Not only the powerful spirit beasts on Mars are desperate, but even the spirit beasts on planets such as the earth are too scared to hide in the mountains or in the deep sea floor. They will definitely be eaten if they are caught.

Citizens of Xingyue Nation, who wantonly scraped away elixir and spirit beasts, quickly piled up the headquarters warehouse, and the aura emitted was comparable to a sacred place for cultivation, but the citizen did not linger, leaving all the aura to Zhang Yu.

"I want to recover soon, Your Majesty." The citizens looked forward to the secret path, and left silently, without saying anything.

In the villa, when Zhang Yu learned of what the citizens had done to him, he was moved. If it were not for the recovery of his strength as soon as possible and rescue his daughter, Zhang Yu did not want to take the elixir that the citizens had to find back.

"Thank you, I will double back to everyone in the future." Zhang Yu secretly promised.

Tang Yan said with mixed feelings: "Husband, this is the result of your sincere treatment. Everyone is worried about you, so hurry up to nourish and recover from your injury."

"good". Zhang Yu nodded in response.

When he came to the main warehouse, the piled up elixir glowed brightly, dazzling and dazzling, and the aura was so strong that it was formed into spirit crystals. Although the grade of tens of thousands of elixir was not high, the quantity was huge. For Zhang Yu, it was already the most. Good gift too.

Yan Xi, who followed, looked at Lingzhi as high as a hill and a large number of beasts, and she was shocked: "Is this all given by Zhang Yu, your children? It's really amazing. There has never been one. People, can be your majesty as popular as you."

"I'm going to recover from my injury first, so feel free to do so." Zhang Yu said excitedly.


Yan Xi waited for the ghosts to answer, and wandered around. Under the hot sun, the citizens of Xingyue Kingdom were waiting. Even if the sun was blazing, the citizens would not be able to leave. Everyone was waiting for Zhang Yu to recover.


In the warehouse, Zhang Yu sat down cross-legged, absorbing the aura with all his strength. The huge aura suddenly rotated like a tornado, and it was rotated close to Zhang Yu. It was absorbed into the body by Zhang Yu. The universal energy of the aura can be absorbed without conversion. , So the speed is very fast.

In the sky of the warehouse, an aura vortex also appeared, swept all the auras in the surrounding thousands of kilometers, such a big movement, the citizens of Xingyue Kingdom had seen it, and shouted in joy.

"Your Majesty has started. With so much spiritual energy, you will definitely be able to recover soon."

"Yes, your majesty will be fine."

"Come on, Your Majesty".


On the other side, in the underground warehouse of the laboratory, engineering robots have completed the transformation of the warehouse. The new alloy door has locked the warehouse, and the starry sky door inside is also ready to store energy and open the passage at any time.

After preparing everything, Shi Xi said with a serious face: "Now, when the teacher recovers from his injury, the Stargate can be activated."

"Yes, I don't know how long the teacher will take. I just hope to be faster. The longer the time, the more likely the junior sister Xiaoyue will be in danger." Xu Bo sighed.

"Junior Sister Xiaoyue will surely know that auspicious people have their own natural looks." Wang Hailing comforted.

At the same time, in the return city in hell, the ghost emperor Yan Mo, who hadn't seen any movement from the Chaos Monster for many days, was just relieved when he saw a guard rushing in, and he suddenly felt a rush.

"Lord Ghost Emperor is not good, a lot of Chaos Monsters came outside." The guard reported in horror.

"what". The ghost emperor Yan Mo was shocked and summoned all the city masters, came to the city wall, and looked out of the city.

I saw a dense crowd of chaotic monsters surrounding Guicheng, but they did not attack, but stayed outside the city, just guarding Guicheng, which made the ghost emperor and all the city masters bewildered.

"What are they doing?" The spirit king was surprised.

"Comprehensible". All the city masters shook their heads and said.

Not only did the city lord not understand, but even the ghost emperor Yan Mo couldn’t understand. Since he was besieged and returned to the city, why the Chaos Monster did not attack and just guarded the return to the city. This unreasonable behavior made the ghost emperor Yan Mo even more serious. Frustrated.

"There must be something strange." Ghost Emperor Yan Mo secretly guessed.

"Fly high and take a look." The Spirit King suggested.


All the city masters and ghost emperors agreed, and when they flew into the sky, their sights became wider. They saw that the distant realms were all densely packed with chaotic monsters, but they were just madly hunting soul beasts.

Not only that, the ghost emperor Yan Mo also saw the mother of the Chaos monster. It was in a lake hundreds of kilometers away. On the edge of the lake, the Chaos monsters lined up and brought the captured prey back to the mother. Feed the mother.

Many prey are human souls. The ghost emperor Yan Mo can't bear it, but she can't do anything. It's not the time for a decisive battle with the chaos monster. If you are not careful, even the thousands of ghosts who return to the city will be preyed. Lose.

