In the base of Warcraft Forest, because Zhang Yu evacuated too fast, the robots and weapons in the base were not recovered. The gods who stayed in the base waiting for Zhang Yu found the leftover robots and a large number of weapons.

The electromagnetic cannon and other weapons were pushed together to form a hill. The cable connecting the electromagnetic cannon was roughly torn off. Like a little girl, the goddess of life picked up the electromagnetic cannon ball, an iron bullet, and asked after observing it. .

"This is what you said, a powerful weapon, isn't it just a piece of iron."

The president of the magic nodded affirmatively: "We have seen the power of this weapon from afar. It can't be wrong, but it's a pity that we won't use it."

"Those iron golems can really move." The priest of the church pope pointed to the waiting robot and said.

"Oh, is it so". The gods looked at the robot curiously.

Stared with curious eyes, the robot was indifferent. The priest church the pope couldn't help but kicked the robot. After finding that the robot was still motionless, the pope kicked it hard again and made a "Dangdangdang" sound.

"Under attack, lock the enemy, counterattack." The robot woke up from standby, raised the electromagnetic cannon on its arm, and instantly aimed at the pope of the pastor's church. Before he could react, it shot an electromagnetic bullet.

"call out".

The bullet flying at the speed of sound made the pope who could not dodge feel the danger of death. Just when the bullet was about to hit the pope, the **** of space reacted and instantly opened a space shield between the bullet and the pope.


The bullet that hit the space shield was blocked, but the shield was also broken through a few slits.

"saved". Seeing the bullet stopped in front of him, the pope, who was scared in cold sweat, murmured.

Seeing that the electromagnetic cannon was blocked, the robot immediately increased its attack speed, raised its other hand, and fired a particle cannon. The particle cannon, which was faster than the electromagnetic cannon, instantly hit the space shield in front of the pope.




The space shield was shaken by the attack and became very unstable.

The gods were shocked when they saw the performance of the robots. This kind of weapon that even them could feel threatened is on every robot. If more robots attack together, they can definitely eliminate the demon god's subordinates.

The Pope looked at the shaking space shield in front of him, and shouted, "Help."

Fighting God couldn't stand it anymore, his vertical palm formed a knife-like shape. After the vindictiveness wrapped his palm, he swiped it down. Suddenly, a sword violently slashed down at the robot attacking the Pope, slashing the robot away.


A long steel roar sounded, and the robot quickly got up from the ground. A depression appeared on its chest. The attacked robot activated the war mode and called its companions.

"Enemy detected",

"Kaka Kaka". All the robots on standby came back to life.

Fighting God shouted in shock, "Damn, what kind of steel is that, it's so hard."

"Now is not the time to say that, we are about to be attacked." The Goddess of Life looked at the surrounding robots and said helplessly.

As soon as the voice fell, the robot launched an attack.

"call out".

"call out".


Electromagnetic cannons and particle cannons alternately fired, covering all the gods and their subordinates. Except for the gods, the rest of the people basically reacted, their faces turned pale, waiting for death to come.

"Space Guardian".

"Magic Guardian".


The helpless gods had no choice but to open the shield to protect everyone.




Under the coverage attack, as long as you relax, someone will be hit. The gods have no choice but to maintain the magic shield. The Dragon God stared at the fighting **** with a gloomy face and shouted: "It's all your fault, if you didn't attack those Puppets will not become like this."

Fighting God said with an innocent expression on his face: "No, it's the fault of the Space God. He attacked those iron golems first."

The God of Space became angry and said, "Isn't it because he wants to protect the subordinates of the Goddess of Life"

"So, it's all your fault." The gods gritted their teeth and looked at the papal path of the pastor's church.

"Ha ha". The pope smirked, trying to fool it.

The subordinates made a mistake, and the goddess of life changed the subject with a smile: "What should I do now, do you want to eliminate those iron golems?"

"Well, if the master here knows, it will be very difficult to make an alliance. After all, the iron golem's counterattack was caused by us." Fashen analyzed and said.

"Then find a place to hide." Doushen suggested.

"it is good". The gods responded.

After returning to the building, the robot is not attacking, but traps the gods inside, waiting for the next instructions. If there is no instruction, the robot will always trap the gods inside.

In the magic crystal ore cave, the weak demon **** was afraid that the gods would find it and besie him, so he chose to attack first, and ordered: "Let the bat monsters and rock monsters attack the gods and consume their divine power.

After I recover, it will be their death date."

"Yes". The dark creatures responded.

