From the captives, Zhang Yu knew that in the distant interstellar, there were many civilizations with different intelligent lives, and these people in front of them were a group of robbers, wandering around the universe, looking for a new civilization, and then snatching them.

When Zhang Yu heard that they had destroyed multiple planets, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he asked, "Where is your captain?"

"During the fight, I ran away." The deputy captain said griefly.

"Damn, there is a fish that slipped through the net, Xiaowen, let the people at the Astronomical Observatory see if they can find the trace of the escape boat." Zhang Yu quickly ordered that if the enemy escapes, it will definitely be very troublesome in the future.

"Yes". Zhi Nao Xiaowen responded and notified the people at the Astronomical Observatory.

In the astronomical observatory, the director who received the order shouted: "Keep your eyes open and search the outer space. Never let the slightest clues go and find the enemy's escape ship for me."

"Yes". The staff responded.

In the prison of the laboratory, it is impossible to imagine how dark people are in their minds to become Shi Xi who destroys countless intelligent lives. He looked at the captives with disgust and asked: "Teacher, what do these people do?"

"These people wantonly destroy the planet of life for profit. It is not a pity to die. Put to death, Xiaowen, let the robot take them away." Zhang Yu said with a look of disgust.

"Ok". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

The pirate crew suddenly begged for mercy hysterically.

"No, we know we were wrong."

"It was the captain who asked us to do this."

"Spare us".


To Zhang Yu, who was not moved by begging for mercy, smiled coldly: "I think there must be intelligent life begging you for mercy in those planets destroyed by you, but have you spared them? No, so you still go to hell".

The deputy captain, who knew that he could not live, roared grimly: "Don't be proud, even if we die, you won't be better off."

"Oh, isn't it, let's hear it". Zhang Yu disdainfully said.

"As long as our captain escapes and let the people of the Pirate Alliance know about you, then in order to save face and prevent you from joining the Star Alliance, the Pirate Alliance will definitely come to attack you. You are dead." The deputy captain laughed fiercely.

"Do you think they can wipe us out". Zhang Yu sneered.

"of course". But if these two words weren't finished, the deputy captain's triumphant expression was startled, and he suddenly remembered that these people in front of him had an unknown weapon that could destroy everything in an instant. It was suddenly not so sure.

"Take it away". Zhang Yu waved his hand.

"Yes". The robot urn responded and walked over.

The regained deputy captain struggled and shouted: "Don't kill me, I know a lot of information and secrets of the Pirate League, as long as I don't kill me, I'm willing to say anything."

"But I don't want to listen. As long as there is a strong force, the Pirate Alliance is just a chicken." Zhang Yu disdainfully said that only his own strength can control his own destiny, and everything else is imaginary.

"Do not". The crew roared unwillingly, and finally fell silent.

Zhinao Xiaowen reported: "It has been processed."

"Go, let's go back." Zhang Yu gestured to Shi Xi and others.

"Ok". Shi Xi and others responded.

Outside the Milky Way, two escape ships were hiding behind the meteorites, relying on the power of the meteorites to fly. The two captains who were frightened out of the sky did not dare to continue turning on the spacecraft because they would be discovered.

Relying on this way of escape, the Star-Moon Organization did not find their traces. After arriving in a safe space, the two captains dared to open the escape ship. When they passed by the life planet they had destroyed, the two of them were full of faces. Complexity.

"Is this retribution? No, it's just because it's not strong enough to become what it is now. As long as we can make a comeback, everything will be there again. Captain Kalwu murmured to himself firmly.

Captain Manteny muttered to himself with resentment: "Those people must pay the price. My pirate group cannot sacrifice in vain. By the way, as long as the situation is reported to the pirate league, they will definitely be dispatched. Those people are dead at that time, hahaha".

Imagining that the Star-Moon Organization was slaughtered by the Pirate Alliance a hundred times, Captain Manteny's mood became happy, his stomach "cuckled cooing", and the hungry Captain Manteny looked for it and found the escape boat. There is no food in there.

"How could this happen, it's impossible, why". After rumbling through the escape boat, he couldn't find anything to eat, and Captain Manteny roared in despair.

A few days ago, before the Xingyue Organization and the pirates battle, a fat pirate member sneaked into the escape boat because of being extremely hungry, ate all the food in it, and left as if nothing had happened. .

Captain Manteny, who didn't know this, roared unwillingly: "Am I going to be starved to death, no?

The citizens of Xingyue Organization, who knew that the war had been won, cheered and celebrated. The streets were full of colorful balloons and ribbons.

