The appearance of the corpse group made Yanyan and the other women extremely frightened. They all ran behind Zhang Yu and hid. They even forgot that they were superpowers. At the same time, the sweet smell remaining in the cave air was inhaled by Yanyan and other women. In the body.




The paralysis potion that didn't work on Zhang Yu had an effect on Yanyan and other women. The girls who were sore and weak all fell to the ground with weak limbs, and it was very difficult to move their fingers together. As for super powers, they couldn't feel it. .

Hearing the sound of falling down behind him, Zhang Yu turned his head and ran over and asked: "Wife, what's wrong with you".

"I don't know, I just can't use my strength." Yanyan replied feebly.

"So are we". Su Mei, Mei Xue, Angela, Man Lisha and other women responded strenuously.

"Hahaha". After seeing this scene, Dr. An Li, who was behind the corpse group, suddenly laughed wildly, and his dry limbs began to dance.

After letting the robot protect Yanyan and other women, Zhang Yu walked to the mummy group and looked at Dr. An Li who was laughing. Although Dr. An Li changed his appearance at this time, he could vaguely see the original appearance.

The corner of Zhang Yu's eyes twitched, and he said firmly: "You are Dr. Amway, what's so funny, how come you have become such a ghost".

Dr. Amway triumphantly said: "Of course I have to laugh. My paralysis potion is effective. All your women are numb. If there is no antidote, they will live like a vegetable in the future. How about it? Do you want to do it? Transactions".

"What deal". Zhang Yu asked blankly, suppressing strong anger in his heart, and everyone who dared to hurt Yanyan and the others would die.

"Let me go, I will give you the antidote". Dr. Amway bared his yellow teeth and said expectantly.

"Ah". Zhang Yu sneered and said, "Your paralysis potion is not effective for me. As long as you use me to study the antidote, you can quickly solve their troubles, and if you don't give me the antidote now, then go to death. ".

Hearing Zhang Yu's murderous words, Dr. Amway said angrily: "I am immortal now, how can you kill me, not to mention you have to protect your woman and still have the energy to kill me? Advise you to trade." .

"If you become a corpse, you dare to say that you are immortal. Who will give you the courage." Zhang Yu disdainfully said.

Dr. Amway smiled madly: "Tell you, I used the corpse of your Xingyue Institution citizen to extract all superpowers. The side effect is to become a living dead. I have strong strength and permanent youth.

I really want to thank you. If you didn't open the genetic lock of organisms and let the door of evolution open, I wouldn't be able to do this so easily. Superpowers are really natural experimental living creatures. I'm so looking forward to it."

"A monster that is neither human nor ghost, what is so proud of". Zhang Yu despised.

Seeing Zhang Yu’s disdainful expression, Dr. Amway immediately roared with excitement: "What do you know, as long as you have eternal youth, wisdom will slowly accumulate, and then my knowledge will become more than God, I Will become the new god".

"Hey, hey, your head is wattage, what you are saying is getting more and more unreliable." Zhang Yu laughed.

"Different ways do not seek each other, you can't make a deal." Dr. Amway asked irritably.

"I never compromise with people I don't like." Zhang Yu resolutely refused.

After becoming a corpse, Dr. Amway, who has become impatient, heard Zhang Yu's refusal, and suddenly revealed his ferocity. He ordered the members of the Salvation Organization who had become corpses: "Go on, kill them for me."

"Ho Ho Ho Ho". The corpse group rushed towards Zhang Yu and others, making a cry like a beast.

In order to prevent accidents, Zhang Yu told the robots behind him: "Take them away, I'll take care of them here."

"Yes". The robot urn responded.

After the robot lifted Yanyan and the other women, they ran out of the cave quickly, Zhang Yu blocked the exit, and the group of mummy rushing over was all knocked back. The member of the Salvation Organization who had just turned into a mummy was not an opponent.

The shriveled and stiff body, under Zhang Yu's boxing, the bones were all blown up, but a few seconds later, the destroyed bones automatically recovered, and the flying corpse stood up again and joined the fight.

Very satisfied with the performance of the mummy, Dr. Amway laughed wildly behind the mummy group: "Hahaha, all said, the mummy will not die."

"Ho Ho Ho Ho". The mummy group seemed to be responding to their boss, and frantically attacked Zhang Yu.

"You are stupid, now you can't get out of here, wait for my support to come, you can't get out even more, and you are still in the mood to laugh." After Zhang Yu shot a dry corpse casually, he said speechlessly on his face.

"amount". Dr. Amway’s laughter stopped abruptly, and he said with all his eyes: "Thank you for reminding me, let me hold a grand funeral for you."

"If you can do it, let's try it out, your puppet is totally useless." Zhang Yu flew a mummy again and invited Dr. Amway.

The group of corpses that can recover at a speed is too unpleasant. Zhang Yu thinks that if he can provoke Dr. Amway and let him personally, he will have a chance to catch him. The group of corpses will be self-defeating, and everything will be possible. solved.

