Technology Bigshot

Chapter 288: :It’s just a waver]

"I have almost foreseen what kind of feedback will be received when this article is published. You might say that I am spreading panic and rumors, and that I am a victim of persecution and paranoia. I don't care about these. But I am the most I want to urgently explain that the future is not my final say, nor you or anyone else. The outside world equates the name Kevin Kelly with the prophet. I have been opposed to this! I am not a prophet. No one is a real expert in the future. The real future is unpredictable, but the future is always worthy of our careful consideration, because this is our future!

Quantum computer is the catalyst of technology, and the development of technology will show a rapid development in the style of "quantum leap" because of the catalyst of quantum computer. In the past, technologies and inventions that took several years or even more than ten years were born in quantum computers. Catalyzed by, it can be done in a few years or even a few months, and its birth will further accelerate the progress of science and technology. Maybe you will question, isn't this bad?

Yes, this is bad, because none of us are ready. Our speed is already under the red sirens, and we are still accelerating horribly. This is like walking a tightrope. Speeding vehicles are more likely to cause accidents.

In the past, it took several years or even longer for new technologies to be born, but this long process gave us enough stages of adaptation and perfection of his system, so as to steadily accept the birth of the next new thing and new invention. .

But today, the speed of our adaptation is inversely proportional to the speed of technological development and new inventions. We have not yet fully adapted, or even a complete and mature system to define new things. Things are born again and are disruptive. We are at a loss. We can only feel that technology is developing too fast. We have been on the road of adaptation and exploration desperately catching up. We tried to catch up with the pace of technological development, but the result Yes, we are more and more likely to fall to the ground. Maybe we can get up unscathed and continue to chase after we fall. Maybe we will be beaten on the road of chasing and we will never get up.

Nowadays, technology and man-made objects behave more and more like life bodies, while life is more and more programmed. The birth of quantum computers makes me feel the biggest worry is artificial intelligence. There is no doubt that quantum computers will promote the leapfrog development in this field. Technology may become real life, and technological life will usher in the highest peak of development. Are we humans really ready?

Desire and greed are all the original sins, and trading with the devil will make us lost in the abyss. As we embrace the tide of technology, we must also accept supervision and effective control. If otherwise, loss of control is inevitable, then...the future...will be a disaster.


After Kevin Kelly wrote the article, he published it. For ten years, he has spared no effort to act as a warning to the world. As a result, the "Father of the Spirit of Silicon Valley" has also been called by the outside world as a big flicker and panic maker. As for his new works, no one even cares about his new works in the United States.

But he never stopped.

Not only Kevin Kelly, but Stephen Hawking, a scholar of the century at the Bridge University in the United Kingdom, also used his influence to express his personal views. While he acknowledged the birth of quantum computers and was excited about it, he also had The worries that match it are coincidentally that Hawking and Kevin Kelly have especially published in-depth explanations on artificial intelligence. He believes that in the era of quantum computers, the speed and probability of artificial intelligence will be unimaginably improved. It also warns that artificial intelligence in the world may become the greatest invention of mankind and the last invention of mankind.

Two world celebrities and scholars, Stephen Hawking and Kevin Kelly, have become typical representatives of the worrying school.


Matrix Technology, headquarters.

At this moment, Ren Hongzheng was browsing the news without saying a word. The article he was reading was the article that Kevin Kelly published yesterday in Wired magazine. There are also many paragraphs in the article that evaluate Matrix Technology and its founders. The good and the bad are mixed. On the one hand, Kevin Kelly fully affirmed Matrix Technology’s achievements and contributions to mankind. Have strong doubts and criticisms.

Kevin Kelly's evaluation of Ren Hong is not only a pioneer and innovator, but also a disruptor and disruptor.

After reading the entire article, Ren Hong sat at the desk without saying a word, with his hands supporting the desk and forehead, he fell into thinking.

This kind of meditation broke with Gao Yue's coming in. Just when the other party was about to speak, Ren Hong suddenly took the lead and said: "Are we developing pace and rhythm a bit too fast?"

Ren Hong’s preemptive speech made Gao Yue open her mouth to take back the words that were about to blurt out. For a long time, Gao Yueqing raised her eyebrows and looked at him, “This is a recognized fact. The pace and rhythm of the world are accelerating. Question?"

I saw Ren Hong's left hand lightly tapping in the midair of the desktop, and then rotating his wrist. The condensing screen was extremely intelligent and complied with Ren Hong's operation. Gao Yue looked at the content on the screen, "If technology is out of control, disaster will be inevitable? "

This is the latest article published by Kevin Kelly.

"Huh huh~!!!" Ren Hong shrugged his shoulders with a nasal sound, waved his hand, "That's the problem!"

Gao Yue scanned the article roughly, thought about it for a moment, and said: "He himself said that this is a big trend, a big trend. If matrix technology slows down, it will become a disruptor."

"This is not the reason why we are developing too fast." Gao Yue added.

"How do you say?" Ren Hong asked back.

"This is the reason why the entire era is developing too fast. If it is what Kevin said, if matrix technology really slows down, but can we slow down the entire era? No! We can't do it, we can only Known as the trend-makers under the trend of the times, we can’t slow down or speed up the times. We don’t have this ability, and no one has this ability.” Gao Yue stared at Ren Hong quietly, revealing her intellectual and charming side. He said, "We will slow down and we will lag behind the times, and we will be labelled as obsolete until we are finally eliminated."

"Yes!" Ren Hong sighed: "I understand all of these things. Many people living in this world understand this truth, but they still succeed, because no one wants to fall behind the times and become the knockout and loser. I also No. But like Kevin, I am full of worries about the future."

"I think..." Gao Yue walked gracefully behind Ren A pair of slender and white hands hugged him from behind, and his sharp chin pressed against his right shoulder.

"Do what we can. We are all a drop in the sea of ​​time. The only thing that is eternal is the wheel of time that is always rotating. Sometimes you will find that everything is predestined by fate, and all we have to do is silently. Go forward." Gao Yue's drizzle like a jingle came into Ren Hong's ears.

"So philosophical...ha!" Ren Hong suddenly smiled: "You are right! I was also melancholy for a while, not to mention these useless. Then tell me about you!"

Gao Yue smiled and walked out from behind him, saying: "The 15th China-US Entrepreneurs Roundtable will be held in Seattle. This time, the heads of the major domestic giant companies led by the state will go to the United States to participate. Meeting. In addition, Kang Tao said hello to me. This time the Seattle trip to the country is a small focus for us. It will promote and support the globalization process of matrix technology behind the scenes. Whether your trip to the United States should be successful. Little gains, this game with the United States is the beginning of the country’s official promotion of the globalization of matrix technology behind the scenes, followed by the "New Silk Road" and the game with Europe. With the country’s behind-the-scenes promotion, the globalization of matrix technology will There will be less trouble."

(To be continued) (To be continued.):

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