Zhang Yu, who was protecting the safety of his lower body, breathed a sigh of relief. As for the places where he was bitten, there was no threat to Zhang Yu at all. The teeth of the animalized soldiers who could wear steel plates could not bite Zhang Yuwu at all. The body of the evolutionary.

"Damn, don't drool on me." Zhang Yu, who felt his body become slimy, said in shock.

"Kakka". The beast soldier remained indifferent and continued to bite Zhang Yu's body.

Zhang Yu, who didn't want to play anymore, tightened his muscles and shook away the animalized soldiers everywhere.




The beastly soldiers that had been shaken flew upside down, bumping into the flesh.

Gently squeezed his fists and rushed towards the beast soldier. Zhang Yu stunned the beast soldier one by one. Even if the force and speed of the beast soldier were several times stronger, he would not be Zhang Yu’s opponent at all. Soon they were all knocked out.

Outside the park, the people watching from the windows of the building were so shocked that they whispered with a dumbfounded face.

"Too strong".

"How can it be so powerful."

"Even the most powerful animalized soldier is not an opponent."


The Star Alliance headquarters, the consul at the gathering, waited for the news of Zhang Yu's broken limbs with a smile, but received the result of the annihilation of the dead soldiers. His head suddenly turned around, and the whole person was dizzy and was Shocked and speechless.

Such a big news could not be kept secret at all. The consuls of other planets and the Alliance BOSS soon learned of the news. Everyone was suppressed. Only Ma Tianxing didn't know what happened, and asked stupidly.

"What's wrong with you".

Consul Yuxing suddenly became angry, thinking that even the animalized soldiers are not the opponents of the target. If they can get the technology to strengthen humans, wouldn't it be more cost-effective than killing the target (Zhang Yu). Thinking of this, Consul Yuxing found Ma Tianxing asked.

"How did your bodyguard become so powerful? As long as you give me the skills, how about our grievances being wiped out."

"What kind of grievances, hurt your son, don't you say forget it". Ma Tianxing asked in doubt.

Consul Yuxing explained: "Not only did you wound my son, your subordinates also wounded thousands of soldiers."

"Impossible, unless you caused it, otherwise he won't hurt your people for no reason." When Ma Tianxing heard this, he shook his head and said.

"The evidence is conclusive, you can't deny it." Consul Yuxing took out the photo, showed it to Ma Tianxing, and said.

In the photo, there is a person who fainted. Zhang Yu is standing among the fainted people. His clothes are full of teeth pierced by teeth. Seeing Ma Tianxing here, he immediately understood and asked angrily. Tao.

"You dare to retaliate."

Consul Yuxing disdainfully said: "So what, if you refuse to give me the technology that strengthens humans, your subordinate will be cruelly treated, so consider it."

Hearing this, Ma Tianxing was very angry. He looked at the consuls of other planets and the alliance boss and asked: "Don't you want to say something?"

"---". The other planetary consuls shook their heads. As members of the alliance, of course they would stand on the side of the domain star consuls. Besides, they also wanted the technology of the Star-Moon Organization to strengthen people, so how could they come out to help.

And they are sure that Xingyue Organization has just fought a war with the Pirate Alliance, even if the Pirate Alliance is eliminated, Xingyue Organization must have suffered heavy losses, and will not go to war with them for a guard (Zhang Yu).

The Alliance BOSS thought the same way, and persuaded: "Minister Ma, for the safety of your subordinates, you can give him the technology. I guarantee that after he takes the technology, he will not hurt you."

"Ha ha". Ma Tianxing sneered and was silent.

Upon seeing this, Consul Yuxing threatened with angrily: "Are you really not giving it?"

"Give it to him, don't hurt your peace." The consuls of the planets and the alliance BOSS pretended to be benevolent.

"Don't dream, if you want to go to war, just come, who is afraid of whom." Ma Tianxing said contemptuously.

The contemptuous words angered Consul Yuxing, and he became angry and said: "I don't believe that you will really go to war with us. Come on, send out troops and catch me the person from the Xingyue organization, and sternly in front of Minister Ma. Torture it".

"Yes". The guard responded and turned to leave the clubhouse.

"---". Ma Tianxing was silent, indifferent to this.

Seeing Ma Tianxing's calmness, Consul Yuxing was not calm. He had already said that he didn't say anything. He didn't mean to take it back. Besides, as long as he is not really dead, there is no barrier between the benefits that can be obtained after cooperation. Can't make it through.

The self-righteous Consul Yu said with a secret smile: "I'll see if you can calm down after a while."

"---". The consuls of other planets and the alliance BOSS watched the scene indifferently, looking calm and relaxed.

In the park outside the Star Alliance headquarters, small spaceships swarmed from the sky, suspended police vehicles flew from all sides of the street, and a dense army of soldiers surrounded Zhang Yutuan in the grass altar of the park.

