Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 938: Rescue the mermaid

The Nine Gods saw the changes in the Demon, and their faces were full of ecstasy. They tried all kinds of methods to destroy the Demon, but they felt the pain in the singing of the mermaid, and the power of desire in the Demon was still It is slowly melting.

The Demon with his head rolled around, with a hideous face, roared in pain: "Damn, it is the singing ability of voluntary dedication, how could there be such a silly mermaid."

"---". The nine gods looked at each other.

The goddess of life suggested: "Or, think of a way to save the mermaid and help eliminate this lust."

"How to save". The fairy goddess asked.

"I have a life transfer magic circle, using other people's lives to transfer to the mermaid, in this way, let the fish have more vitality, to sing this kind of soul song." Fashen said.

"Let's go and see before talking." The **** of space suggested.

"it is good". The gods nodded.

With a wave of the space god's hand, he cut the space in front of him and headed straight to the sea. The nine gods took the sealed Demon and came to the seaside reef. The members of the Mermaid tribe immediately guarded Man Lisa and prohibited outsiders from approaching.

The goddess of life smiled and said: "Hello, I am the goddess of life, not a bad person."

The mermaid elder smiled and said: "What are you doing here, just speak up."

"That's it. Your patriarch’s singing can dissolve the power of desire of the demon. We are here to let your patriarch help eliminate the demon. As long as the demon dies, things that make people crazy will dissipate, and the world will disappear. No life will go mad." The goddess of life explained.

The mermaid clan gritted their teeth and looked at the Demon, resenting: "Is he the one who caused the world and turned it into hell?"

"Yes it is". The goddess of life nodded.

"Let me kill it".

"It's what caused us to be displaced and our patriarch's life or death was uncertain."

Among the mermaid tribe, the young and energetic mermaid rushed over and kicked and punched the Demon, but it did not hurt the Demon at all. It was not because the semi-conscious Man Lisa was still singing, the body of the Demon, The mermaid can't even touch it.

The goddess of life calmed down: "You can't hurt it. Let your patriarch sing to the Demon. Only in this way can the Demon be slowly dissolved and killed."

The elder mermaid said bitterly: "You are late, the patriarch can't stop now, and it's unaware, and it can't communicate at all."

"What, how could this happen". The goddess of life said sadly, hope is clearly in front of her, but she can't catch it.

"Damn it, are you late?" The other Iori were unwilling to say it.


The mermaid patriarch Man Lisa, who was completely in a coma, was floating in the air above the sea, singing unconsciously, her black hair hanging straight down, her tail slowly turning into snow white, and she kept moving towards the roots of her hair.

As long as the white color reaches the root of the hair, Manlisa is dead. The goddess of life senses the vitality quickly consumed by the mermaid patriarch, unwilling to try to inject the divine power into Manlisa's body, but it has no effect at all.

The goddess of life shook and walked away, and the members of the mermaid tribe cried and robbed the ground.

"how so".

"It's all our fault. If it weren't for saving us, the patriarch would not have become like this."

"Woo, patriarch, don't die."


In the air, the singing energy of the soul is slowly weakening, and the pain of the demon is also slowly diminishing. It ecstatically shouted: "Hahaha, I have come here, and the person who can hurt me is going to die." .

When the goddess of life heard this, she was unwilling to say: "Damn, is there really no way to do it?"

"---". The other Iori were silent and depressed.

Not long ago, Zhang Yu, who was sunbathing in the new base, received a deep and sad singing voice with his huge mental power. Although he could not understand the lyrics, Zhang Yu was still affected and shed tears.

Song Bao, who snatched Zhang Yu's couch, immediately got up in a panic and shouted: "Brother Yu, I was wrong, I will return the chair to you, don't cry".

The shouts alarmed Shi Xi and others in the infrastructure construction. They rushed over when they heard Song Bao said that Zhang Yu was crying. They really saw Zhang Yu weeping, and they said to Song Bao maliciously.

"Song Bao, you are so disgusting, the teacher is so kind to you, you actually made the teacher cry".

"Yes, I look down on you".

"I misunderstood you."


Song Bao, who was wronged, explained in a flustered manner: "It's not like that, let me explain."

"Don't explain, you are the bad guy." Shi Xi and others disliked.

Zhang Yu, who was wiping his tears, found that he couldn't finish his tears no matter how he wiped it, so he gave up and said with tears: "It's nothing to do with Xiaobao, I just heard a sad song, and the tears stayed on my own."

"What, why didn't we hear". Shi Xi and others were surprised.

"I didn't hear it either." Song Bao said strangely.

"How come, I heard it, no, it's not what I heard, but what I felt. The singing sounded directly from the soul." Zhang Yu was a little strange. After feeling his body, he discovered the abnormality and said in shock.

"Soul, teacher, are you crazy". Shi Xi and others doubted.

