All the prisons of Xingyue Institution are full, but it is still not enough. Zhinao Xiaowen can only let the new prisoners be detained in the warehouse. At the same time, the citizens who have been confined at home are also starting to move around and want to go out to achieve their own. desire.

Citizens of Area A roared: "Let me out".

Citizens in Zone B are manic: "I'm going to be an interstellar bandit, don't stop me".

Citizens of Zone C are crazy: "I want to destroy the earth star, and I will be the master of the earth star".


"You said, Xingyue Institutional Citizens are crazy, why all of them want to become Institutional Kings, and want to become Overlords."

General Hams was surprised and said: "Who knows, but now they are a group of lunatics, it is better to ignore them, or get entangled, that would be bad."

"Makes sense." The officials nodded.

Rakshasa, the boss of Vicki, wondered if the Xingyue Organization was pretending to be crazy, and then lured them into the bait, sent troops to attack the Xingyue Organization, and then sought to seize the planet. Such thinking, Vicky felt that the analysis was reasonable.

"If you want to lie to me to send troops, go in a dream." Boss Veitch said with disdain.

The bosses of various organizations frowned and thought hard: "What the **** is the Xingyue organization doing?"

Liga Agency, Boss Fitch left all his official duties and took a day off. He wanted to go to Xingyue Agency to see Angela, fantasizing that Angela would be unhappy with Zhang Yu, and then Fitch would be able to pierce Angela. Snatch it back.

Fitch, who came to the transmission array of the two institutions, found that the square was crowded with people, and the crowd quarreled.

"What's the matter, why the portal hasn't opened yet".

"Don't you open the door today?"


Fitch, who walked quietly into the guard room, asked the security guard: "What's the matter?"

"Hello BOSS, this is the case. Today, the door to the starry sky has not been opened, and the people outside just stayed here and refused to leave." The security guard saw that it was Fitch, and immediately explained respectfully.

"Didn't it say that it was opened once a week? How come the door to the starry sky is not opened." BOSS Fei Qi was surprised.

"Perhaps something happened to the Xingyue Organization, otherwise there is no reason not to open the door of the starry sky." The security guard guessed.

"problem occurs". When Fei heard this, his heart trembled. Zhang Yu's accident is fine, but Angela can't have an accident. There is no door to the starry sky in Liga's institution. He can't go to the star-moon institution, so annoyed Feiqi secretly said.

"Damn it, if something happens to Angela, Zhang Yu, you will be dead."

In the Magic Continent, the various races that have fallen are still fighting each other, resulting in a sharp decline in the number of races. The original town has become a ruin, and the original royal city has also become a slaughterhouse.

All the people who want to be the king of the institution will come here and occupy the position of the king of the institution from the fight, but they will be killed by the next group of people. In the royal city with corpses, even the walls are dyed red, then It is the color of blood.

In the base in the Warcraft Forest, in an underground cave under the ruined tiles, the holy beast steel rhinoceros hiding here suppresses the desires in his heart, wanting to sleep in the past, so as not to be manipulated by desires and become walking dead.

"Master, come and save me, I can't hold on anymore." The hard-bearing steel rhino thought of Zhang Yu, and said in a tormented prayer.

In the ocean, Manlisha, the mermaid king, a natural soul capable person, used beautiful singing to suppress the desires for the tribe. The sober mermaid fled back to the deep sea to hide, but the more suppressed, the strength of the rebound will be reduced. The bigger, the mermaid prays for a savior to appear every day.

Manlisha, the king of mermaid with dark blue hair, blue fish tail, devil figure and angelic appearance, sobbed, her tears flowed out and turned into pearls, rolled to the bottom of the sea, buried by sand and gravel, with a sad face Said bitterly.

"God, save the mermaid clan, I am willing to give everything I have in exchange."

In the institution of the orc emperor, the members of the orc have already turned into beasts, killing each other, and the beast king who is still insisting, the face will become hideous, peaceful, tyrannical, and psychological His desires are fighting for sovereignty.

"Damn it, it's about to die, don't lose your mind, or the orcs will be over." Beastmaster clenched his teeth and insisted.

In the magic city, the demon king sat on a high chair, and the dark creatures brought a large group of people. People were put into a huge cage. The human beings who were occupied by desires began to fight to please the demon king.

It's a pity that the Demon Lord is tired of seeing these things, and the irritable Demon Lord asked: "Is there nothing more exciting?"

The Pope of the Soul Church said: "Master Devil, you can let your subordinates catch more races back, and then melee, what do you think?"

"not enough". The Demon King said indifferently.

The pope suddenly panicked and added: "That can make the captured person wake up, so that you can see more desperate expressions, what do you think?"

"Very well, just do it, I want to see it quickly." The devil said with great interest.

