When he was in Earth, because of the raging killing vines, the electromagnetic pulse device specially developed by Shi Xi finally came in handy again. Shi Xi felt like her child was recognized.

The energetic Shi Xi urged Xu Bo and others: "Let's go, let's kill the goblin who made us so much."

"Hey, the teacher meant to catch them alive and let them be miners, not to kill you all." Xu Bo reminded with a black line.

"Oh, isn't it, that's all right". Shi Xi said with a pity on his face.

The group of people dressed in magic suits, carrying electromagnetic pulse devices, passed through the wormhole of the Star Gate, and came to the military base city on the magic continent. A robot that had been waiting here immediately stepped forward to welcome them.

"Please go to the battlefield immediately, the robot can no longer hold it."

"Okay, lead the way." Shi Xi commanded with a serious face.

"PLZ follow me". The robot urn responded, leading Shi Xi and others to the location of the magic crystal vein.

On the magic crystal vein, the battle between the King Kong robot and the ordinary robots showed signs of one-sidedness. Only relying on the solid alloy, the King Kong robot is immune to the attacks of all ordinary robots.

As for the attack of the King Kong robot, ordinary robots can hurt or die when they touch them. It is not a level at all. On the ground, the remains of ordinary robots are scattered all over the ground, and the goblins smiled and talked.

"Look at our giants, when can we kill them all".

"I think it's coming soon."

"I didn't expect the giant I picked up to be so strong. It's so reliable."


"Don't be careless, there are still many enemy puppets." The Goblin Organization King looked at the battlefield and said, but the arrogant goblins didn't think the enemy had a chance to turn defeat into victory, and they didn't care about the words of the Organization King.

On the battlefield.




The arc gun was fired continuously, and the King Kong robot that was hit had sparks flashing on its body, but all the electric current was sucked away by the reactor in the King Kong robot, and it did not cause any damage to the body.

The King Kong robot carrying the residual current on its body, when the giant sword is swung, it touches the ordinary robot, and the ordinary robot will stop for a while. It is this pause that allows the King Kong robot to seize the opportunity and give more ordinary robots. Chop down.




Every time the King Kong robot cuts down one more robot, it makes the golden intelligent robot more anxious, secretly annoyed: "If you don't come back, you really won't be able to hold it anymore."

When the goblins were triumphant, Shi Xi and others finally came to the battlefield. When Shi Xi and others saw the robot parts all over the floor and the King Kong robot that had become an enemy, they were immediately annoyed.

Shi Xi said: "Assign the work, I will assemble the electromagnetic pulse device, you go and wrap the King Kong robot."

"it is good". Xu Bo and others responded.

The magic suit that flew into the air. After joining the battlefield, the situation changed. The more powerful magic suit not only withstood the hacking attack of the King Kong robot, but also fought back and left behind on the King Kong robot. Cut marks one after another.


In the fierce battle, except for Xu Bo, the others also drew out a sword. The blade was covered with a layer of high-frequency electromagnetic, and they were constantly slashing at the King Kong robot. If it were not because the electromagnetic sword was not big enough, the King Kong robot would have been used. Cut it in half.

Moreover, when manufacturing the King Kong robot, considering the complexity of the use environment, the body shell of the King Kong robot uses an alloy that is waterproof, electricity and cold and heat resistant, so the general energy attack does not work on the King Kong robot.

Unless a more powerful energy weapon is used, it can break through the shell of the King Kong robot, but the volume of the mana suit is not large, and it cannot be loaded with stronger weapons, so Xu Bo and others can only head against the King Kong robot.

If this stalemate continues, after a few days of sleepless fighting, Xu Bo and others may be able to use an electromagnetic sword to chop off the shell of the King Kong robot, so that Shi Xi's electromagnetic pulse device generator will be available.

After the instrument was assembled, Shi Xi shouted: "I want to turn on the electromagnetic pulse device. Turn on the electromagnetic shield and adjust the frequency to the same. Otherwise, don't blame me if the parts are burned."

The king of the goblin agency heard Shi Xi's shout, but there was no translation system for him. He did not understand Chinese, and said in surprise: "What does the enemy want to do?"

"---". The goblins are confused.

"Got it". Xu Bo and others responded and opened the electromagnetic shields, and the remaining robots also opened the electromagnetic shields.

Even the electromagnetic shield, if the frequency is inconsistent, the electronic components will be burned by the electromagnetic pulse, so the electromagnetic shield that can withstand the electromagnetic pulse device, unless it is defense with ultra-high frequency electromagnetic, or know the pulse wave frequency, otherwise it will only Will be destroyed.

Shi Xi, who controlled the electromagnetic pulse device, pressed the switch.


