"Later, our experimenters began to think about forming magnetic graphene on graphene, and then using powder metallurgy to make graphene copper wires.

Subsequent research and development did increase the magnetic permeability, breaking through the technical threshold of the coil wire in stages.

In the end, driven by some coincidences, the first generation of graphene super copper can be considered a success. And when we started to cooperate with some institutions on motors, we were also surprised to find that they also had related research in this area, but the progress was too far behind, so the follow-up technology was still completed independently by our own research group. "

A research and development elite from a certain institute in Pengcheng, Xia Ke Academy, heaved a long sigh when he heard what Gu Qing said.

At the beginning, they were developing high-speed rail "super charging lines" with graphene and copper as the main materials.

This kind of charging line is the catenary wire set above the high-speed rail track, and the electric energy is connected from the wire to the car through the train pantograph on the car body.

It seems very simple, but the internal requirements and performance are exaggerated when compared with other similar materials. In addition to requiring high enough electrical conductivity and durability, the material also needs to ensure that it can withstand the pantograph when the train speed reaches more than 300 kilometers per hour. The high temperature generated by friction with the catenary wire, while the strength, toughness, and electrical conductivity have not changed.

On that day, Kyushu Technology entered the research center of Xiake Academy with a graphene super copper motor that was almost complete enough to be used directly. The super copper material of the motor directly solved this troublesome problem. Independently controlling these key materials, I am afraid that Kyushu Technology will reach out even deeper now.

A private enterprise without any "control" will never be able to penetrate to such a point, even if Kyushu Technology is the core force that promotes the development of Daxia Semiconductor, it is impossible.

Technology and politics have too much in common in a sufficiently high field.

If Xia Science Academy is the official engine of Daxia Science and Technology, then Kyushu Technology is the graphene super copper motor of Daxia private enterprise, an uncontrolled high-tech enterprise.

The researcher sighed, his thoughts spread.

And Gu Qing is still explaining this seemingly unremarkable motor.

"Copper itself has good electrical conductivity, but the material strength of copper is too poor, so our material laboratory R\u0026D personnel simulated tens of millions of times in the server of Lingjing Ecological Laboratory through AI program, and finally chose copper magnesium. Alloy, in the test detection, it is 10% more conductive than metallic silver.

And relying on the strong production capacity of our intelligent manufacturing factory, in the first quarter after the motor material was developed, we realized mass production and applied it to our sci-fi dream product - Kyushu Mecha superior.

Some time ago, in our Bacteria Bacterial Boundary Exercise, the energy consumption ratio of our Kyushu Science and Technology Guardian series mechs had a good performance. If you need to know about the actual operation of the motor, you can check out the video in this regard. "

What Gu Qing said was very indifferent, and it even made people feel that making this graphene super copper material is like making lemon juice, which is just like adding ice water after beating the lemon, but Biati, Tesla, Xia Wei, and Seris even The top executives of the R\u0026D teams of Audi, Volkswagen and other car companies all frowned and looked heavy.

The senior R\u0026D executives next to Mr. Biati Wang explained in a low voice to some senior colleagues who did not understand the field of motors and materials: "The technical route of graphene super copper, our several big experiments with Xiake Academy and the United States There are studies, and it is now basically determined that the two materials, copper and graphene, should be mixed at the atomic and molecular level during the manufacturing process.

The advantages of the two complement each other, allowing more electrons to run faster. However, as expected, our laboratory can complete sample preparation in small batches, but it is impossible to achieve stable mass production.

Moreover, there are many graphene materials, but Mr. Gu did not mention what kind of graphene material is mixed with metal copper. This is obviously a trap. Xia Ke Academy has a very close cooperative relationship with Kyushu Technology. Xia Ke who is present today None of the higher-ups of the institute made any statement. It seems that the material technology owned by Kyushu Technology is independent and controllable.

This is probably not a good thing for us. "

Not a good thing?

A senior executive of Biati obviously did not agree with what this technical senior said, and he asked: "We can cooperate with Kyushu Technology, use their motor technology, and at the same time learn from each other to develop our motor technology, how can this not be a good thing?

You know, those foreign companies simply don't have the opportunity for this cooperation, and only we, Biati, can understand this technology in a short period of time in the whole Blue Star, and there should be opportunities for those who come later and come first.

At the beginning, Biati was in the field of fuel vehicles because of these technical limitations. When we switched to the new energy track, we relied on DMI hybrid technology, batteries and car-machine systems to achieve a lead. Now we are facing the new technology of Kyushu Technology. ? "

Faced with this kind of problem, the technical senior thought about it, but he didn't know where to start to talk about the differences in these technologies.

Mr. Wang, the founder of Biati, said succinctly: "There are other lanes, and even emergency lanes are left. We can change lanes and overtake even curves. But if Kyushu Technology really delegates the motor to us The enterprise is to completely block all the tracks, and no one can pass...”

No one can pass?

Biati's other high-level executives are not fools. Some of them have just been eroded by Kyushu Technology's sweet cooperation over the years, so under the reminder of their founders, they looked around at the high-level executives with similar projects. With different faces, the layer of window paper was instantly pierced.

Kyushu Technology is not a Guo Jia influence, nor is it a good man or woman. It is a private enterprise, a technology enterprise that dares to risk bankruptcy at any time, and spends money crazily in the core scientific research field.

On the way of its rise, the dazzling achievements are not flowers at all, but bloody death.

The semiconductor industry companies in Korea, Neon, Europe, and the United States are almost only left with the former giants relying on financial grants and Guo Jia’s support. Other semiconductor companies are bankrupt, merged, reorganized, or even Some simply disappeared.

Even Daxia's semiconductor companies, whether they are privately owned or restructured, or those with all official shares, are more or less owned by Kyushu Technology as a technology shareholder, and no longer have complete independence.

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