sweetly.


The door closed, a few seconds later, the door opened again with a "click", Tang Xuan and others rushed in, surrounded by man Lisa on the bed full of jealousy, and Man Lisa shook with fright, she didn't know why. Said hello.

"Hello, sisters."

Su Mei said with a narrow face: "Sasha, you can do it, but you have found a way to let your husband take care of you, and even give you food personally. Why don't we have such a good thing?"

"Yes, Sasha, should you think about it for your sisters, let us also enjoy the care of my husband." Tang Xuan said with a smile.

"You can't hide your privates." Mei Xue and Angela said viciously.

Man Lisha explained with a flustered expression: "It's not like that. I just used my abilities overloaded, and my husband loves me so that I stayed to take care of me. It's not what you think, I did it deliberately."

"Oh, is it so". Tang Xuan and others responded with a skeptical look on their faces.

"of course". Man Lisha replied weakly.

Zhang Yu, who came to the bedroom with a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, saw Tang Xuan and others surrounding Man Lisha on the bed, and said in doubt: "What are you doing?"

The arrival of Zhang Yu made the atmosphere become harmonious in an instant, Su Mei said: "Let's see my sister."

"Yes, yes". Tang Xuan and other women smiled.

Zhang Yu looked at Man Lisha, and Man Lisha saw the threatening expressions of Tang Xuan's daughters, and smiled dryly: "Yes, sisters came to see me."

"Count you acquaintance." Tang Xuan and the others, who left this sentence in their eyes, left the bedroom with a smile.

After leaving the bedroom, Tang Xuan's four daughters looked at each other firmly, then walked to the gym, desperately using super powers, and wanted to become a patient like Man Lisha and be cared for by Zhang Yu meticulously.

An hour later, when Zhang Yu walked out of the bedroom, what he saw was Tang Xuan's fourth daughter, lying sickly on the sofa. There were traces of sweat on her body. You don't need to think about it to understand what happened. .

Seeing Zhang Yu coming out of Tang Xuan and other women, she said with a weak expression.

"Husband, I'm sick".

"I am sick husband too".


With a twitching eye, Zhang Yu sneered, "Is it? Why doesn't it look like it at all."

"Is it exposed?" The girls suddenly felt calm, and said: "Husband, we are all like this, you don't believe us."

"I'm afraid of you." Zhang Yu said helplessly, so he had to pick up Tang Xuan and other women one by one and take care of them.

The girls who smirked in their hearts enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of. After being infatuated with this feeling, Tang Xuan and others pretended to be sick for three consecutive days, until their faces were ruddy, not like a patient at all, and still pretending to be.

"I said, have you installed enough?" Zhang Yu asked, shooting the women diagonally.

"Husband, what are you talking about, we don't understand". Tang Xuan and the others said coquettishly, wanting to get in there.

"Pretend, look at you guys. Your face is ruddy and full of breath. There is no such thing as a patient. Get up quickly, Meier, your files are already piled up. Your assistant Zhao Ying asks you when you will go back." Zhang Yudao.

"What, it's pushed into a mountain, it's broken." Su Mei was shocked, jumped out of bed and ran out.

After flicking away, Zhang Yu continued to flicker: "An Qi, Yue Yue misses her mother very much and is crying."

"What~". Angela also defected and left the bedroom.

The remaining two, Tang Xuan and Mei Xue, looked at Zhang Yu blankly, and said, "Husband, we are really sick."

"Sick, right, let's get an injection." Zhang Yu smiled and said.

"What kind of injection?" Tang Xuan and other women panicked. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1124 True Diseases and Pretending Diseases), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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