"Fuck~". All the city masters furiously exploded, wishing to go out and fight against the Primordial Chaos Monster for three hundred rounds to rescue the ghosts that were caught, but they couldn't do it. Together, all their ghosts weren't the opponents of the Primordial Chaos Monster.

The ghost emperor Yan Mo said with a gloomy face: "It seems that the Chaos Monster mother body takes us as the last meal. When the troops are enough, he will definitely attack and return to the city."

"How long do we have?" The Spirit King worried.

"Looking at the speed at which the mother of the Chaos Monster gives birth to its children, it should be less than half a month before the children of the Chaos Monster have a huge number, and it will be the date of the war." Ghost Emperor Yan Mo solemnly said.

"It turns out that the chaotic monster is embracing and returning to the city. He doesn't want us to have a chance to escape. As long as the ghost and the people can't get away, we, as the lord of the city, can't go. Otherwise, the people will lose their hearts and the consequences will be more serious. ". The city masters were surprised secretly.

Since he couldn't escape, the ghost emperor Yan Mo didn't want to sit and wait for death.

"clear". The city lord nodded in response, expecting Zhang Yu to come back soon.

In returning to the city, the ghosts also felt the atmosphere before the war. The chaos outside the city can be seen at a glance. No ghosts are fools. They know that they can’t escape back to the city, and they don’t want to sit and wait for death. Once the wooden hut is dropped, tools of war will be made.

In the silent atmosphere, the ghosts tremblingly thought to themselves: "The strong man who is under the protective cover outside the city, you have to come back soon."

However, Zhang Yu, who was regarded as the savior by the ghosts of the hell, was still recovering from his injuries. The internal injuries caused by the collision of time and time were not as easy to recover as Zhang Yu thought.

The cracks in the internal organs seem to have bizarre energy that hinders the healing of the injury. This kind of energy Zhang Yu has seen is the energy of time. This makes Zhang Yu very sad, and there is not enough time. He must recover quickly. Row.

"Since it is the energy left over from the collision of time, can you use the power of time to get rid of it?" Zhang Yu thought to himself.

Just do it when he thinks about it. Zhang Yu used the time stop ability to turn the energy in the internal organs into a solid state and forcibly expelled it. However, the energy could not be stopped by time. Zhang Yu finally determined that they are the energy left over by time. .

"Since it is all energy of time attribute, it can definitely be eliminated." Zhang Yu firmly thought of increasing the ability to stop time, bombarding the power of time remaining in his body.


Under the collision of the two, Zhang Yu's body split instantly, golden blood poured out, and Zhang Yu, whose face suddenly turned pale, resisted the severe pain, and did not hesitate to continue to attack the remaining time ability.




With every collision, the remaining time abilities in the body will loosen up, and Zhang Yu will be forcibly removed from the body, even if Zhang Yu suffers any more pain, how can I rescue my daughter Xiaoyue if the injury cannot be healed? Ghost people in hell.

"Damn, I don't know if it hurts to have a child." Zhang Yu, with his face twitching, said in joy.

The skin's cracked wound, the golden blood flowing out, and a sweet breath, the bound spirit beasts all stared at the golden blood on the ground with glowing eyes, struggling desperately, squirming close to the blood.

The closest spirit bird was about to drink the golden blood flowing out of Zhang Yu, the spirit wolf behind opened its mouth in rage and swallowed the spirit bird, and then quickly squirmed its body, approaching the golden blood.

Just behind the spirit wolf, Linghu was not happy anymore, opened his big mouth viciously, and bit on the spine of the spirit wolf with one bite, crushing the spine, making the spirit wolf unable to move, and could only look at the spirit tiger with hatred. .

"Roar~". The Linghu who approached the golden blood yelled happily, lowered his head and was about to drink the golden blood.


"Ho Ho Ho Ho".

The other spirit beasts suddenly roared and squirmed desperately.

"Guru Guru". After drinking a big mouthful of golden blood, Linghu's eyes protruded and his expression changed. The huge energy and blood in the golden blood, no matter what it could bear, Linghu's body swelled up in an instant.

"Boom~". With a bang, Linghu blew himself up.

"---". The spirit beasts who saw it all backed back in horror, and never dared to make the idea of ​​golden blood again.

Zhang Yu, who didn’t know anything about it, used the time stop ability to dissipate all the remaining time power in the body. There was no time power to cause trouble. The huge spiritual energy absorbed into the body instantly flooded the wound, causing Zhang Yu to breathe. Recovered from time to time.

Fortune and misfortune depended on each other. After his body recovered, Zhang Yu's strength surged, from the ninth-level Transcendent realm low to the Transcendent realm consummation, only a little bit, he could break through the Transcendent realm and become a powerhouse in the God realm.

"It's a pity~". Zhang Yu sighed. After standing up, his soaring strength aroused his aura, and the earth shook under Zhang Yu's aura.

The citizens of Xingyue Country outside the warehouse felt Zhang Yu’s aura and knelt to the ground instantly. Even Yan Ru, an eighth-level Transcendent realm, was overwhelmed by Zhang Yu’s aura. On Mars, no life could stand up. . ..

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