Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 1398: War preparation

After loading the ammunition, the artillery was aimed at a wall, and all the city owners watched with mixed feelings. If the power of the artillery was not strong enough, the battle between ghost soldiers and chaotic monsters would have to be filled with life.

"Let's launch". Ghost Emperor Yan Mo urged.

"Good Le". The death language answered, and the fuse was ignited with a torch.


Smoke came out of the gunpowder in the fuse, and after the sparks burned to the end of the artillery, there was a loud noise, huge flames and smoke burst out of the muzzle, and the shell directly hit a wall in front of it and exploded.


The stones were splashing, the smoke was rolling, the ghost emperor and the city lord looked at the artillery with glowing eyes, the wall was directly blown to pieces, this kind of power is enough to effectively kill the chaotic monsters, and give the ghost soldiers a greater chance of living. Come down.

"Okay, okay, great". The ghost emperor Yan Mo admired again and again.

The city owners were also overjoyed. Only the ghosts such as Song Bao and An Qian had their faces full of contempt. Xingyue Nation had never used such a small powerful artillery. Even in the countries of the earth, any missile was better than it.

Suddenly, Song Bao said in surprise: "No, why is the power of artillery not suppressed in the four-dimensional world".

"Yes, why~". Yas exclaimed.

"You are not scientists, so what you do." An Qian gave a white glance.

"Too". Song Bao and Yas suddenly stopped thinking about it.

After having artillery, the ghost emperor Yanmo and the city lord screamed Death Talk as an animal. Every city lord shouted and needed more artillery. This made Death Talk painful and happy, and felt that his waist was tired. broken.

"I am going to make more artillery out." The crying death voice promised.

The ghost emperor Yan Mo nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, as long as you work hard, you can make up for your mistakes. Not only will you not be executed by that time, but you can also get the rewards you deserve for your merits."

"Thank you, sir." Deathyu said excitedly.

"Go ahead." Ghost Emperor Yan Mo motioned.

"Good Le". Death talk ran away to work.

Among the ghost soldiers, all the craftsmen were assembled. Under the division of labor in Death Whisper, the assembly line manufacturing industry was born. A dark gun barrel was manufactured and built on the tower.

The death words of sleepless nights and foods are even more troublesome to teach the ghost soldiers how to use artillery. After they have all mastered the tricks, let the ghost soldiers who have learned how to fire the cannon to teach other ghost soldiers to become masters and apprentices, and apprentices then become masters and apprentices. Good circulation.

"After the war, the scene of ten thousand cannons will be spectacular." Deathyu thought expectantly.

During the preparations for the war, Song Bao and other ghosts lived in the side yard of the City Lord’s Mansion. Only Zhang Yu was still asleep. Zhang Yu’s divine body kept absorbing external energy and was recovering from the wounds damaged by time.

In the yard, Yan Xi propped her chin and sighed: "It's so boring, it's fun outside."

"Then after the Chaos Monster is resolved, let's go out and travel the world together." An Qian suggested.

"Hurrah". Yan Xi responded with joy.

"What a good thing, absolutely not."

With a loud shout, it sounded in the yard, and I saw the ghost Emperor Yan Mo, rushing over, with an unhappy expression, as if it was a beloved thing that was about to be snatched away, isn't it? His daughter Yan Xi was actually taken badly.

"Daughter, it's dangerous outside. Stay with Dad and Dad will protect you." The ghost emperor Yan Mo flatly said, trying to dispel his daughter's unrealistic thoughts.

"No, I'm going". Yan Xi resolutely said.

Seeing that Yan Xi didn't make sense here, the ghost emperor Yan Mo immediately glared at An Qian and other ghosts on the side, gritted his teeth and said: "You should understand a father's mood, Xiao Xi can't do anything, so you don't want to encourage my daughter anymore. Okay?"

"This uncle, Xiao Xi is not an accessory to you, she has the life and dreams she wants, don't you have the heart to look at her, if a puppet lives under your gaze". An Qian asked back.

"What a clever tooth." The ghost emperor Yan Mo was choked and said secretly.

The ghost emperor Yan Mo who couldn't talk about An Qian said with facts: "If you want to travel the world, you have to have the strength to survive outside, do you have it? The strength of the wandering soul is just to die." .

"Uh~". An Qian was speechless, and Sapo said: "We don't have that kind of strength, but my brother Yu has it."

"Who is your brother Yu". The ghost emperor Yan Mo said in surprise.

"It's Zhang Yu." An Qian whispered.

"You are arguing, Senior Zhang is strong or strong, but you are all a burden if you have anything to do with you. Isn't there any self-knowledge? Please don't drag Senior Zhang." The ghost emperor Yan Mo gloated.

"You~". An Qian's lungs are going to explode.

"Stop arguing, Zhang Yu will be awakened." Yan Xi reminded.

"Huh~". An Qian turned her head angrily, leaving the back of her head to the ghost emperor Yan Mo.