"Yes". The dark creatures responded and began to act.

Soon after, more humans, orcs, goblins, and beasts were captured and returned. The devil cleared the plague of desire in them. Suddenly, the crazy people and beasts woke up and recalled what they had done. All the captives suddenly Looking resentfully at the Demon King, shouted.

"Damn it, you, let me kill my family by mistake, I want to kill you".

"I will never let you go, die."

"Kill you".


The awake people and beasts all rushed towards the demon king. The dark creatures immediately wanted to stop. The demon king waved the dark creatures back. Faced with the resistance of the captives, the sword slashed on the demon king and shot out sparks.




The devil smiled, grabbed a person's head with one hand, and squeezed it hard: "Bang".

Plasma burst out, and the Demon King found pleasure and began to torture the prisoners. The smile on his face was so cruel. After the Demon King killed all the prisoners, the Demon King's mood was very refreshing.

"Bring down a batch of prisoners." The devil commanded happily.

"Yes". The dark creatures responded.

In the laboratory of the headquarters building of Mars, Xingyue Institution, Zhang Yu has been asleep for half a day, and the time is running out. Shi Xi and others eagerly stood in front of Zhang Yu, waiting for Zhang Yu to wake up.

"Why haven't you woken up yet? Time is running out." Shi Xi said anxiously.

"We have to trust the teacher, he has never let us down, has he". Xu Bo comforted.

"Yes, the teacher must be able to." Shu Qiaoqiao firmly believed.

As time passed by, the sun was hanging high in the sky, and when the weather became sultry, Zhang Yu finally woke up from the spiritual world and found Yanyan who was sleeping beside her shoulder, Zhang Yu gently hugged him. She took it to the lounge.

He kissed Zhang Yu who was asleep in Yanyan, turned and left the lounge, went to the laboratory hall, and instructed Shi Xi and others: "Go and prepare six glass jars, I will do an experiment."

"Good teacher". Shi Xi and others responded quickly.

The six glass jars were filled with air by Zhang Yu. Five of the glass jars were filled with five single magical energies of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Shi Xi asked, who could not understand the purpose of this experiment.

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

"I'll know in a while, I'm not sure." Zhang Yu said blankly.

"what". Xu Bo and others exclaimed.

"Looking to you, if my idea is not wrong, this kind of pathogen is probably a genetic virus, and it only works on life in a specific environment." Zhang Yu smiled.

"Asshole". Shi Xi and the others cursed secretly in their hearts, and their faces were crazy.

Under Zhang Yu's gesture, Xu Bo brought six mice. Shi Xi injected the mice with concentrated pathogens one by one. Soon, the mice went crazy, hit the iron cage and got themselves It was scarred.

Zhang Yu quickly ordered: "Put the mice into a glass jar each."

"Yes". Shi Xi and others responded.

When the mouse was put into the glass jar, the jar was filled with the magical energy of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the mouse still slammed into the glass jar frantically. There was only one mouse in the glass jar, and it slowly calmed down. Come down.

After Zhang Yu took a test, he discovered that the plague of desire bacteria was dormant in the mouse without madness. Obviously, in the air where there is no energy, the pathogenic bacteria can't make the living body fall into madness.

Shi Xi and the others looked at the only little white mouse who was not crazy, and said in a daze, "It actually succeeded."

"In fact, it doesn't, it just suppresses the germs, but in this way, we can have more time to study antidote." The experiment was successful, and there was no need to study Yanyan to make an antidote, Zhang Yuru relieved his burden.

"It's amazing, teacher." Shi Xi and others cheered with admiration.

"I will leave the rest to you first." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he fainted because of overwork.

"teacher". Shi Xi and others exclaimed.

Zhang Yu, who fainted, frightened Shi Xi and the others. When they found that Zhang Yu was just asleep and it was not a major problem, everyone was relieved and hurriedly put Zhang Yu in the lounge and slept with Yanyan. .

Yanyan was awakened by the noisy footsteps. When she found that Zhang Yu had fainted, she immediately said anxiously: "What happened to Brother Yu?"

Shi Xi admired: "The teacher overused his mental power and fainted, but you can rest assured, Madam, the teacher has found a way to suppress the bacteria, you don't have to sacrifice to make a test article."

Upon hearing this, Yanyan immediately hugged Zhang Yu, who had passed out, in her arms, and said to Shi Xi and the others: "Brother Yu, just leave it to me, so let's go ahead."

"Ok". Shi Xi and others left the lounge wittily.

In the lounge, Yanyan whispered in Zhang Yu's ear with a contented face: "Husband, take a good night's sleep, you have worked hard." The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: city’s technological empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 933 Suppression Measures) reading record, and you can read it next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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