After losing a friend whom he could talk about, Zhang Yu turned his grief and anger into strength and vowed to destroy all the pirate alliances. Their existence did not know how many human tragedies were caused, and countless planets were destroyed in their hands.

Suppressing his anger, Zhang Yu strode back to the city, and his whole body was reluctant to leave. On the way back, Zhang Yu broke into the territory of a two-story evolutionary beast, a giant lion, and the male giant lion suddenly became angry.


In the huge roar, the giant lion rushed towards Zhang Yu, trying to shred the prey with its teeth and claws.

Zhang Yu, who had recovered, had no time to entangle with the giant lion, staring at the giant lion murderously and roared: "Get out".


The powerful pressure radiated, causing the giant lion that was running to get furry in its heart, and the hair on its body exploded. The creature's instincts made the giant lion stop quickly, turn its head and run, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

Zhang Yu, who returned to his normal expression, speeded up his pace and went to the square on the edge of the city. Through the portal, he teleported back to the laboratory of the headquarters building. Zhang Yu's return made Shi Xi and others and Yanyan and other women look forward to it. .

Shi Xi urgently asked: "Teacher, where have you been, have you thought of any good techniques?"

"---". Xu Bo and others looked at Zhang Yulai nervously.

Zhang Yu, who was very uneasy, smiled bitterly: "The new weapon has ideas, but the price is a bit high."

"Did something happen?" Seeing Zhang Yu's sad expression, Yanyan said worriedly.

"Nothing, I'm going to make a new type of weapon first." Zhang Yu, who didn't want to say more, returned to his scientific research room somewhat lonely, began to analyze the spatial ripples carefully, and developed a machine that could produce spatial ripples.

Shi Xi and the others, who looked at each other, were a little worried about Zhang Yu's situation. They were the first time they saw Zhang Yu's mood so depressed, even when Xingyue Institution was invaded by genetic viruses, Zhang Yu was not so sad.

"You guys, I'll go see Brother Yu". Yanyan finished speaking and entered Zhang Yu's research room.

The puzzled Shi Xi said: "The teacher should be happy when he has developed a new weapon. It's so strange how it looks."

"Forget it, the teacher will say when he wants to say it, let's hurry up to make ammunition, time is running out." Xu Bo sighed, feeling sad for the upcoming interstellar war.

In the scientific research room, Yanyan's arrival shocked Zhang Yu who was studying. The two of them were silent. Finally, Zhang Yu broke the silence and said: "You go back first, you are here, I can't calm down." .

"Then tell me what happened, and I will leave." Yanyan took the opportunity to threaten her.

"Don't force me, please". Zhang Yu replied sadly.

Yanyan sighed and said: "Okay, then I'll go first, remember to eat on time, do you know?"

"Ok". After Zhang Yu answered, he stopped speaking.

There was no comfort to Zhang Yu, Yanyan left, the research room returned to calm, and Zhang Yu, who was depressed, continued to develop new weapons and space technology, and could develop two simple products, a space shield and a space gun.

But there are still three days before the enemy will come to the galaxy. In that short time, even with the help of the small universe inside, it is impossible to develop two products at the same time. You must focus on one.

"Forget it, let's study the space shield first. At least let the citizens of Xingyue Institution survive the war, and let the Pirate Alliance live for a while." In the end, it was the citizen's life occupying the top, Zhang Yu muttered to himself.

Zhang Yu, who is fully dedicated to the research and development of the space shield, will take the sample into the small universe inside the body to analyze the defects every time a sample is produced, and then improve the defects. Under the cheating research and development, the space shield device was born.

Two days have passed, and there is one last day left. Zhang Yu called Shi Xi and others to come and commanded: "I will send you drawings in a while. After the parts are manufactured, they will be shipped to the designated location immediately. I will Waiting for you there".

"Yes". Shi Xi and others responded in unison.

Time is running out and Zhang Yu, who is anxious, took the spacecraft and set off to the South Pole of Mars. After arriving at the South Pole, the engineering robots in the spacecraft immediately disembarked and began to transform a piece of land on the glacier.

After digging the underground hole until the rock layer underground was dug, the robot poured cement made of adhesives. After a while, the cement solidified, and the robot began to make the portal on the solid ground.

Soon after the portal was completed, Shi Xi and others came to the South Pole from the portal, followed by a large number of robots, the manufactured parts were taken out of the space ring, and all the robots began to assemble.

Shi Xi, who was curious about what weapon Zhang Yu had developed, came to Zhang Yu and asked, "Teacher, what kind of weapon was built here."

"---". Xu Bo and the others were eavesdropping with their ears pricked up, obviously also curious.

"It's a space shield." Zhang Yu replied.