The fainted biochemical soldiers and animalized soldiers were completely ignored. The soldiers approached Zhang Yu step by step. Zhang Yu, who didn't care about it, raised his wrist and asked, "Xiaowen, the brain chip of the biochemical soldiers. Did you find the control center?"

"Dididi, I found it. It's in a building in the center of the city on the left." Guangnao Xiaowen reported.

"Let the spacecraft come over to cover my past." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". Guangnao Xiaowen responded.

The main battleship of the Star-Moon Agency docked in the square outside the Star Alliance headquarters, flew up with a slight "buzz," and disappeared into the distance. When the surrounding guards saw this, they reported in shock.

At the headquarters, the Alliance BOSS heard the guard's report and said in shock: "What, the spacecraft of the Star-Moon Organization flew away by itself."

Upon hearing this, Consul Yuxing looked at Ma Tianxing with a shocked face, and did not dare to believe: "You let the spacecraft leave. What do you want to do?"

"No". Ma Tianxing shook his head and said, but Ma Tianxing knew who made the spacecraft leave. It would be no one except His Majesty Zhang Yu. It seems that some things are unavoidable. Thinking of this, Ma Tianxing waited quietly.

Consul Yuxing roared: "Isn't there anyone else, do you really want to break the net?"

"The fish will definitely die, and the net will not necessarily break." Ma Tianxing said with a faint smile.

Consul Yuxing found that things were out of control, and thought boldly that he had to act first. Thinking of this, the Consul Yuxing Alliance ordered: "Guards, catch him for me."

"Yes". The guard responded and rushed towards Ma Tianxing.

"Catch me, you guys think too much". Ma Tianxing smiled disdainfully.

Before the guards came, Ma Tianxing was surging with golden powers, turning his body into golden steel, even his clothes turned golden, and Ma Tianxing became a golden figure.

Ma Tianxing, who waved his hand, knocked the guards rushing towards him, flew out, and hit the wall.




The guards clinging to the wall, their chests sunken, and they don't know whether they live or die.

"How can it be". Consul Yuxing exclaimed in horror.

"What kind of ability is this?" The Alliance BOSS and other planetary consuls were so shocked that they had forgotten the danger and did not escape immediately, exclaiming.

"Secret, and you, all stay and be my prisoners. Ma Tianxing smiled.

"Run". Everyone who heard the words finally woke up and wanted to escape in horror.

"You can't run away." Ma Tianxingyin rushed up with a smile, and captured all the pampered Interstellar League seniors.

Controlling the high-levels of the Star Alliance, the guards outside the headquarters have become shackled and dare not enter at all. Otherwise, one person will die, and the guards who protect the high-levels will lose the lives of the whole family.

The captured consul Yuxing showed a sullen look in his eyes and disappeared in an instant. He raised his head innocently and said, "Minister Ma, in fact, we don't need to do this at all. Let us go. How about we let go.

"It's too late." Ma Tianxing sighed.

"Why is it late? As long as you let us go, this matter will be over." The Alliance BOSS said in a harmless manner, but in his heart he wanted to kill Ma Tianxing.

Ma Tianxing looked at the crowd and despised: "The person you just wanted to hurt is actually His Majesty Zhang Yu of Xingyue Organization. Now that he controls the spacecraft to leave, he must be doing something big, so we can't be sitting there. Come down and have a good talk."

"what did you say". Consul Yuxing and the others were all stunned and dumbfounded.

"I said, I am the subordinate, he is the person in charge, now you understand." Ma Tianxing repeated.

"No wonder". Everyone suddenly felt more nervous, and they only hoped that the soldiers could catch Zhang Yu. Otherwise, their fate would be difficult to say.

Ma Tianxing was a little worried about Zhang Yu's situation, so he dialed Zhang Yu's smart wristband and asked: "Your Majesty, how is the situation with you?"

"I'm okay, how about you". Zhang Yu said.

"The senior members of the Star Alliance have been captured by me. Please tell me if you have anything to do." Ma Tianxing replied.

"Smart, continue to guard them, and when I destroy the biochemical man's control center, I will come back to join you." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Yes". Ma Tianxing answered.

After hanging up the communication, Ma Tianxing looked at the captives and found that their faces became extremely ugly, and even some people's faces showed an expression of incarceration, which made Ma Tianxing curious and asked.

"What are you doing?"

Consul Yuxing said to himself: "It's over, everything is over."

The Alliance BOSS murmured with a gray face: "If the biochemical man has no control, he will definitely rebel. The Star Alliance is over."

The consuls of other planets were all heartbroken, crying and pleading to Ma Tianxing.

"Minister Ma, don't destroy the control center."

"If the biochemical person loses control, he will definitely kill."

"Please, don't do this."


"Why are you so scared". Ma Tianxing said in surprise. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/103360.htmlThe full text of the technology empire in the city is read: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/103360/The city’s technology empire txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/103360.htmlUrban technology empire mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/103360/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 981 Chaos), and open the bookshelf next time To! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (www.ltnovel.com)

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