And the ghost emperor Yan Mo, who heard the words, asked with a look of surprise: "What's the matter, Senior Zhang hasn't woken up yet? Since we met yesterday, I haven't woke up. What's the matter?"

"Brother Yu is injured." Yan Xi replied.

"How could it be possible that he is so strong, how could he be injured". The ghost emperor Yan Mo was shocked after hearing this, and his heart became even more anxious. Zhang Yu was his last weight to deal with the Chaos Monster Matrix.

But who knows that Zhang Yu is injured. Isn’t it playing with himself? Without Zhang Yu, he doesn’t even have any confidence at all. After all, the strength of the Chaos Monster’s mother body can eat the King You, who knows that he eats the Queen You. Has strength risen sharply.

"Brother Yu was injured by time backlash because he forcibly stopped the time in the Bone Forest. It takes a lot of Yang attribute spirit plants to recover." Yan Xi explained.

"This is terrible. Only the extreme east of **** has the yang attribute spiritual plant, and our ghosts can't get in, but Senior Zhang can stop time. It's simply too powerful." When the ghost emperor Yan Mo heard the words, he muttered to himself with a sad face.

"Dad, you should make more preparations with the city lord. Brother Yu may not be able to help." Yan Xi reminded.

"I know, I will go now." The ghost emperor Yan Mo responded and strode out of the side courtyard.

Soon, the city masters everywhere knew that the ghost emperor Yan Mo's backs could no longer play a role. That is to say, when that time comes, they must go into battle in person to fight the Chaos Monster Matrix.

Moreover, the chance of death would be very high. Thinking of this, all the city owners' faces are not very good, and they feel like they have been played badly.

"This is the situation, let's prepare early." Ghost Emperor Yan Mo sighed.

"Then you can only work hard, everyone prepare for the future." The city masters said with solemn expressions.

In the side yard, An Qian looked at Yan Xi with an unexpected face. The injured Zhang Yu could barely fight, but Yan Xi did not tell the public. An Qian asked curiously: "Why don't you tell your dad? , Brother Yu still has the power to fight."

"You can't rely on others for everything in hell. This is what I learned after leaving my father's side. Only by myself can I last long." Recalling that the quality of life in the wild plummeted without his father's protection, Yan Xi explained.

"Makes sense." An Qian agreed.

At the same time, the chaotic monster mother body on the high stone mountain gave birth to a huge number of chaotic monster child bodies. The densely packed chaotic monster child bodies occupied the entire mountain, and the tyrannical atmosphere scared all the soul beasts in a radius of hundreds of kilometers into waste. And escape.

All the living creatures around have been eaten up by the Chaos Monster Mother, and the Chaos Monster Mother, which needs more food to grow, has gathered all the Chaos Monster children on the mountain.

"Roar~". The mother chaos monster yelled at the children.


Immediately afterwards, the chaotic monsters responded in unison, stepped away from their limbs, and rushed towards the city. The dust that raised up covered the sky and blocked the dim sunlight and the ghost soldiers returning to the city. I have felt the solemn atmosphere before the war.

The spies in the wild saw the chaos monsters coming out of their nests, and immediately sent the intelligence back to the city.

"finally coming". The ghost emperor Yan Mo murmured with complicated eyes, and they had no retreat, they could only fight, and they had to win, otherwise, **** would become a hunting ground for chaos monsters.

"lets go". The city masters walked out, fully armed, and said solemnly.

"go". Ghost Emperor Yan Mo nodded and walked in front of the team.

When I came to the city wall, the original ordinary city wall became no longer ordinary. I saw layers of iron plates that were nailed to the outside of the city wall, and there were protruding iron thorns on the iron plates, densely packed iron thorns occupying all sides. City wall.

On the tower, a cannon has been erected, the ammunition has been loaded, and the torch has been ignited. As long as an order is given, all the artillery will be launched in unison, setting off an explosion bombardment outside the city.

All the ghost soldiers stood ready, panting and thinking.

"With so many city owners, you can definitely win."

"Don't worry, you can definitely win."

"With the artillery, the chaotic monsters don't need to be afraid at all",


In the dignified atmosphere, a large piece of dust spread over quickly in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that it was a huge chaotic monster, which was rushing at an extremely fast speed. The splashed dust, and behind the chaotic monster, a A monster as big as a mountain slowly walked towards the city.

"Boom boom boom~".

Every time the Chaos Monster mother took a step, the ground would send out a magnitude six earthquake wave. The houses in the city, as long as they were dilapidated, all collapsed, and only some sturdy houses survived.

In the side courtyard of the City Lord’s Mansion, An Qian and other ghosts also felt the solemn breath of the war. Song Bao looked at the dust like a sandstorm in the distance and exclaimed: "What a powerful breath, it seems that the mother of chaos is coming."

"How long do you think it can last?" An Qian asked.

"I don't know, but it won't be long. After all, the difference in strength is too great." Yan Shuya affirmed.

"Yes, I just hope Brother Yu can recover a little bit more strength, otherwise, hey~". Song Bao didn't say anything behind, but An Qian and other ghosts understood it. ..

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