Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 900: The Dragon Race

As soon as the introduction of animals and plants began, the members of the expedition on standby on Mars immediately began the transportation operation. A large number of animals and plants were cultivated for life, loaded into the transport spacecraft, and brought to Venus for planting and release.

The Star-Moon Organization has only a population of several hundred million, and Mars is already fully inhabited and livelihood. Therefore, Venus, at the request of Zhang Yu, was built into a world of dinosaurs, fully presenting the dinosaur era.

On the earth, most of the dinosaurs in neon have been moved to Venus. The more expansive land made the carnivorous dinosaurs start to divide the territory impatiently, and the herbivorous dinosaurs were scattered everywhere and began to multiply.

Animals such as cows, sheep, pigs, rabbits, dogs, wolves, leopards, tigers and lions were also released on Venus. When a large number of species appeared, Venus became lively. Zhang Yu and others walked out of the spacecraft and came to the land of Venus. on.

Shi Xi looked at the Venus created by herself, and said with a sense of accomplishment: "It feels great."

"Yes, another death star has become a planet of life and the territory of our star-moon organization." Xu Bo said with emotion.

"Teacher, or let's continue to reform." Shu Qiaoqiao suggested.

"Besides Mercury, can there be other nearby planets that can be transformed by us?" Zhang Yu asked rhetorically.

"Aren't there many monsters living on Jupiter? Let's transform Jupiter into our natural fishing ground, and maybe there will be life on Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, and transform it again, and all of them will become fishing grounds." Shu Qiaoqiao couldn't wait to say with a full face.

"Can we eat so many fish? Even if we change the planet, we can't waste it so much." Shi Xi was speechless.

"Shi Xi is right, to transform the gas planet is of little use to us." Zhang Yu concluded.

"Oh". Shu Qiaoqiao answered disappointedly.

Looking at the lush forest, Zhang Yu suggested: "I have been busy for so long, and everyone is on Venus. Let's play as much as you like. How about going back when you have enough."

"Okay". Everyone said joyfully.

On the earth, various institutions look at Venus, from nothing to a planet of life, which is not to mention uncomfortable. Citizens of various institutions on the earth have their eyes red with jealousy. As for the citizens of Xingyue Institution, the mood is completely different.

On the official website of Xingyue, netizens posted eager discussions.

"Long live your majesty, our institution has another planet."

"Who is going to visit Venus together".

"Add me one".

"I go".

"Go together."


In response, the citizens of the Xingyue Institution, driving the spacecraft that they applied for, flew out of Mars and came to Venus. Song Bao and others were among them. A large number of spacecraft gathered on the plains, bringing the animals away. Scared away.

Only the giant Tyrannosaurus rex turned into anger and wanted to drive the spaceship away. He roared and rushed over, but was stunned by a plasma cannon, and then no carnivorous dinosaurs came to harass.

"Boom." The Tyrannosaurus fainted to the ground, his body twitching, his eyes circled.

Stepping on the land of Venus, the citizens of Xingyue Institution feel very fresh. The electric arc gun that can only be used when the spacecraft is sailing between the stars was taken off the spacecraft. The citizens began hunting and picnics.

The animals chased by the citizens ran away in a panic and ran to the place where Zhang Yu was on vacation. The rushing animals made Zhang Yu’s camping ground a mess. Just when Zhang Yu and others were about to clean up, Ten citizens rushed out of the forest.

Everyone carried some animals that had stunned on their backs. When they saw Zhang Yu, they immediately put away the arc guns and greeted respectfully: "His Majesty."

Seeing so many animals on them, Zhang Yu asked with a gloomy face: "You are hunting."

"Yes Your Majesty". The citizens responded cautiously.

"You can hunt, but why do you hunt so many animals? You are not hunting at all, but are enjoying the fun of hunting. I'm right." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"---". The citizens looked at each other, speechless, and didn't know why Zhang Yu was angry.

"Leave the animals you will eat, and let me let go of the rest. You are not allowed to do this in the future, you know." Seeing the silent people, Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". The citizens responded, leaving only one sheep, and the other animals were released.

"Let's all go." Zhang Yu waved them away.

Shi Xi comforted him: "Teacher, don't be angry. They may only become like this because they are too excited. I believe they definitely didn't intentionally kill those animals wantonly."

"I'm not angry, but distressed. People and nature should be mutually beneficial, but I don't know how to cherish, and excessive demand will become like the earth sooner or later, and resources will be exhausted sooner or later." Zhang Yu sighed.

"Then limit them. After getting used to it, they will understand that they should cherish." Xu Bo suggested.

"Ok". Zhang Yu sighed and told Zhinao Xiaowen: "Issued the Venus legal notice, prohibiting wanton hunting, and hunting animals must be eaten, no waste is allowed, and other things will be added in the future."

