The demon king who absorbed the huge magic spar energy slowed down his body collapse, and the alien energy in the turbulence of time and space began to blend with the magic power in the demon king's body, undergoing a strange change, generating a stranger power.

The magic spar, whose energy was sucked away, was instantly shattered in the turbulent flow of time and space, becoming dust, floating everywhere in the void, and the time and space storm that had been calm for a long time blew up again, and the violent alien energy swallowed everything.

"Boom boom boom."

In the Xingyue Robot Factory, the Space God who destroyed the wormhole found that the air on the wall was distorted, Zhang Yu walked out, and the Space God laughed ecstatically: "God is so good to me. You actually let you come to the door in person".

"What the **** is going on with you, how do you become so weird". Zhang Yu saw the **** of space in madness, and said solemnly.

"Have I changed? No, I have always been like this. Since you are here, then surrender to me. From now on, you will be under one person and above ten thousand, how about." The **** of space asked domineeringly.

"Are you stupid, I am the master here now, why should I surrender you". Zhang Yu said with contempt.

"Because I am better than you, if I don't accept it, I can only kill you." The **** of space cruelly said.

Finding that the God of Space has become unable to communicate with a neurotic appearance, Zhang Yu said grimly: "Although I don't know why you became like this, but if you really want to make the idea here, I can only Killed you".

"Kill me, hahaha". The God of Space laughed as he heard the joke.

"Is it funny?" Zhang Yu said coldly.

"Of course, I am better than you. Why do you kill me? Are you a level four evolutionary? I am a level five evolutionary. Let me kill you first." When the Space God finished speaking, he launched an attack.

"Space Crack". The **** of space whispered, watching a dark space crack with cold eyes, spreading to Zhang Yu in an instant, staring at Zhang Yu who was motionless, admiring the moment when the prey died.

"Snapped". The space crack spread to Zhang Yu's body, the clothes on his upper body split instantly, and the body immediately absorbed all the power of the space crack.

Unscathed Zhang Yu smiled and asked: "Who said I am a Level 4 Evolver? I'm so sorry. I just happened to have evolved. I am now a Level 5 Evolver, just like you."

The stunned God of Space, angrily said: "So what, I am a strong man who evolved earlier than you, die, the space is shattered."

As soon as the voice fell, the space around Zhang Yu shattered like a mirror. In the dark void, different kinds of energy poured out, mixed with small space fragments, and rushed to Zhang Yu's body in it.

"Kacha Kacha".

The broken space was being repaired. When the repairing was completed, Zhang Yu appeared naked, the God of Space was dumbfounded, and roared in disbelief, "This is impossible, how could you have no injuries at all".

"That's really sorry, who made me so powerful?" Zhang Yu said with anger and death.

"Ah, I don't believe it". The irrational God of Space became frantic, violently sending out combos, and every attack instantly hit Zhang Yu's body.

"Space Blade".

"Space Exile".


Zhang Yu, who has evolved another cosmic singularity, has lost other abilities, but Zhang Yu’s body has become extremely powerful. All attacks are absorbed by the cosmic singularity in his body. At the same time, the feedback will be refined. Give Zhang Yu energy to make the body stronger.

The aftermath of the attack caused the robot factory to collapse in an instant, with a "rumbling" sound. The collapsed building materials were instinctively crushed by the God of Space, and the stone and iron that fell to Zhang Yu were shattered by the cracks in the space surrounding Zhang Yu. .

A place was vacated around the bodies of the two of them, and the rest was buried by collapsed building materials, dust was flying, and sunlight was shining on the collapsed robot factory.

Realizing that his attack was ineffective against Zhang Yu, the God of Space was dumbfounded, and said to his heart that it was impossible, but the reality was so cruel, the God of Space, who had become sluggish, was motionless in a trance.

Seeing the sluggishness of the Space God, Zhang Yu jumped suddenly and jumped to the side of the Space God. He grabbed the space God's arm with his left hand, and slammed his right hand on the head of the Space God.


The huge punching force caused the **** of space to be stunned, and instantly he woke up from the trance.

At this time, Zhang Yu kept swinging his fists, hitting the head of the Space God, and the Space God cried out in pain, "Ah".

The Space God beaten up by violence, with a fierce appearance, wanted to fight back. A large amount of space energy surged in his body, but it was a pity that Zhang Yu who touched the body of the Space God instantly absorbed it, and the Space God who lost his magic power could not do anything at all. Revolt.

Zhang Yu, who violently beat the **** of space, roared again and again: "Dare to destroy my factory, I will kill you."




The swollen-faced God of Space couldn't resist, so he could only beg for mercy: "Don't fight, I gave up, this is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding.

