The news that the humans who were captured by the Kraken and returned to the Land of Springs immediately caused a sensation in the entire Moon Continent. Unbelievable, suspicious, believed, divided into different factions, and discussions began endlessly.

But the fact is the fact. The monks who came to the coast saw the amiable Kraken, and they suddenly looked like a ghost. If you don't believe it, you have to believe it.

"It's unbelievable that Senior Zhang Yu actually allowed the mighty Kraken to coexist peacefully with humans."

"It's just God's work."

"How did Senior Zhang Yu do it, the Kraken Clan is a rebellious Sea Clan."


Yes, although the powerful force can make people afraid, it cannot make the Krakens willingly form an alliance with humans. What makes the Krakens grateful is that Zhang Yu solved the curse for the seas. This kind of kindness makes the seas The demons are all grateful.

In the Xingyueguo villa area, the three of He Yumeng's best friends also quickly learned from the mouths of Tang Yan and the other women that all the captured humans were sent back. Suddenly, the three girls of Chen Shan were dumbfounded. .

In the end, since this is the case, why did He Yumeng go to sea to save his family? Isn't this a mess, and his life and death are still unknown, it's just dead.

"Now, Yumeng has disappeared." Qin Sisi smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry about anything." Chen Shan and Lin Long were worried.

Tang Yan, who heard the words, comforted: "Brother Yu is still in the endless sea. If you meet her, you will definitely be able to save her back. Don't worry too much."

"Brother Yu is really, he disappeared for more than a year, how did he get to the endless sea, isn't he in hell?" Su Mei muttered to herself with a strange expression on her face.

"Yes, is there a space tunnel leading to the endless sea in hell?" Angela guessed.

"Probably". Mei Xue agreed.

"Stop guessing, as long as you know that Brother Yu is all right, isn't it a good thing? After he comes back, I will clean up him and keep him from going home for so long." Tang Yan said fiercely.

"Yes, clean up hard." Su Mei and the other women said angrily.

On the coast of the country of Spring, the people who returned home found that their homes were washed away by the tsunami, leaving only a ruin in the town. They were dumbfounded for a while. He Li's family of three stood in front of the ruins, looking at each other .

"Home is gone". He Meng said dumbly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is repaired, it can still be lived in." He Li comforted the mother and daughter, rolled up his sleeves, and cleaned up the ruined home. The monk's body is very strong, and one person can do a lot of personal work.

Wang Meng, who was holding his daughter, saw the dean of Qingchuan College, who was talking to the Kraken King Nasa, and immediately trotted over and shouted, "Excuse me, may I ask Mr. Xu, is my daughter okay in the college?"

"Your daughter is." After hearing the words, Dean Xu Lao asked.

"He Yumeng is my eldest daughter." Wang Meng smiled and said that the eldest daughter is very sensible and has always been her pride.

Xu Lao, the dean who heard the words, was startled for a moment, and his face became a little hesitant. This made Wang Meng's smile froze, and he felt very uneasy. He asked, "Is something wrong with my daughter?"

Dean Xu Lao smiled bitterly: "Your daughter left the academy after hearing about your accident, and went to sea to rescue you. Now I don't know where she is."

"What~". Wang Meng exclaimed and fainted with fright. He went to the endless sea. If it wasn't for Zhang Yu, all these people would not be able to survive now, and his daughter went out to sea alone, so there is no way to survive. Under the sadness, Wang Meng fainted. of.

"Ma'am, how are you?" Dean Xu Lao and the Kraken King Nasa exclaimed.

The shouting alarmed the people around them. When they saw someone fainted, the people in the town were obviously startled. When they got close, they found that it was He Li's wife. They ran to He Li's ruined house and dragged him to the fainted one. In front of Wang Meng.

"Mengmeng, how are you, don't scare me." He Li, who picked up his wife, shook Wang Meng and shouted.

Wang Mei, who was woken up by the shaking, cried loudly: "He Li, Yumeng went out to sea to find us, she, she~~".

"No, how could this happen~". He Li roared sadly, tears welling up in his eyes. It was a happy event to go home. Why did it turn out like this? They were all right, but the eldest daughter had an accident.

"---". The people around them guessed something from the few words, and all fell silent.

"Ah~". Dean Xu Lao sighed and shook his head silently.

He Li, who shouted sadly, was like a drowning person, and the Kraken was his lifebuoy. Without thinking about it, He Li knelt in front of the Kraken King Nasa and begged; "Please help me. My eldest daughter, please, let me do anything."

"The endless sea is too big. Even our Kraken clan has many sea areas that they dare not enter, so I'm sorry." The Kraken King Nasa explained with a wry smile that it wasn't that it didn't want to save people, but that it couldn't be saved at all if it didn't know the location, and rushing around in the endless sea was simply an act of courting death.