"Damn it". Dr. Amway cursed secretly. He knew that Zhang Yu wanted to irritate himself, but he couldn't help him now. If he didn't do anything, the corpse group would be no match for Zhang Yu, and he would really be unable to escape for a while.

After analyzing the situation, Dr. Anri walked over helplessly. Facing Zhang Yu, who was standing at the exit, the army was invincible, Dr. Anri felt a little flustered, cheered up and launched a superpower attack.


A huge flame suddenly appeared from the space. Under Dr. Amway's control, the flame ball "shooed" and flew to Zhang Yu at the exit, exploding, and submerged Zhang Yu in the sea of ​​fire.

"Burn you to death". Dr. Amway, who continued to supply the fireball power and kept the fireball burning, smiled grimly.


With a soft sound, a fist stretched out from the fireball. As soon as Dr. Anri's eyes protruded, he saw Zhang Yu tear his fireball open with both hands, and the still burning flame dissipated like blue smoke.

Zhang Yu, who was intact, made Dr. Amway dumbfounded, not daring to say: "How can you be nothing at all, this is impossible".

Zhang Yu, who took the dust off his body, explained kindly: "Because of my physique, I can absorb all attacks. If you don't have other powerful attack capabilities, I will catch you unceremoniously."

"I don't believe it, how could there be such a weird ability." Dr. Amway roared with an unacceptable expression on his face.

"Then how did you become a corpse? Superpower is originally a kind of science field with infinite possibilities, but you can't catch the mystery, but you have no chance." Zhang Yu smiled.

"As long as I kill you, I will still have the opportunity to study such a scientific field, so please die." When Dr. Amway laughed madly, he activated a secret superpower, and a group of spiritual power gathered in the air.

"burst". Dr. Anri whispered.


The silent explosion exploded, and the chaotic and violent mental power raged in the cave space. Any mental power that came to Zhang Yu was absorbed by the small universe in his body, and the damage to Zhang Yu was zero.

Seeing that Zhang Yu can even be immune to mental power, Dr. Amway's face became dignified, and a lot of energy gathered in his shriveled body, causing his shriveled skin to inflate, just like an inflated balloon.

"Are you going to blew yourself up? That's good, lest you still die after being caught by me." Zhang Yu laughed at the enemy in a dark belly.

Dr. An Li, who was gathering energy, was almost distracted by Zhang Yu's words, and roared like thunder: "Go to hell."




The three superpowers are mixed together to form a large energy group of three colors. The "sizzling" sound of electric current, the "popping" burning sound of flames, and the whistling sound of wind Under the control of power, they gathered together perfectly.

In the cave with flying sand and rocks, Zhang Yu looked at the huge energy group in the sky, and hesitated to ask in his mind: "Little Meng, can such a big energy group be absorbed?"

"Yes, Dad". Little Universe Xiaomeng replied.

"That's good". Zhang Yu suddenly became confident.

At the same time, Dr. Anri, who controls the huge energy group, controls the energy group to fly towards Zhang Yu at the exit. If Zhang Yu evades, he can take the opportunity to escape. If he does not evade, Dr. Anri does not believe that Zhang Yu is not dead.

"Rumble rumbling."

The huge energy group hit Zhang Yu, who hadn't avoided it, and a huge explosion sounded. The cave shook violently, cracks appeared in the mountain, sand and gravel rolled down, and the shaking became bigger and bigger, and the cave was about to collapse.

"Damn, too much force." Seeing the cave began to collapse, Dr. Anri ran to the exit quickly.

After the explosion, Zhang Yu, who was instantly buried by sand and gravel, stood up from the gravel pile, shaken off the mud and dust on his body, once again blocked in front of Dr. Anli, and smiled unscathed: "This road is nowhere."

"Why are you still not dead". During the sprint, Dr. Anri stopped instantly, exclaiming in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, I didn't let you down because of my death, then, do you want to give me the antidote now?" Zhang Yu took the opportunity to threaten him.

Time is running out, and gravel is constantly falling from the top of the cave. Dr. Anri asked anxiously: "Aren't you afraid of being buried by the mountain?"

"Don't be afraid, I can't die anyway, but you don't have to." Zhang Yu smiled.

Helpless Dr. Amway, compromised and said: "I will give you the antidote, and you will open the way."

"Tell me the antidote first." Zhang Yu reached out his hand and motioned.

"Give you". Dr. Anri, who had no choice, threw the antidote away.

As soon as he got the antidote, Zhang Yu immediately repented, and said awe-inspiringly: "After I use it, if the antidote is true, then let the way go, and now you give me a good stay here."

"You despicable villain, when you try to understand the medicine, I will be buried long ago." Dr. Amway yelled furiously when he heard the words.

"That's what's up to me". Zhang Yu snickered. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 997 Mummy), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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