Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1375: Need tonic

In trouble, Yan Xi found that the surrounding situation was not so good. Many foreign spirits surrounded him. The yang circle was still slowly shrinking. The gate of the city was closed tightly. The gate made of **** iron wood was difficult to destroy.

The blood moon in the sky became more and more red, and the negative force exploded, and the howling yin wind blew up some weak buildings, exposing the soul inside, and was swallowed alive by the alien spirit army in an instant.


Under the howling yin wind, Zhang Yu's yang circle was blown to wobbly.

Anxious Yan Xi said: "If this goes on, we will all be finished."

"What should I do? I can't enter the city, and it's too late to leave now. The surroundings are all flat ground, and there is no place to hide." An Qian on the side panicked.

"Let me do it".

A very weak voice sounded abruptly.

The two women, Yan Xi and An Qian, who heard the words, turned their heads instantly and saw Zhang Yu who opened her eyes. She was immediately ecstatic, and she had infinite confidence in Zhang Yu. No matter what, Zhang Yu must not be troubled. Both The woman didn't notice that Zhang Yu's weak voice revealed the inner part.

Zhang Yu, who slowly recovered from a coma, although the five senses were turned off, the sixth sense still sensed that An Qian was in danger, so he forcibly regained consciousness, just to prevent An Qian and Yan Xi from becoming dangerous.

But Zhang Yu is now seriously injured, and Yan Xi and An Qian did not notice that Zhang Yu’s powerful strength once made the two women mistakenly believe that Zhang Yu is omnipotent, but they don’t know that Zhang Yu, in order to save An Qian, What is the price paid.

To fight against the long river of time, although it was only a small piece of time, this kind of power was not something that Zhang Yu could resist. The collapsed physical body did not recover, but it was forcibly healed.

Lifting a sigh of relief, Zhang Yu, facing the dark city gate, clenched his fists, forcing his muscles to exert force, the wound he forcibly healed instantly burst, blood splashed out, and Zhang Yu's body was dyed red.

"Zhang Yu, you~". Yan Xi exclaimed.

"What's the matter, Brother Yu, your body is still not well, are you? Stop, your body will not be able to bear it, we can find other ways to avoid the blood moon." An Qian was surprised and shouted.

"It's okay, it's just a while, everything is left to you." After Zhang Yu smiled, his fist slammed past the city gate.


With the tremendous power of fist, the city gate broke through a big hole in an instant, and the streets inside the city were in front of you, but Zhang Yu's body broke apart again, and he fell into a coma automatically. An Qian screamed and ran over to help. Zhang Yu fainted.

"Brother Yu, how are you, Brother Yu, answer me quickly".

"Stop calling, Zhang Yu's situation is a bit bad now, let's go to the city to see a doctor." Yan Xi on the side reminded.

"Yes, let's go quickly." An Qian couldn't wait to urge after hearing this.

He rushed and entered the city. The gates of every house were closed tightly. The wind and foreign spirits were drifting, but no foreign spirit dared to approach Zhang Yu, even though Zhang Yu had been deeply unconscious, and his body broke again. Yu's body became weaker, and his Yang Qi also weakened a lot.

Yan Xi, who discovered this, reminded: "Zhang Yu's yang energy is almost not enough, we quickly find the medical hall and hide in."

"it is good". An Qian responded and ran wildly behind Yan Xi, racing against time to search for the path of the hospital, and finally saw the doctor's sign in a building in the center of the city. An Qian slammed the door without even thinking about it.

"Is there anyone here, open the door, one hundred thousand in a hurry".

In the medical hall, the doctors and family members who avoided the **** moon heard An Qian's shouts, and immediately looked at each other. The doctor's wife was even more horrified and said: "Has the foreign spirits evolved wisdom? They will actually deceive us out."

The doctor who heard the words said with a black thread: "This is impossible. It should be a new soul coming out. Otherwise, it will not ask if there is anyone, but if there is a ghost."

"Do you want to open the door?" The doctor's wife suddenly asked.

"It's better not to get into trouble with the upper body. Since the soul outside can not be swallowed by foreign spirits and yin wind under the blood moon, there must be an unknown secret. If we know this secret, we will definitely be in trouble." The doctor shook his head.

"That's right, then ignore it." The doctor's wife was very timid, and immediately agreed.

Outside the medical hall, I yelled for a long time, and there was no movement inside. An Qian was desperate. At this moment, Yan Xi confidently suggested: "Let me come, I have a way to make the ghost inside Open the door".

"Ah~oh". An Qian was stunned for a moment, and quickly moved away from her body.

Standing in front of the gate of the hospital, Yan Xi shouted fiercely: "The ghost inside will open the door, or I will set fire."

As soon as the voice fell, the door was suddenly opened, and a plain-looking ghost appeared helplessly, crying and crying: "These heroes, come in, don't burn the shop, my family is dead. Here it is".

"You still have a way." An Qian was stunned, admiring her with a thumbs up.

