
Hansung Group headquarters.

Li Jianxi hung up the phone.


The mouse on the desk was smashed to pieces.

In order to grasp the monopoly position of Semiconductor Yusanjia, he gave some of the remaining shares to those masters.

Obviously, the more profits their Korean stars earn, the more they will earn, but that's it, they still want more.

The capital behind Neon Semiconductor has their shadows, European Semiconductor also has their handwriting, and Han Xing...

There are people in their own home.

As the head of a wealthy chaebol, he would have no arrogance in his heart! ?

But these masters are so greedy.

Fortunately, however, GF was finally able to get it smoothly.

After thinking for a moment and calming down his breathing, he waved his hand.

"Come in"

Gao Xizhen, the person in charge of Han Xing's mobile phone who had been waiting outside for a long time, and his secretary rushed in through the door.

"Selective disclosure of the Longcheng factory, and let our media imply that the illegal operations of Chinese and Japanese employees led to the expansion of the fire. The reason why we did not disclose this before is to investigate carefully and not to be innocent. Wrong them.

Now things have come to light. Although Hanxing’s chip production has increased due to the acquisition of GlobalFoundries in 2018, the cost of chips will rise, especially the cost of mid-range 28nm chips will double. "

Cutting off the goods of mobile phone manufacturers will make TSMC laugh, so let's raise the price and earn back the losses from consumers.

Gao Xizhen frowned, but he didn't dare to speak, after all, he didn't even dare to breathe now.

Li Jianxi lost his temper, and now he has regained his senses. Seeing his subordinates like this, he said, "Speak up if you have something to say, I won't get angry with you in business matters."

For his own business, Gao Xizhen took a deep breath, "The chip foundry in Daxia has become more and more advanced. After we raise the price, will we let them take advantage of it?"

Yes, not all sticks are arrogant, they generally have a characteristic like Neon, the upper-class chaebols in Korea are able to meet the needs of the people's livelihood, and at the same time put their wolfish ambitions in other industries, under the supervision and help of the masters of Ansa , to bite the most meat.

Otherwise, with their small territory, few resources, and a lot of manpower and material resources consumed during the war, how could they not only restore their national strength, but also be promoted to developed countries in just a few decades?

The support of the United States is one thing, and one's own ambition is the most primitive and powerful driving force.

"Daxia Semiconductor? Although Xiaxin Technology can manufacture 28nm chips, the lack of raw materials and high prices limit its output. What is enough for those few fabs that ship 10,000 wafers a month?

Which of their mobile phone screens, memory, and chips does not need to rely on us?

The supply of high-end chips remains high. No matter how high the sales volume of rice and Yijia is, it will still make us money. Only Xiawei needs our attention. "

Gao Xizhen listened to the master's words and immediately bowed.

"President Gao Zhi, as long as we master the most critical components, no matter how high the sales of mobile phone manufacturers in Daxia are, it will still make us money.

Xi really understands! "

Li Jianxi clenched his fists and said in a low tone, "As long as you master the core components, Daxia, Neon, and even the United States all need our supplies.

Money, they can take it.

But what else can they do to us when our products take over all walks of life? "

This is the strategy passed down from generation to generation by the Li family, and only in this way can the soldiers see no bloodshed and engulf the whole world.

And it has been quite successful.

"Go ahead, I want them to have a hard time this Spring Festival. TSMC's orders have long been unable to be arranged. Now the mid-range chip demand companies in Daxia will either be cut off by us, or they will stop developing.

There is also the cracking of the [Boundary Monument], the research office of your mobile phone department reported that it has been researched, then continue to step up research, if it is really not possible, you can also use the supply as a bargaining chip to force those mobile phone manufacturers to give Kyushu Technology Company pressure.

Just a small bug, we can crush it to death at any time. "


Gao Xizhen and the secretary on the side quickly bowed again.

They just felt a burst of excitement. Cutting the flesh of that ancient country really gave them a sense of accomplishment.

As a monopoly player in the semiconductor field, if Han Xing raises its price, the market will also respond to the price increase, which will cause the chip demand industry to hold its nose and continue to buy.

Because ordinary manufacturers in this field dare not bet at all. If they continue to pay the original price, then in order to make a profit and complete orders, they must expand their production lines, which requires a lot of money.

And when they expand the production line, if Hanxing suddenly restores the original price, or even sells at a lower price, then orders will continue to come back to Hanxing, and the new production line they just invested a lot of money, if there are not enough orders, it will be a blood loss.

So this is the terrible thing about the monopoly giants. When they turn over casually, the small fish and shrimps also experience huge waves and have to follow.

From the latest smart rice cookers, air conditioners, and on-board chips, to high-end equipment in major factories, and even defense equipment and weapon numerical control, mid-range chips are needed.

Chips are products that go deep into all walks of life in modern life. If the price of mid-range chips increases, the prices of other materials will also increase.

Harvest wealth.

Financial means and violent means are the most direct, but technological harvesting is the most irresistible.

Modern humans need high-tech products, and production and life cannot do without them.

Undoubtedly, Wall Street capitals are also waiting, planning to take another bite out of this turmoil.

As for Daxia, as the world's second largest economy, it is permissible for the price increase of semiconductors to affect the country's citizens.

Because of such words.

One sip will make it more refreshing.

National wealth, it is endless.

So many naturalization applications are all in US dollars.


"Since the beginning of 2017, the price of chips has been rising continuously. After the power outage at the Hanxing factory in early January and the fire at the Yongcheng factory in December, the global chip market is like chicken blood, rising crazily, while memory and SSD The shortage of hard drives has led to a 90% increase in memory prices.

In addition, this time Han Xing announced the fire at the Longcheng factory, because of the improper follow-up of Chinese and neon employees, resulting in heavy losses, the price of chips will increase by 200%.

On the other hand, digital currency has led to the rise of the mining industry, and the stock of high-end chips on the market has become increasingly scarce, which in turn has driven up the price of mid-range chips.

According to foreign media reports, the contract prices of foundries such as Hanxing and TSMC are expected to increase by double digits or even triple digits in the first quarter of this year. "

Several media reported on the chip price increase, but then it was suppressed by entertainment news and festival-related news.

PS: The author's point of view is somewhat limited, don't laugh ha, today's update, thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and subscriptions. I am very happy to see many familiar IDs. == good night

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