"I'm not crazy, forget it, I'll go and see what's going on." Zhang Yu found it difficult to explain clearly, so he stopped explaining, and planned to look in the direction of the singing voice.

Shi Xi and the others, who looked at each other, said in unison: "Let's go and see too."

Under the induction of Zhang Yu's enormous spiritual power, the direction of the singing voice was positioned. After getting in the floating car, Zhang Yu and his group hurried to the beach. The closer to the beach, the louder the sound. At the same time, Shi Xi and others I also began to hear the singing slowly.

Shi Xi in the hovering car was shocked and said: "There is really singing, the teacher didn't lie."

"Soul Dan, when did I lie to you". Zhang Yu said madly.

"I am sorry". Shi Xi and others apologized with a sullen expression.

The levitating vehicle arrived at the beach shortly afterwards, and the Nine Gods and the mermaid clan also found the levitating vehicle in the sky. Both were on guard. When the levitating vehicle landed on the beach, Zhang Yu and others hurriedly walked out.

Seeing the mermaid floating on the sea, Zhang Yu has no blasphemous heart, only a deep sense of compassion. From the fluctuation of the soul, Zhang Yu’s mental power senses everything about Man Lisha, she gave up her life for the people of her tribe. of.

Xu Bo, Lv Hong, Meng Lijian and others fascinated and said: "It's a mermaid, so beautiful."

Shi Xi compared the beauty of herself with that of the mermaid, and suddenly said inferiority: "Damn, another race that is not as beautiful as the elves?"

"---". Shu Qiaoqiao and Wang Hailing bowed their heads with low self-esteem, their emotions were very low.

The goddess of life was on guard and asked: "Who are you?"

Song Bao, whose nature was exposed, looked at the goddess of life with a squint, and said, "My name is Song Bao, your name is beautiful, please?"

The goddess of life who was staring straight at her with so unpleasant eyes, enduring her anger, gritted her teeth and said: "Hurry up and make it clear about your origins, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."

The God of Space analyzed: "You have strange machinery, who is Zhang Yu among you".

Song Bao pointed to Zhang Yu who was sluggish and said, "It's him, how come you know us".

When the goddess of life heard this, she immediately said excitedly: "Great, we have been looking for you for a long time. The Magic Continent is now controlled by the Demon King, and the Magic Continent needs your help."

When Song Bao was talking with the Nine Gods, Zhang Yu was also using his mental power to talk to Man Lisha, the mermaid king who was in a coma. In Man Lisha’s spiritual world, Zhang Yu’s appearance immediately shocked Man. Lisa.

"Who are you, how come you are here". Man Lisha questioned.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that if you don't wake up, you will die." Zhang Yu looked at the scene of collapse in the spiritual world and said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as my people are saved." Man Lisha didn't care.

"If you think too much, if you die, they will die soon. If this is the case, do you still want to die?" Zhang Yu asked.

"But I can't look back anymore. I, who has activated my vitality as energy, can no longer stop." Man Lisha said in despair.

"I have a way, do you want to try". Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes, but why do you want to help me". Man Lisha questioned.

"Who knows, so be it, I'm out". After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he left Man Lisha's spiritual world.

Man Lisa looked at Zhang Yu who disappeared and muttered to herself: "Are you the **** I prayed to and sent to save us? It turns out that God didn't give up on us. I will keep my promise and give myself to your".

Zhang Yu, who didn't know this, woke up from the real world, his pupils began to focus, and when he saw Song Bao and others talking happily with a group of strange people, Zhang Yu said in surprise: "What's going on?"

Song Bao, who had wanted to be the savior for a long time, yelled: "Brother Yu, they are the gods of this world, and they said they asked us for help."

"Let's talk about these things later, I will save Man Lisha first." Zhang Yu doesn't matter.

"Who is Man Lisa". Shi Xi and others were puzzled.

"The Mermaid King". After Zhang Yu replied, he wrapped his body with thought force and flew towards Man Lisa on the sea.

The mermaid immediately stopped Zhang Yu and shouted: "Don't come close."

"I can save her, do you want to try". Zhang Yu went straight to the topic.

"Everyone keeps out."

When the elder mermaid heard this, his eyes lit up and he pulled all the fish away. Zhang Yu was allowed to come closer. Under everyone’s gaze, Zhang Yu took out the colorful kiwi fruit from the space ring and squeezed Man Lisa’s. Mouth, stuffed the kiwi fruit in.

It's a pity that the unconscious Man Lisa couldn't swallow, so Zhang Yu had to crush the colorful kiwi fruit with his mind to form a powder, and then pour some water to let the kiwi fruit flow into Man Lisa's body.

With the help of colorful kiwifruit, Man Lisha's gene chain collapsed instantly, the gene lock was opened, and after a while, Man Lisha's body surged with powerful soul power, and everyone except Zhang Yu Are all isolated.

"Successful". Zhang Yu smiled when he saw this. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 938 Rescue the Mermaid), and you can read it next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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