Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 943: King to king

The lord of the rock monster was blocked by Song Bao and couldn't take a step forward. The lord of the bat monster was incited by his huge wings and wanted to fly into the base to destroy it. Zhang Yu wrapped himself with thought power and flew into the sky to stop it.

The Skeleton Lord, the Dark Elf Patriarch, and the Mind Eater Lord could not fly, and could only try to destroy the city wall and kill everyone inside. Under their combined attack, the energy barrier began to falter, and it could not last long.

Seeing this, Shi Xi on the city wall was shocked and shouted: "Electromagnetic cannon fired."

"Aiming is complete, the electromagnetic gun is launched." The artificial intelligence urn said.

"call out".

"call out".


Electromagnetic bullets flashing with electric light flew at the speed of sound, exploding the sound barrier, and the targeted Skeleton Lord, Dark Elf Patriarch, and Mind Eater Lord suddenly became terrified. The distance between the city wall and the three monster Lords was very short.

The unavoidable monster lords, the magical shield popped out as their complexion changed drastically.


The magic shield that was hit instantly shattered, gaining a few tenths of a second for the three monster lords, desperately to get out of the vital parts, and the electromagnetic bullet came immediately, piercing a big hole in the shoulder.

The blood spurted out, and the three monster lords retreated to a safe distance with fear, and recovered from their injuries. Unfortunately, Shi Xi did not give them this opportunity and began to beat down the dog.

Shi Xi on the city wall yelled: "After the plasma cannon is fired to paralyze the enemy's body, then the electromagnetic cannon will be fired. This time, it must penetrate their chests."

"Yes". Artificial intelligence responds.




The huge blue dazzling aperture instantly shot out, hitting the injured and slowing three monster lords. The powerful electric current "creaked" and stiffened the bodies of the three monster lords.

If ordinary people, under such a powerful current, would have turned into coke, but the bodies of the three monster lords were very powerful. These currents just paralyzed them and did not cause life threats.

The electromagnetic cannons that came next were the demons of the three monster lords. They carried electromagnetic bullets with powerful momentum and lased them at super high speed. In the unwillingness of the three monster lords, they penetrated their bodies.




"Guru Guru". The three monster lords covered the pierced chest and vomited blood.

On the city wall, Shi Xi cheered and said, "I hit it, yeah."

"Now they are dead." Xu Bo and others said ecstatically.

At this moment, the three angry monster lords roared, powerful magic power flowed into the body, allowing the injured part to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the cost of consuming half of the magic power, the injury was restored.

The three monster lords, including the Mind Eater, said grimly: "If you dare to hurt me, you must kill them."

On the city wall, the cheers stopped abruptly, Shi Xi didn't dare to say: "It's all right like this, let's hang up."

Xu Bo's eyes twitched and said, "The magical world is so magical."

In another battlefield, the huge body of the lord of the rock monster was very different from Song Bao's small body. The two sides who rely on the body to fight were inseparable, and the sound of physical collision was similar to the sound of explosion.

When a fist that was larger than Song Bao’s body struck, the fist made the wind roar, and the huge wind pressure pressed towards Song Bao, causing the grass on the ground to bend down, and the dust was shaken away. .

"Cool". Song Bao yelled and punched him with a boxing.

"Boom." Two fists, one big and one small, collided, and the huge impact force caused the air to vibrate, forming a shock wave, and knocking the ground into a cavity.

"Come again". The rock lord's desire to fight grew stronger and stronger, and the urn shouted.

"it is good". Song Bao said without fear.

Fists and fists, heels and feet collided with each other, making a loud noise.




Both sides exerted their full strength, the more and more brave the rock monster lord, caught Song Bao's lack of combat experience and short body weakness, and stormed the past, making Song Bao tired of coping, and dodged from left to right.

Song Bao, who was more flexible than the lord of the rock monster, barely managed to maintain the balance of the battle, the lord of the rock monster said aggressively: "What's the matter, wasn't you very confident just now? Why didn't you dare to face me hard, can you not do it anymore?

The cunning Song Bao, who was not fooled, retorted: "If you have a seed, reduce your body to my size, and see how I will kill you then."

"Kill me, if you can do it, try it." When the rock monster lord heard this, his anger surged, and the rock on his body began to shrink, shrinking to the size of Song Bao, and said with a smile.

"Damn it, really shrunk." Song Bao exclaimed.

"Come and kill me." The lord of the rock monster roared and rushed towards Song Baodao.

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whom". Song Bao said with disdain.