"of course". Yan Xi raised her head and said proudly.

The doctor in the medical hall who was threatened had to open the door of the medical hall, put An Qian and Yan Xi in, and then closed the door to isolate the foreign spirits and yin wind outside. In the gloomy medical hall, a woman held her baby tightly. , Hiding in the corner timidly.

Realizing that she scared other ghosts, Yan Xi apologized: "Don't worry, we are not that vicious by saying that the fire is lying to you."

"Yes Yes Yes". The doctor in the hospital smiled bitterly. As for whether he believes it or not, different people have different opinions.

An Qian, who is worried about Zhang Yu’s body, can’t wait, and can’t wait to say: "Doctor, my friend is injured, you can quickly show him, please save my friend, I will find you whatever you want. ".

"Yes, it can be as much as you want." Yan Xi nodded and said.

"Put him down and let me see." After the doctor encountered the condition, he instantly calmed down and ordered.

"Good Le". Yan Xi responded and put Zhang Yu on his back on the hospital bed.

The doctor just approached Zhang Yu, and suddenly he became suspicious, and soon his complexion became extremely solemn, causing Yan Xi and An Qian to follow their emotions, being affected by the doctor's expression.

"How's it going". An Qian said anxiously.

"Say it quickly, how is it going". Yan Xi shouted eagerly.

The doctor asked earnestly, "Is he still a human".

"I'm asking you about his condition and other irrelevant things. Don't ask too much." Yan Xi dissatisfied.

The tone was full of threats. Obviously, Yan Xi's personality has changed a lot for the sake of friends. If it had been before, Yan Xi would not threaten others at all, and the threatened doctor said helplessly.

"I am a ghost and cannot save people, and your friend is not sick, but is seriously injured and needs tonic, and he will soon recover. His body is too strong, even if he is not tonic, after a period of time, It will heal automatically, although it takes a little longer."

"Really, how long does that take". An Qian was overjoyed.

"As a doctor, I will not deceive my professional ethics. If I recover, it will be almost three years old." The doctor affirmed.

Yan Xi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but was startled by three years of time, and hurriedly asked: "Then what tonic is better, and it gets better faster."

"Yes, doctor, give me some advice." An Qian asked after hearing the words.

The doctor stopped talking again, and finally made up his mind, afraid that An Qian and Yan Xi would not believe it, and said with a confident expression: "The tonic medicinal material must be a top-level spiritual plant, and it must be a spiritual plant with the yang attribute."

"Where can I buy it". An Qian's eyes lit up.

Yan Xi's face suddenly sank, and she asked: "Are you embarrassing us? The top-level yang attribute Lingzhi, there is no in hell."

"What~". An Qian, who heard the words, glared at the doctor, and actually said something that is not in hell. Isn't it funny?

"I'm just telling the truth, you know, your friends are human beings, not ghosts, how can the Lingzhi in **** be suitable for him". The doctor explained in a panic.

"I don't care, you must find a way to get out, or I will burn your medical hall." An Qian threatened, staring directly at the doctor with big eyes, her expression and determination in her eyes made the doctor believe that An Qian must have done what she said.

"Awesome". Seeing An Qian learning so fast, Yan Xi blinked aside and quietly gave a thumbs up.

The doctor who was threatened wanted to cry without tears. What happened to the ghosts now was that they threatened at every turn and burned their own medical clinic. It was unreasonable to make trouble. The doctor said angrily that he was determined to lose it.

The physician thinking hard, recalling the drug information in hell, finally recalled a memory of childhood, and shouted: "I thought about it. My master told me that in the land of extreme sun in hell, there are yang attributes growing. Lingzhi, you can go look for it."

"Is there such a place in hell? You are not lying to us, are you?" Yan Xi asked with a gloomy face.

"Don’t dare. Although the **** is full of yin qi, the cathode must be reversed. In the eastern polar region of hell, where no ghosts can approach, there are yang-attribute spiritual plants growing there, but if the ghost enters, it will suffer yang qi. The torment of roasting". The doctor explained in detail.

"Thank you, when the blood moon stops, we will leave and disturb your family for now." An Qian gratefully said.

"No trouble, haha". The doctor smiled bitterly, even if it was troublesome, he wouldn't dare to say it.

Yan Xi asked solemnly, "An Qian, are you really going to that extremely sunny place, but if the ghost goes in, it will be very painful."

"It doesn't matter, as long as Brother Yu gets better sooner, I'm willing to do anything." An Qian smiled.

"Well, I will go with you. Zhang Yu is also my friend. It is right to go through fire and water for your friend. You must not refuse or stop me. Otherwise, you just don't treat me as a friend." Yan Xi volunteered.

"okay then". Yan Xi was so determined, An Qian could only agree. ..The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: Read the full text of the technology empire of the city: city’s technological empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading record (Chapter 1375 needs to be supplemented), and open the bookshelf next time Can be seen! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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