Rock monsters and bat monsters can take care of each other on the ground and in the sky to prevent the gods from retreating without a fight. They can only fight hard and kill all the rock monsters and bat monsters. Unfortunately, when these two dark creatures come to the base, Encountered an unexpected situation.

Only a simple and intelligent robot found the dark creature rushing over and said with certainty: "The enemy's reinforcements are coming, attack."

"Kaka Kaka". The robots raised by two mechanical arms aimed at the rock monsters on the ground and the bat monsters in the sky, and fired electromagnetic cannons and particle cannons.

"call out".

"call out".


Thousands of electromagnetic cannons and particle cannons have killed the imposing dark creatures and turned them on their backs. Electromagnetic bullets with powerful power penetrated the hard body of the rock monsters, and the particle cannons instantly killed a large number of bat monsters.

Inside the building, the goddess of life said with a smile: "It seems we don't need to make a move."

Fashen looked at the dark creatures lying sideways, and said with a look of surprise: "Those iron golems are actually so powerful."

On the street of the base.

"Roar". The rock monster roared like a gorilla, clenched two huge fists, and slammed into the ground. The huge impact force immediately caused the ground to shake, and more rock monsters joined the smashing ranks.

"Boom boom boom". The ground with a concrete structure shattered, exposing the soil underneath, and there was a magical rock monster on the body, which caused the mud to surge and gather on the rock monster. After a while, a rock monster that had grown more than ten times larger appeared. Up.

The rock monsters wrapped in the solid components of the soil turned into giants, and the rock monsters that lost their flexibility became stronger. The electromagnetic cannon's attack could no longer penetrate the body of the rock monster.

The rock monster that surrounded the robot blocked the sunlight and smashed it down with a huge fist.




"Shoo, hoo,". The flexible robot dodged from the rock monster's fist, and counterattacked an electromagnetic cannon back easily. The information sharing robot quickly found the rock monster's weakness and eyes.

"call out".

"call out".


The rock monster that has lost its flexibility completely withstands a large number of electromagnetic cannon attacks from the robot. The moment the eyeball hits, it bursts open and becomes blind. The bat monster in the sky does not dare to approach at all, because the blind rock is the enemy and the enemy. .

Soon after, all the rock monsters were wiped out. The bat monsters were frightened and fled in horror. They returned to the demon crystal vein. After learning about this, the demon **** guessed that Zhang Yu might be stronger. After all, Zhang Yu Yu's iron golems are so strong, they even dare not let Zhang Yu join in.

The Demon God asked with a sad face: "Do you have any way to prevent the human named Zhang Yu from coming to the Magic Continent".

"---". The dark creatures were cute and silent, obviously not good at using their brains.

When the opportunity to express yourself came, the pope of the Soul Church said: "My Lord Devil, I have a way."

"Oh, hurry up." The Demon God couldn't wait to ask.

"As long as Master Mind Eater creates a plague that amplifies desires, then not only can Zhang Yu be frightened, but also the people in the Magic Continent can be upset because of their desires, and no one can stop Master Demon God at that time. is you". Said the Pope of the Soul Church.

"Good idea, Mind Eater, leave it to you." Hearing the words, the devil said with all his approval.

"Yes, Lord Devil". The hermaphrodite, extremely ugly-faced Mind Eater responded.

The thought eater with evil power surging in his body, extracts all the thoughts of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust, and adds evil magic power and body essence to create a colorful ball. Colored spherical objects.

The spherical object glowed with gray fluorescence, slowly solidified, and turned into an egg, and then the Mind Eater seemed to have exhausted its strength, and lay down on the ground weakly, reporting with a hoarse voice: "It's done."

"Very well, you go to rest first." Lord Demon God took the gray egg and ordered.

"Yes". The mind eater left the hall and went to sleep.

The devil used magic power to catalyze the egg in his hand, and massive magic power poured in, allowing the life in the egg to grow rapidly, and the countless desires in the air were continuously sucked into the egg.

"Kakaka". The egg shell slowly cracked, and the demon **** waited for the unknown creature in the egg to be born.

When the eggshells are all cracked, the creatures inside are born. The creature with the big fist has a pair of extremely evil eyes, the skin is gray, the tail is full of barbs, the mouth is full of fangs, and the tongue stretches out like a snake. .

The demon **** exclaimed excitedly: "From today, you will be called Demon, go, and turn the outside into a world with endless desires."

"Sisisi". The little Demon was sticking out his tongue in excitement, the black devil's wings stirred, and the Demon disappeared in the cave. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 927 Demon), and you can read it next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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