"Wow wow, brother Zhang Yu~". He Meng also understood that her sister was in danger now, so she burst into tears and snot, and shouted Zhang Yu's name. In her heart, Zhang Yu was omnipotent.

In the deep sea area of ​​​​the endless sea, Zhang Yu gradually got used to the dark eyes and gradually saw the scene in the seabed. This is the ability given to Zhang Yu by the body of God. In different areas, he can evolve corresponding antibodies .

In the underwater city, the styles of the buildings are very old, and the years have left a mark on the buildings, exuding an ancient atmosphere. What surprised Zhang Yu the most was the people from the sea, who looked a little too sloppy.

It looks like a beetle, but also a bit like a person, and the strength of the people under the sea is not bad at all. I don't know whether the characters of the people under the sea are irascible, or whether it is a peaceful Zhang Yu.

The center of the building is a large square. The bricks and stones on the square are pure white jade, which exudes a calming atmosphere. It is obviously a treasure, but Zhang Yu did not read the treasure book on the Moon Continent. I have been to the existence of this kind of jade.

Obviously, this gem is a treasure that has never been seen on the mainland, and it is very valuable for research. He glanced around secretly and found that the patrolling submariner had left the square. Zhang Yu was instantly overjoyed and tiptoed closer to the square.

Zhang Yu, who was squatting on the Baiyu Square, couldn't wait to stretch out his sinful hand, and directly stole a little Bai Baoyu from the whole piece of Bai Baoyu. This is the scientist's instinctive research mind. , already holding a small piece of Bai Baoyu in his hand.

"Uh~". Zhang Yu suddenly felt very guilty in his heart, stealing is a bad behavior, but his body honestly put Bai Baoyu into the space ring.


With the damaged piece of white treasure jade, it suddenly emitted a dazzling light, which alerted all the insectoid races in the underwater city.

"No, there was something wrong with the seal."

"Go and see." The elders of the insectoid people shouted in surprise, and their bodies rushed to the square.

The entire underwater city was disturbed. There were insects in all directions. When they came to the edge of the square, they saw Zhang Yu with an innocent face. It wasn't that Zhang Yu didn't want to leave, but that he couldn't escape. The city was full of seabeds. people.

The leader of the worms stared at Zhang Yu, roaring and asking with his spiritual sense: "Human, what did you do to the seal?"

"What seal, I don't know." Zhang Yu replied innocently.

The worm man quickly found the gap in Bai Baoyu that was pinched by Zhang Yu, and reported angrily: "Boss, Bai Baoyu has been destroyed. It must be this human being who did it. Apart from it, there will be no one else." .

The leader of the insectoid man roared at Zhang Yu and said, "Damn human, do you know what you did?"

"kill him". The Zerg tribe roared, looking at Zhang Yu with murderous intent, their eyes could not wait for cramps and bones.

The leader of the worms also wanted to kill Zhang Yu, but he couldn't do it. He took his clan to subdue the sea beast that caused the tsunami not long ago, but he saw Zhang Yu and the incomparably powerful water demon fighting, and now Zhang Yu appeared , and the tsunami stopped, obviously Zhang Yu won, and it plus the entire group couldn't beat Zhang Yu.

The self-conscious leader of the insectoids glanced at Zhang Yu in disgust, and then said to the clansmen: "Get ready, we're moving, we can't stay here anymore."

"No, boss, we can't leave here, otherwise we will be punished by the curse. This is our mission to guard the seal with insects, and the price of being able to survive for ten thousand years. Immediately, our mission will end, and we can't fall short. ". The footed worm elder exclaimed.

"What can we do if we don't leave here, we can't beat the monster sealed inside." The leader of the worms with feet looked ugly.

This is not to leave, nor is it to stay. The worm-like man looked at Zhang Yu even more angrily. It was because of this human being that they were made of worm-like people. Faced with such a difficult choice, everything is the fault of this human being. , why should the worms bear the price?

In a certain hut in the underwater city, Hei Yuan, a small bug-man, wondered, "Why is it so noisy outside, is there something wrong?"

I am used to the darkness and He Yumeng that exists in Heiyuan. I don't understand the language of the quarrel, and I don't dare to go out. I am afraid that it will cause misunderstandings by the people at the bottom of the sea.

"I must live and rescue my parents and Mengmeng." He Yumeng, who was trembling, muttered to himself with a firm face.

I saw that the quarrel in Bai Baoyu Square continued, and Zhang Yu, who was full of helplessness, did not refute. Bai Baoyu broke it himself.


During the quarrel, Bai Baoyu began to split inch by inch, and the sound excited the quarrelling worms. The angry expression changed, and they all turned into panic.

"Leave the Seal Plaza quickly." The footed worm elder exclaimed. ..

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