Technology: breaking the hegemony that monopolizes the world

Chapter 1119 The Sleepless Night of the Executives

Twenty-four hours a day, many people in the management of Kyushu Technology spent twenty-two hours in meetings and reviewing documents.

Eating is eating nutritious meals and nutrition cream. While solving physiological problems, I also put my tablet, notebook, and Jiaolong mobile phone in front of me to work. What's more, I wear SR1 glasses directly, squatting on the toilet, waving my fingers, and working in vain.

Those new employees who have just entered the project are a little scared when they see their boss working so hard. They are afraid that they will enter the devil enterprise. What terrible punishment will Kyushu Technology have? Be like a "working dog".

The newcomer looked at his internship salary and regular salary, both of which were higher than the industry level. Thinking back to the degree of madness of these managements, I also have a little understanding of the doubts in my heart about the reason why Kyushu Technology can develop so quickly.

And just when the newcomers half understand and half understand, the old employees are ready to play the endurance race.

Taoyao’s quota has been raised a little bit, the pillows at the workplace have been changed a little bit, the interpersonal relationship at home has been sorted out a little bit, and I have to talk to my wife. I have to work overtime recently, so I may not go home to sleep at night.

They all understand one thing in their hearts, that is, distribution according to work is absolutely done in Kyushu Science and Technology. As long as they work hard enough and are self-motivated, they will definitely be able to get a promotion and a salary increase.

There is no need to apply, there will be no shortage of promotion, salary increase and bonus, and those promoted managers do not dare to fish and do nothing. Once the daily workload and business processing volume do not reach the real level, they will be recorded by AI. , affecting the assessment results of the second year.

Therefore, although Kyushu Technology implements an eight-hour work system, but because the salary increase and bonus are in place, and the assessment scores are true, Kyushu Technology has instead become an "overtime devil company".

Some college students saw that when their brothers and sisters entered Kyushu Technology, it was like entering a battle royale game. They went to work crazily every day, and they immediately put a red cross on Kyushu Technology in their hearts. It is this enterprise.

Even though the salary and benefits of this company are top in the industry, but thinking of the horrible workload, they still choose to shrink back and go to other companies.

This is also one of the reasons why Daxia companies have been able to recruit outstanding students in different industries over the years. And some students who know that Jiuzhou Science and Technology has a heavy workload, but resolutely want to enter Jiuzhou Science and Technology, will often burst out with greater energy in Jiuzhou Science and Technology, study and work hard, and generate greater value.

One went to another company, and the other went to Kyushu Technology. At the class reunion just one or two years later, you can see the huge difference in mental outlook and wallet thickness between the two.

The former is content with the status quo, while the latter is even younger and more energetic than when he just graduated. With the cooperation of Taoyao and the doctor's custom-made rest, diet, and exercise programs, some boys who were originally relatively thin can have obvious improvement in a year. Muscle and wallet thickness are also much thicker than those of the same age under the effect of salary increase and bonus.

At noon on the fourth of July.

The office building of Biati's headquarters, in the president's office.

"Graphene super copper motor technology? Holding grass?"

Seeing the content of the email, Biati's President Wang exclaimed on the spot.

And this exclamation is still one after another...

"Grass, graphene solid-state battery technology? Grass! A silicon-based chip that supports artificial intelligence? A fuel cell with a thermal efficiency exceeding 85%?..."

After reading the technical names of regional special network communication, dual-satellite system positioning technology and the first-stage human exercise program, Mr. Wang's jaw can't even close.

He looked at the invitation letter for the technology announcement conference, and his heart was comparable to that of Big Ivan after he exploded.

I built a million-dollar luxury car to look up to, blessed with Yi Sifang, the latest hybrid system, four-wheel independent drive and other black technologies, but after two years of being cool, Kyushu Technology suddenly made all the scum left?

Obviously only he, Lao Wang, can backstab those old car owners with new energy vehicles, so why was he backstabbed by this young man from Kyushu Technology today? !

"No, no, this year's production capacity must be controlled. If Kyushu Technology really delegates these technologies to our friends, Biati's Dynasty and Ocean series cars must be greatly improved next year, otherwise we will definitely not be able to keep up. The torrent of innovation brought about by the decentralization of technology.

on horseback. This came too fast. Didn't the people in the technical department say that Kyushu Technology's solid-state batteries are immature? How did it take only two or three years to move from SR1 glasses to the field of large batteries? "

In the field of cars with more mature electric drive, intelligence and hybridization, BYAT abandoned oil vehicles and relied on the new energy deployed in the early years to obtain the biggest bonus for overtaking in curves; however, companies such as Xiawei and Rice have announced their entry into the market to build cars , This undoubtedly brought a lot of impact to the auto industry.

Biati has always been actively embracing new technologies, because Biati’s high-level founders and down to the engineering team all know clearly that in the field of new energy vehicles, no matter how the market changes, how many players on the table will increase. No matter how confident you are when you play your cards, the ones who can finally seize the opportunity in the change are the powerful players with deep technical reserves and system capabilities.

Therefore, Biati is also the car company that has the closest cooperation with Kyushu Technology, and because Biati has its own mining and semiconductor industries, through strong cooperation with Kyushu Technology, it has integrated its original car-machine system with Kyushu Technology's car-machine system. Fusion and complementarity have been done, so now Biati is a two-gun player with his own DMI hybrid technology in one hand and Kyushu technology car system and chips in the other.

Faced with the invitation to launch a new technology conference from a partner in the technical field, Mr. Wang immediately wrote a reply letter after being shocked, without even thinking about holding a meeting and negotiating before sending it out.

After all, today is July 4th, and the press conference is July 7th, so he doesn't have much time to waste.

After sending out the reply letter that he must come to the door, Wang Chuanfu contacted the company's senior management with a serious face. These days, Biati's senior management is doomed to sleepless.

Biati is like this, Xia Wei is naturally not much better.

He had just returned from Suzhou and Hangzhou, and before he could sit still, Yu Chengdong received a meeting notice from Mr. Ren.

When he arrived at the meeting room, he looked around and saw that a group of senior executives from his company were already sitting in their seats, or they had joined in via remote video conference.

"Sit down, there are still a few people stuck in traffic, and they are expected to arrive in the conference room in half an hour. There is a document here, you can take a look first."

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