The powerful and chaotic electromagnetic pulse wave instantly wrapped everything in the surroundings. The defensive goblins fell to the ground weakly, convulsing all over, vomiting up and down, losing control of the body.

The extremely uncomfortable goblins simultaneously thought in horror: "What's the matter, the body is uncomfortable, and I can't move."

The King Kong robot, which had lost its intelligence, also did not move for an instant. The electronic components in the body were completely destroyed. The King Kong robot that crashed automatically, with a "bang", fell on its back and smashed out a big pit.

Seeing that there were no enemies on the battlefield that could resist, Shi Xi stopped the electromagnetic pulse device, squinted and smiled: "Okay, it's time to finish."

Xu Bo, who inserted the electromagnetic sword back on his back, said speechlessly, "This is too easy. I haven't played enough yet, it's a pity."

"How much do you want to fight? Wouldn't it be nice to complete the task easily". Shu Qiaoqiao didn't have a good airway.

"Okay, hurry up and put the prisoners' collars on the goblins, or wait for them to recover, but it will be in trouble. I don't want to make any mistakes, otherwise the teacher will definitely nag us." Shi Xi reminded.

"Yes". Xu Bo and others thought of Zhang Yu's long-windedness, and quickly started to act.

The goblins lying on the ground immobile, let Shi Xi and others wear a collar. This is a collar that only humans can wear. The goblins feel extremely humiliated. The king of the goblin mechanism reluctantly urges the magic in the body and struggles. Got up and said.

"I don't wear it, some kind of kills me".

Shi Xiyin smiled and said, "What a waste of killing you, let us work hard."

"Don't even think about it." The Goblin Mechanism King squirmed his body and slowly moved back, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being collared. Feeling the thing on his neck, the Goblin Mechanism King suddenly fell into a loss.

"It's over, it's over. If you knew it, you shouldn't be greedy." The goblin agency Wang Sheng said to himself irresistibly.

"---". On the side, the goblins who were collared all became depressed.

The king of the Goblin Organization, who had aspirations for life and death, waited until his body recovered, and stubbornly shouted to the depressed goblins: "We are noble goblins. We must never become human beings and kill them."

"kill". The goblins roared murderously.


The collar sensed the riots of the goblins, and immediately ignited an electric current, causing all the goblins to be clicked. Then all the goblins fell to the ground, their bodies twitched, and some of the weaker goblins cast their eyes. Fainted.

The Goblin Mechanism King who finally knew the effect of the collar, murmured with an earthy face: "You can't even resist, this time is really over."

Shi Xi, who crossed his arms on her chest, comforted: "Don't worry, as long as you work hard, we won't kill you, and you think about it, if you are all dead, what about the children of your tribe? ".

As soon as these words came out, all the goblins panicked. After they were arrested, the little goblins who stayed at home, there is no way to survive in the dangerous Warcraft Forest. Thinking of this, the goblins don't want to die.

The king of the Goblin Institution roared with a grim face: "It's all your fault."

"Are you crazy, you obviously attacked us first." Shi Xi cursed.

"---". The king of the goblin agency was ashamed and speechless, his eyes dodged, and he dared not look into the eyes of the people.

Xu Bo asked: "Tell us where your home is. Only with us can your family live."

The goblins hesitated and didn't want their family members to be enslaved, but if they didn't say anything, the family wouldn't be able to live. Whether they wanted to die with dignity or live humiliatingly, the goblins' brains were confused.

Shi Xi sneered: "Now you don't have to believe that we will treat your family well, do you have any other way? If you don't want your family to die, say it quickly."

"In the next stone mountain." Among the goblins, a goblin said suddenly.

The goblins suddenly cursed the goblin.

"Damn it, how can you say it".

"I will kill you".

"damn it".


After the goblins spoke, Xu Bo found the golden intelligent robot and ordered: "Bring some robots, and bring those goblins."

"Yes". The golden robot responded.

Soon after, a group of little goblins were tremblingly brought to the Demon Crystal Mineral Vein. After seeing their parents, the little goblins ran over crying, and cried with their heads in their arms.

"Mom, I'm afraid."

"Dad, those puppets are so fierce."


After comforting the children, the goblins gave in and said: "As long as we don't hurt our children, we can do anything we want."

Shi Xi smiled satisfied after hearing this: "Very well, then you will stay here and help us dig the magic crystal mine. You can leave here after the magic crystal mine is finished. If you are lazy, your children's food will be reduced. half".

"Yes". The goblins who had already succumbed, looked at the child lovingly, and responded with sad eyes. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/103360.htmlThe full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/103360/The city’s technology empire txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/103360.htmlUrban technology empire mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/103360/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 904 Prisoner), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (www.ltnovel.com)

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