When Zhang Yu returned to the tree house and saw the contents of the note left in the bedroom, the corners of his eyes were constantly twitching, and he gritted his teeth. The whole person was not good. He wanted to catch Angela and hit her **** severely. .

On the note.

[When you saw the note, I had taken Yueyue and ran away from home. This is a punishment for shouting at me. Do you want to come to us? It's up to you. I don't plan to go back anyway. Angela left words].

Outside the door, Yanyan and others walked into the bedroom one by one, you persuaded each other.

"Husband, get Angela back quickly."

"Yes, Angela can't cook, she will go hungry".

"Hurry up, we will wait for you to come back."


Hearing the words of Yanyan and others, Zhang Yu moved in his heart and asked suspiciously: "Did you know about this a long time ago?"

"How is it possible, we also just learned about it". Yanyan and other women suddenly laughed.

"Oh, yes, but the note is still in my hand. How did you know that Angela took Yueyue and ran away from home, and asked me to take them home. You will see through." Zhang Yu said angrily.

"Ha ha". Yanyan waited for the girl to smirk, trying to get confused.

"Let's talk, where are the two of them now". Zhang Yu asked.

Su Mei, who knew that she couldn't hide it, said nonchalantly: "In the base of the Magic Continent."

"Then let them live there for a few days." Zhang Yu didn't plan to pick up people.

"Don't, if the mother-in-law can't see her granddaughter Yueyue at night, she will be angry." Yanyan suddenly panicked when she heard this, if her mother-in-law knew that they were also involved and asked Angela to take Zhang Yue away from home, she would definitely be angry.

"Husband, we won't dare anymore next time, you hurry up and get them back, or mother-in-law will scold us to death." Su Mei said coquettishly.

"Yes, husband". Mei Xuejiao said.

"Well, I'll just get them back." With Zhang Yu under the steps, he agreed to come down.

"come back earlier". The three daughters of Yanyan hurriedly pushed Zhang Yu out of the bedroom and waved goodbye with a smile.

"Hey". Depressed Zhang Yu left home helplessly.

In the base on the Magic Continent, Angela and Zhang Yue, mother and daughter, are wandering on the street. The bodyguard robot protects the two. No one can approach. Merchants and adventurers on the Magic Continent are suspicious. Tao.

"Who is this person, who is actually protected by a powerful iron golem."

"It must be a powerful person."

"That woman is so beautiful, and I don't know who is so lucky to marry her."


Angela, who doesn’t care what others think, took her daughter to the sugar water store, rested, drinking cold sugar water, Zhang Yue sitting on the chair and two little feet kicking around, her face was bored. Asked.

"Mom, when will Dad take us home?"

Angela heard the words, her pink lips sullen, and her eyes complained: "How do I know?"

Zhang Yue, who is a little ghost, said to himself: "Perhaps Dad has found an aunt to go home again, so I have no time to care for you."

"He dare." Angela became angry when she heard the words, and she blushed after she found her daughter's routine. She said in a bad mood, "Don't care about adults and children."

"Yes". Zhang Yue rolled his eyes and replied.

In the demon crystal veins outside the base, the goblins were constantly busy, and in the deeper and deeper the veins, a huge cave appeared. Inside the cave, there were a whole row of devil stone statues, all of them lifelike.

In the center of the cave, on a huge circular stone slab, there are densely distributed strange patterns. The moment the goblins saw the pattern, the idea of ​​studying it suddenly rose, and the goblin leader who was about to move, suppressed the desire shouted.

"Don't stop working, otherwise, our family will go hungry."

"Yes." When the goblins heard this, they stopped.

The goblin leader immediately said: "You all go to work, and you can just leave it to me."

"Too despicable." When the goblins heard the words, they immediately refused to give up.

"Then take a turn, it's okay." The goblin leader said helplessly.

"That's pretty much the same." The goblins accepted this proposal.

The first to study the slate was the goblin leader. He walked on the slab and rubbed the pattern on the slab with his cocooned hands. If the goblin had been to the Star-Moon Institution, he would definitely know that the slate was nothing but a teleportation. Gate.

It’s a pity that the goblin leader didn’t know. After he saw the huge magic spar on the slab, he broke the magic spar a few times with his hand and broke the magic spar off. Unknown to him, he put the magic spar back, but put it in the wrong way. Locations.


The magic spar suddenly lit up, and the pattern on the stone slab also lit up. The cave was illuminated, and then the entire cave began to shake, and all the goblins were frightened and fled back to the ground.

The robots on the ground saw the ground shaking and the mountain was shaking. After the goblins ran out of the mine, they hurriedly shouted, "Come with us."

"Tatatata". The goblins, like blind flies, followed the robot to the wide flat ground. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 924 Running away from home), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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