"Space Guard". Shi Xi and the others exclaimed, stunned, all faces were full of admiration.

"Yes it is". Zhang Yu nodded.

"Teacher, you are too good, but space technology is so easy to develop." Xu Bo was shocked.

"Then teacher, have you developed a space-based attack weapon?" Shi Xi asked expectantly.

"Not yet, not enough time." Zhang Yu shook his head.

"What a pity". Shi Xi was disappointed. If there are space-type attack weapons, no matter how many enemies, there is no need to be afraid.

In the outer space of the galaxy, a large number of pirate alliance fleets are swarming. The pirate main ship behind the spacecraft is like a huge planet. In the main ship command room, the captain asked with a smile on his face.


"There is still half a day to come." The deputy captain replied.

"Very well, let the fleet join the speed and take this galaxy." The captain couldn't wait to order.

"Yes". The deputy captain responded and transmitted the order to the captains of all the spaceships.

The huge fleet of spaceships, like wild beasts, flew into the Milky Way at a frantic speed. When entering the edge of the Milky Way, the small meteorite was directly knocked away, but no one found that there was something strange on the meteorite.

The pirates with crazy smiles on their faces entered the trap set by Zhang Yu and others. At the same time, Zhang Yu in the South Pole of Mars received a message from Guangnao Xiaowen that the enemy was already in place.

"Detonate the space bomb immediately." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". Guangnao Xiaowen responded and sent a blew signal out.

On the edge of the galaxy, the space bombs hidden among the meteorites burst into pieces as soon as they received the signal. The space around the bombs shattered like glass, and the spacecraft of the Pirate Alliance was instantly shredded by space debris.


The silent space cracks spread, and the space bombs that were detonated at the same time made the number of space cracks extremely large. After one-third of the enemies were affected by the space cracks, the pirates instantly died.

Hidden in the main ship command room at the rear of the fleet, the main captain stood up "boom", his face full of horror and anger, and finally his expression became distorted, his face became savage and roared: "Damn, we are overcast."

The main and deputy captain said with a solemn expression: "Captain, send out to search the spacecraft, first explore the way and then go in."

"Just do as you say." The main captain nodded, feeling very unwilling. He didn't even see the enemy's face. He actually lost a third of his troops. How could he feel proud of him? The main captain vowed that he would torture the enemy severely.

The pirate alliance, which was shaded once, became cautious this time. After searching the spacecraft, the large forces scattered into the galaxy. Unfortunately, the hidden bombs are remotely controlled, and they will explode if they collide. Kind of.

After the spaceship fleet of the Pirate Alliance entered the position of the second trap, Guangnao Xiaowen once again detonated the nuclear bomb, a violent explosion, scattered in all directions, and the shock wave made the spacecraft wobbly.


Under the silent explosion, the pirate spacecraft closest to the explosion site was instantly shattered by the shock wave, and the pirate alliance's force was reduced by tens of thousands, but for the pirate alliance with billions of spacecraft, it was not a big deal.

The main captain furiously said: "Damn, why fell into the enemy's trap again? Didn't you search it?"

"The enemy's bombs are too secret to be found, but have you noticed the main captain? The power of this explosion is much weaker than last time." Said the deputy captain.

"Yes, why?" The main captain was puzzled.

"I think it's because the enemy's space bombs are running out. This is an opportunity. If you don't give the enemy more space bombs, you should seize the world to capture this galaxy. See the captain, what do you think?" . The deputy captain suggested after analysis.

"It makes sense, let the fleet move forward at full speed." The persuaded main captain ordered.

With an order, the pirates who thought Zhang Yu had no space bombs rushed into the third trap. This time the trap used a space bomb. The Pirate Alliance was deceived by Zhang Yu and others who showed weakness.




After the arrival of the Pirate Alliance, the space bomb was detonated. Just like the first explosion, another one-third of the force was wiped out by the space crack.

After being overshadowed one after another, the main captain looked at the main and deputy captain with red eyes, and said furiously: "Didn't you say that the enemy doesn't have that kind of bomb, what's going on now, ah".

The deputy captain said in a cold sweat, "I just analyzed the situation. Who knows that the enemy will be so insidious, showing that the enemy is weak and tempting us to be fooled. Captain, don't be angry. Just be careful this time and you won't do it again be cheated".

"If there is another problem, you will be dead." The main captain said viciously.

"---". The captain and the captain stared bitterly at the battle, and let the pirate ship advance cautiously.

It’s a pity that the captain and vice-captain made a wrong guess again. There were no traps on the way. The captain, who didn’t know, dragged the time until tomorrow before sending the fleet to the solar system and let Zhang Yu do it. sufficient preparation. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technological empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 965 Trap), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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