"Misunderstand your size." Zhang Yu cursed, ignoring the God of Space's begging for mercy and continued to beat him up.


The screaming God of Space was knocked out. At the same time, his face was swollen into a pig's head, his lips turned into a sausage-like appearance, and his messy clothes were also shattered, revealing the flesh on his shoulders, looking very miserable. .

"Hmph, I'll be packing you up later." Zhang Yu, who found the God of Space fainted, stopped the beating.

Taking out a set of clothes from the space ring and putting it on, Zhang Yu dragged the feet of the space **** and walked towards the portal. The space **** who passed out, rubbed against the ground, the clothes began to smoke, and the skin was bleeding.

In the laboratory, Shi Xi and others saw everything in the surveillance. When Zhang Yu returned, he immediately greeted him and kicked the unconscious God of Space, cursing.

"Little man, take my kick."

"I'm coming too".


"Cracking". After a violent kick, Shi Xi and others felt much better.

The God of Space, whose body swelled more severely, was awakened from pain. Because of the power of faith, the energy of the God of Space, who was controlled by desire, regained his sanity, and when he recalled what he had done, the God of Space was afraid. .

If it weren't for being beaten up, perhaps he would have become another demon king. Thinking of this, the God of Space thanked him and said, "Thank you."

After hearing this, Shi Xi said with an incredible face: "He's crazy, thank us actually".

"It must have been beaten crazy." Xu Bo and others nodded.

The God of Space said in embarrassment, "I'm not crazy. In fact, I have absorbed too much faith energy, can't control it for a time, and been eroded by endless desires, so I will make you think. This is not my intention."

"is it". Zhang Yu and others were full of suspicion.

"It's true, you didn't find out, am I more normal now". The **** of space quickly explained.

"Just in case, let's dissect him first, and study it." After Zhang Yu pondered for a moment, he decided to say.

"Anatomy, what is that?" The **** of space said strangely.

"You will know soon." Shi Xi and others said with a smile.

"Guru". The God of Space swallowed, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

In the biological research room, the God of Space, tied to the experimental table, struggled with horror. After Shi Xi was injected with anesthetic, the God of Space fell into a state of paralysis and watched his body be opened.

The God of Space was so scared that tears were streaming out, his lips quivered, and he exhausted all his strength and whispered, "No."

Zhang Yu, who ignored the **** of space, told Shi Xi and others: "Five-level evolution is not that easy to meet. Let's quickly start researching. First try his body's ability to withstand it and roast it with fire." .

"Yes". Xu Bo replied, took out the flamethrower,

"---". When the **** of space saw Xu Bo grilling his internal organs with fire, his eyes protruded and his lips kept trembling.

After constant experimentation, Zhang Yu discovered that the body of the fifth-level evolutionary is not like his own, which can withstand high and low temperatures unharmed. The **** of space is his abilities, not his body.

After collecting enough data, the experiment was over, and the **** of space, who was severely ravaged, looked at the ceiling impeccably, with tears in his eyes, and said to himself: "It's terrible, I want to go home. Who will save me".

From the experimental results, it was found that the God of Space was really affected by the energy of belief. Zhang Yu opened the lock and said to the God of Space: "Let’s go, I will send you back. Be careful in the future and don’t lose your mind again. , Otherwise, hum".

With a hum, the God of Space felt cold, and tremblingly said, "Absolutely not."

Escorting the God of Space to the broken robot factory, Zhang Yu ordered someone to open the wormhole of the Star Gate. Before Zhang Yu could speak, the God of Space was like a frightened little beast, and rushed in with a "shoo" Go into the wormhole.

"It's rude not to say goodbye." Looking at the **** of space disappearing in the wormhole, Zhang Yu despised.

"That's it." Shi Xi and others agreed.

Going through the wormhole and returning to the God of Space, he hurried back to the palace and his bedroom, hiding in the quilt, seeking a sense of security, and kept saying: "Demons, they are demons."

The gods saw the **** of space with a horrified face, rushed back to the bedroom, and immediately looked at each other: "What's the situation?"

When he came to the bedroom of the Space God, the gods caringly asked: "What's wrong with you".

"Devil, devil". The **** of space repeated this sentence.

"What the **** is going on, tell me". The impatient fighting **** grabbed the body of the space **** and shook and shouted.

"Is such that". The trembling God of Space, tells everything together.

"Deserve it, who told you to hit someone else's idea." The goddess of life said after listening.

"This is not the point. The point is to believe in energy, which will make us lose our mind. Let's be careful in the future." Fashen said solemnly.

"Hmm". The gods nodded. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: in order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \ bottom of the" Favorite \ "the record (the first storm hit God Chapter 954) reading records, the next to open bookshelf see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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