However, these can be said to be investment and construction problems, but after investigation, the high-end lithography machine that Jiang Shang bought for Hongxin, which can be called a high-end lithography machine capable of producing 7nm chips, has not even been used in Hongxin's factory building. .

And what's even more outrageous is that the final destination of this world's top lithography machine is to send it brand new and intact to the bank in exchange for a mortgage loan...

There is no shortage of talents, technology, equipment, even investment, and official support, but in the end it has become a piece of shit because of the lack of morality in the management.

It is also because of this incident that the government of Daxia has stricter management of the semiconductor industry, which everyone can understand.

But after Li You's report was over, everyone felt something was wrong.

Why have the conditions that were negotiated with the official cooperation not only become more restrictive, but also have a wider scope of responsibility?

While everyone was thinking, Zhang Yuanfeng, the human resources director who was far away in Europe at this time, was also extremely moved by the restrictions imposed on these technicians.

From his personal experience, the West has fallen into a very divided state.

It needs a technology company like Kyushu Technology, and Daxia needs to "work hard" to produce products. However, these high-value-added products are still needed. High-quality talents have to change their nationality, and it is best to change their blood and race.

At the same time, these elite technical talents in the West began to gradually dream of entering Kyushu Technology to learn more advanced technologies, and some companies are even seeking to cooperate with Kyushu Technology to develop business in their homeland.

As for tourism, the visa issue for the senior executives of Kyushu Science and Technology Human Resources Department in the West is simply not a problem.

Even those Guo Jia who pulled the plug on Kyushu Technology said that they must abide by it, but when they met the employees of Kyushu Technology, they would still sign it very "funly".

Gu Qing didn't express any opinion on these reports, and he closed his eyes only after the heads of the 6G Communication Engineering Department, Yingshu, and the aerospace department and other departments had finished their recent reports.

Obviously, when the great dragon of Great Xia took off, the officials were also scrupulously adhering to the boundary line reached with themselves at the beginning, and the operation of the Xia Ke Academy to recall the old men this time was not a temptation, but a way of dealing with it one by one. .

A more reasonable division of the business and personnel between the two is not only the official handling of the tacit gray areas in the past, but also represents the importance attached to the company itself.

Only when you put your own company at a high enough height can you treat it with such caution.

"In the universe, Blue Star is the only planet known to us that has life.

Even if the previous solar flares are broadcast in real time, the sun we see is also the sun 8 minutes ago, and the moon we see is the moon 1.3 seconds ago.

In the beginning, there was only hydrogen in the world, and the fusion inside the stars ended with iron. Heavy metal elements such as gold and platinum could only come from supernova explosions, the most splendid funeral in the universe. That is to say, the gold that ordinary people pursue, Also fragments of stars.

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, and the iron in our blood are all composed of thousands of stars scattered during the big bang.

So I often have an almost indifferent attitude towards things on the ground.

It's not that I look down on these rules and regulations, but that I really don't want to look up at the head of the starry sky, and then look down at the intrigue on the ground.

But no matter how polluted, those advanced and backward products are the sparks of those scientific geniuses. Just like knowledge, there is no distinction between advanced and backward, and people should not have superior or inferior existence.

When Gu Qing said these words in a calm tone, everyone in the conference room sat up straight in unison.

Because they are familiar with Mr. Gu's way of expression, they know that once their big boss starts to make such speeches about imagining the future or making high-spirited speeches, the subsequent decisions to be made will inevitably be earth-shattering.

Usually those technology decentralization and business cooperation are never worthy of Mr. Gu's "preparation".

Faced with these serious executives, Gu Qing's tone suddenly sank, and he said, "Technology is the primary productive force in our current development.

And our software, systems, and hardware devices are still short of a technical achievement that can completely connect and bundle them. At the same time, they still lack an energy source that can give them a strong driving force to realize countless needs.

From now on, the 6G communication engineering department of Kyushu Technology will be upgraded to an independent first-level department. The department's budget share will be increased by 30%, the basic salary for recruitment will be increased by 30%, and the special project will be added to the final elimination system.

The energy department, a sub-department of the Titan star department, has been upgraded to become an independent first-level department. The department's budget share has been increased by 50%, and the exclusive supercomputing processing share has been increased.

Titan Star Department, Semiconductor Department, Software Engineering Department, and Aerospace Department should cooperate more closely with these two new departments, whether it is personnel coordination or resource exchange and mutual assistance, it will be upgraded to a higher level.

The company's think tank team, engineer team, and scientist team must provide more help for the business requests of these two departments.

Our goal is still the sea of ​​stars. At the same time, the progress of nuclear energy and 6G communication engineering projects needs to be accelerated.

This year, a big project has to come true! Otherwise, the situation will be even more severe next year! "

Fifty percent, thirty percent, the department has been promoted, and a big project will be completed this year...

As the direct influencers, Ying Shu, Li Cun, Wang You, the heads of the 6G communication engineering department, and Zhang Tianhao, who has been in charge of the energy "small department" and others, naturally looked shocked.

Li Tao, director of the legal department, Li You and Zhang Yantai from the semiconductor department, Zhang Benyu, head of the software engineering department, Li Jian, chief engineer of Kyushu Science and Technology Aerospace... and other high-level figures of Kyushu Technology all looked surprised.

Not to mention big projects such as 6G communication engineering and nuclear energy, which Guo Jia-level force dares, or even brazenly calls out to solve one within a year?

Just talk about those projects in our own department, such as satellite networking, space station establishment, starship construction and take-off, carbon-based chips entering the 3-nanometer era, etc., cannot be completed within a year.

This is no longer a dream, but a violation of the laws of scientific research and development! ! !

Everyone was amazed, even Huang Chaoren, who was far away in Koryo, although he didn't understand technology, but after all these years, he knew that the breakthrough of these projects should start at least five years, and see the difficulty of partial results in ten years.

"One year? This is simply..."

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