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

Let me inform you that on Venus, all the citizens of the Xingyue Institution who were wantonly hunting and killing animals have stopped, and no one who does not listen to advice has appeared, because they know that no one can escape the eyes of the law.

You know that Zhinao Xiaowen can monitor all crimes at the same time, and the citizens of Xingyue Institution are just for fun, and they are not hunting animals for profit, so no one will continue to hunt and kill animals. After all, that is not worthwhile.

Song Bao, who came to Venus, found Zhang Yu’s camping site, and after meeting he exclaimed, “Brother Yu, you are a real cow. You actually use a planet of life to make a zoo. If you let the agencies of the earth know, you will definitely be jealous. dead".

"Isn't that the population base is not large, when there are more people in the future, you can move to Venus here." Zhang Yu smiled.

"That's right, it's better to be prepared than to hug the Buddha's feet." Song Bao nodded in agreement.

When Zhang Yu and his party were camping on Venus, the various agencies on the earth soon learned that the Xing-Moon agencies used Venus for zoo affairs. This kind of ostentatious behavior made various agencies gnash their teeth.

We must know that so many institutions on the earth are all squeezed on the earth, and Xingyue institutions have too much land to use. How can this not be jealous? Even the people of various institutions on the earth are complaining. On the world forum, netizens are red. Focus on the discussion.

"This world is too unfair. Everyone in Xingyue has big villas to live in, but we can only huddle together as a family."

"Yes, the Xingyue Organization now has a zoo, which is as big as our earth. Does it have the laws of nature?"


In the No. 1 leader mansion, the faces of the officials of Citigroup agencies were as ugly as constipation. They wanted to take their place and take the right to use Venus. The boss of Condner said angrily: "It's a waste, if Venus is used for us ".

"How is that possible?" Hearing the boss's grumbling words, everyone was seldom speechless.

"It would be great if Venus was ours." The bosses of the agencies sighed, fantasizing.

When the Xingyue institutions were caught in a sea of ​​joy, the magical continent and the military bases in the Forest of Warcraft, the merchants coming and going, gathered a lot of wealth here, and the magical continent became the commodity dumping ground for Xingyue institutions. .

This is a catastrophe for the production industry of the Magic Continent. The handmade goods have all disappeared, because the goods of the Xingyue Institution are good and cheap. The nobles take pride in using the products of the Xingyue Institution and buy products to decorate themselves. s home.

Entertainment technology products have all the people on the Magic Continent addicted to it. Game consoles were once out of stock. Television and other film and television industries have been enthusiastically sought after by all the locals in the Magic Continent.

On an overseas island, the dragons who lived here were slowly invaded by the products of Xingyue Organization. The glass ornaments were loved by all the dragons. After the dragon king regained his sleep, he was very unfamiliar with the changes of the dragons. .

After inquiring about it, the Dragon King learned that Zhang Yu had appeared, and he built a city in the Warcraft Forest and sold all the goods to Dragon Island. He immediately ordered with red eyes: "All adult dragons, come with me."

"Yes". Adult dragons responded one after another.

The Dragon King took a group of dragons and flew into the Forest of Warcraft. The sun was blocked by the group of dragons. The people on the ground were frightened. After the rest of their lives, they spread the news, and the whole magic continent knew it. The dragons are dispatched.

The dragons flew into the sky outside the military base. Before they could fly into the city, they were violently attacked. I saw the blue light flashing on the city wall, and the plasma cannons carried powerful electric currents. Covered in the current.

"Zizzi". The electric current that made a sharp noise flowed from a dragon to the dragon next door. The dragon group paralyzed by the electric current suddenly turned over and fell to the ground like dumplings.

The powerful Dragon King quickly recovered, but he was still more than willing to attack just now. He stayed where he was and shouted again and again: "Zhang Yu, come out for me."

On the city wall, the golden intelligent robot roared: "Your Majesty is not here, leave me immediately."

Seeing a puppet, more arrogant than himself, the Dragon King was furious and aggressive and humane: "Believe it or not, I destroyed the city."

"Do not believe". The golden robot disdainfully said.

"you". The Dragon King was furious, but thought of his daughter Honglong, who was still in Zhang Yu's hands, and he didn't dare to go too far, afraid that Zhang Yu would tear the ticket.

"Boom boom boom boom".

Suddenly, a strong vibration sounded. Inside the city, the holy beast steel rhinoceros who heard the quarrel came out, the huge rhinoceros horn flashed with electric arcs, and the pressure of the holy beast caused the dragons to commotion.

The grumpy steel rhino asked, "Are you guys wanting to do things?"

"How is it possible, as a holy beast, how can you stand out for mankind". The dragon king dared not say anything with his face.

Steel Rhino became angry and said: "I like this, can't you? Leave quickly, or I will crush you."

Being looked down upon again and again, the Dragon King said in shame: "Looking for death." The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 900, Find the Dragon Clan), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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