Thinking of a mouth full of oil, I have to mention one dish-braised pork.

A well-known dish, with pork belly as the main ingredient, the meat is fat and thin, sweet and soft, and melts in the mouth.

Therefore, Boss Gu, who was in a good mood, ordered the cafeteria to cook braised pork for lunch and treat all company employees to eat for free.

The staff canteen in Kyushu can add unlimited rice. Once Boss Gu gives out this benefit, if someone is more frugal, the lunch is equivalent to free.

At noon, Boss Gu invited Factory Director Luo and Vice President Dong to eat braised pork, and his mouth was full of oil.

"This year, the company will make big strides forward, and there will be big moves in the middle of the year. By the way, do you think this braised pork is enough? Do you need to add more?"

The incongruous words came out of Gu Qing's mouth.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Dong Qi looked at the braised pork in the bowl, no matter how well cooked, no matter how fat but not greasy, once people eat too much, they will still feel greasy.

One must know the size of one's appetite. If you eat too much, you will be full, and if you add too much food, it will be wasted.

Luo Songtang has eaten braised pork for decades, so he sees it very easily.

"Mr. Gu doesn't need to add more. I am not young, and my appetite is not as good as when I was young. I can't eat a few dollars."

Director Luo took a sip of vegetable soup, wiped his mouth, and signaled that he was full.

Dong Qi glanced at the middle-aged and elderly people, and before letting go, he also mentioned the appetite when he was young.

But he glanced at Gu Qing who was becoming more and more unfamiliar, and felt a little unwilling.

In order to live up to his name, he completes all official duties meticulously every day, and Daxia's CPA exam is about to finish.

In an average of twenty-four hours a day, there is no more than one hour of private leisure time at all.

He asked himself, in the past half a year, he has managed the company's finances without tan-shou-bribes, and without buying at low prices and high prices.

But, is this going to take power?

Dong Qi didn't say a word, and the atmosphere in the room became dull.

Clenched fists, released and closed.

After taking a few deep breaths, Dong Qi sighed and said, "My appetite is very good, I still want to eat."

"You still want to eat?" Gu Qing was taken aback, and he glanced at Dong Qi.

Dong Qi swallowed, and stuffed his mouth full of braised pork in the bowl like a king of appetite.

"That's fine, I'll order another one for you, I'm full, so I'll leave first.

By the way, in the middle of the year, when we are making great strides to open up overseas markets, don't let us ask for leave. "

Boss Gu waved his hand and walked out.

After a while, the auntie from the staff canteen brought in a portion of braised pork.

Looking at another portion of braised pork on the table, Dong Qi's eyes were a little lost.

"The big move he just said is to open up overseas markets?"

"Maybe, Vice President Dong, take your time and I'll go to the workshop."

Luo Songtang left the dining table and went out, seeing the employees in the cafeteria, old and young, all dressed in clean clothes, eating braised pork with greasy mouth, his footsteps became more brisk, and even looked radiant.

The once glorious factory has returned. Although the boss has changed again and again, it is more important than anything else that the employees can live with a future and live comfortably.

Man, it's really easy to please.

When you are hungry, you can eat braised pork, and when you are old enough to work, you can have a job that can support your family.

In the private room, Dong Qi looked at the braised pork on the table, and then at the camera on the wall.


If there is no CD, there is leftover food, but the money will be deducted.

Dong Qi subconsciously thought of packing it up and eating it in the afternoon, but then he changed his mind.

"Will he watch me in the monitoring room to see if I have finished eating? There is still a big stride, and the company will be rectified in the future?

Looking at the current situation, the profitability and industry prospects of each industry are very good, so things like branch companies will definitely be on the agenda.

Is he joking today?

Or are you referring to a deer as a horse? "

Boss Gu, who was taking a leisurely walk, didn't know at the moment, because two people were full of thoughts because of his casual sentence.

Some people can let it go, some people can't let it go.

There is no right or wrong, only choices based on your own desires.

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

The big semiconductor companies of Neon and Goryeo are going to wait for the bullet to fly for a while.

After several discussion meetings, Jack, chairman of the American Semiconductor Industry Association, published a document saying: Semiconductors are the engine of the global economy, and the current shortage of semiconductor production in the United States is a crisis!

As the chip brain of various machines in modern life, semiconductors are crucial to a country's economic strength and national security.

Although American companies have been leading the world in chip technology for decades, they also occupy a huge share of other semiconductor companies around the world.

However, at the actual manufacturing level of semiconductors, only about 12% of the hundreds of millions of orders worldwide are completed in the United States.

As the financial industry becomes more and more prosperous, the actual cost of labor and materials rises, and the hollowing out of the real industry is an unavoidable problem for the "financial-capitalist-empire".

This article did not cause much disturbance in Daxia. After all, everyone who should know about the exodus of Aramco's manufacturing industry knows about it, and those who don't understand it often don't have a deep understanding.

But Ami's leadership was aware, so news came out in a few days that the White House would make two important decisions.

Fair competition, creating incentives to ci-stimulate the construction of domestic semiconductor manufacturing facilities, including substantial subsidies and tax breaks.

Significantly increase investment in semiconductor research and development, provide taxpayers with a good return on investment, and increase the workforce.

Of course, these two decisions, which are still in the stage of creating a new folder, will be implemented in a few months or a few years.

When Gu Qing saw the news, he turned his head and glanced at Zhao Bureau not far away, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart.

The Daxia authorities called it a quick implementation of what they wanted to do.

"As long as there are no accidents, our monthly production capacity can reach 500,000 pieces this month." Gu Qing said firmly.

Zhao Jianye nodded with a smile: "It's good for young people to be energetic in their work, but they need to be cautious when making promises. You must know that this involves our department's evaluation of your company."

Gu Qing nodded, Daxia is very sensitive to these issues.

If a company boasts that Haikou has not been completed, it will give the company a bad evaluation label. If there are good things to be done in the future, it is generally impossible for this kind of company to enter the evaluation list, and it will be directly excluded from the list. up.

Of course, except for his own son, but the twists and turns are beyond words.

Zhao Jianye carefully looked at the thin young boss in front of him.

After a moment, he nodded.

"Then, someone will come to discuss the follow-up matters with your company."

PS: Four chapters are here, thanks to Mo Senyuhai, Lu Ming, and Buqi for their rewards, and other book friends for their recommendation tickets and monthly ticket support, discussing what to add, book friends Penguin group number: 615717490

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