When the fists of the two sides collided again, the shrunken body of the rock monster burst out with a huge force several times stronger. Song Bao, who was caught off guard, was instantly knocked out and hit rows of trees before he fell. under.


Song Bao, who stood up again, rubbed his red fists, with a face full of disbelief, and asked the rock monster lord who had come forward: "Why are you so much stronger all at once?"

"Concentration is the essence, don't you know, since you can't kill me, let me kill you." The lord of the rock monster laughed and slapped Song Bao's body with one punch after another without mercy.

"Never". Song Bao rejected the proposal of the lord of the rock monster and dodged from left to right.

"When will you hide?" The rock monster lord who was very impatient with the nimble Song Bao hit the ground with a punch, splashing dust in the sky. When Song Bao's vision was blocked, he felt a lump in his heart.

"bad". Song Bao was on guard.

Relying on countless life and death battle experiences, the rock monster lord used his battle intuition to perceive Song Bao's position. With his strong rock arm, he directly caught one of Song Bao's arms, and the other arm clenched his fist and hit the past.

"Caught you, die."

The voice just fell.


The lord of the rock monster hit Song Bao's face with a straight punch. The huge power made Song Bao's head "weng" and he couldn't remember anything. His face instantly swelled into a pig's head, and a big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth.

When the Rock Monster Lord clenched his fist again, Song Bao resumed his mind, struggling with horror on his face, desperately trying to break free from the captured hand, the burst of power caused the Rock Monster Lord's body to stagger.

The lord of the rock monster burst out with greater strength, tightly grasped Song Bao’s hand, clenched his fist once again, and hit Song Bao’s head with all his strength. If he was hit this time, Song Bao would have to Ruined.

Knowing this, Song Bao roared again and again: "How could I be beaten to death by you".

Under the threat of death, Song Bao burst out of his body's instincts, and exhausted all the strength of his body. With his clenched fists, he hit the head of the rock monster lord, trying to force the rock monster lord to release himself.

The lord of the rock monster instantly thought: "My body is a solid rock, and I won't die if I was punched, and if the opponent is punched by myself, I may not be able to continue the fight, and it is worth replacing my injury."

Thinking about this, the Rock Monster Lord did not let go of Song Bao, but exchanged injuries with Song Bao.



The fists of both sides hit each other's head at the same time. In an instant, both the rock monster lord and Song Bao were knocked out by the opponent, knocking down a large number of trees, and plowing the ground out.

The head of the rock monster was dumbfounded, lying on the ground, unable to move his whole body, and thought uncomfortably: "Damn, I made a calculation mistake, the opponent has a lot of strength, and it takes more time to recover before he can move."

On the other side, Song Bao coughed and coughed up blood. The flesh and blood of him could not be compared with the lord of the rock monster. The moment his head was hit, even though Song Bao had already tightened his face to defend with the muscles on his face, he still suffered. Very serious injury.

On his **** face, the skin had been blown up, revealing a cracked skull. After regaining his sanity, Song Bao, who was half-dead, immediately took out the life potion from the space ring and swallowed it gruntingly.

"S". When the injury recovered quickly, Song Bao took a deep breath and rushed towards the lord of the rock monster with his eyesight.

When Song Bao approached, the immobile rock monster lord spotted him, and shouted with shocked expression: "How could you possibly have nothing at all".

"Because I have the medicine, I recovered in an instant. You played well enough, until I beat you." Song Baoyin smiled.

"You are despicable, there is a kind of fight until I recover." The horrified Rock Monster Lord roared.

"You think I'm stupid, you better go to die". Song Bao despised, clenched his fists, straddled the rock monster lord, hitting his head with punch after punch, and the huge force made the ground sink in.




After boxing for a long time, when the head of the rock monster lord exploded with a "puff", Song Bao stopped panting, and sat down on the ground aside, and said to the dead rock monster lord.

"Your head is so hard, my fists are swollen."

In the sky, the battle between the bat monster lord and Zhang Yu was also going on in full swing. After the two sides tentatively attacked, the bat monster lord activated magic, and vampire bats swarmed over the sky.

Zhang Yu whispered indifferently: "Read the needle."

Dense needles formed in the air instantly, and the needles were launched at the speed of sound, piercing the huge vampire bat into a skewers in an instant. Even the bat monster lord hiding behind the vampire bat could not be spared.

When the acupuncture hit all the targets, Zhang Yu whispered again: "Blast."

"Boom boom boom."

The thought needle formed by the mental power exploded in an instant, and the body of the vampire bat group exploded in an instant. The body of the bat monster lord was also bloodied by the sudden explosion, and a large number of small holes appeared in his body. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 943 King to King), and then open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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