Hearing that the employees wanted to recruit people, Boss Gu said on the spot that at the end of June, no matter how much the price of the wafer was hit or how much the company lost, everyone counted as one. As long as you get a qualified colleague who has passed the company's review, you will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan per head, and the settlement will be settled on the day of official entry.

After an originally somewhat depressing meeting, it not only stabilized the morale of the army, but also boosted morale. Someone said on the spot that his friend XX was not happy at work and should be able to dig into the wall.

What kind of tree is moved to death, and people are moved to live. There is no place for the master to stay here. These words spread among the mouths of techies.

Engineers and industry experts who have evolved towards panda baldness have shown great enthusiasm for pulling people into the pit of Kyushu Technology Company.

After going to the staff cafeteria to sacrifice to the Wu Zang Temple, Boss Gu Heixin returned to his dark underground research room.

It is said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles, so he took a break from his busy schedule and asked Xuanwu to prepare a report on Neon Semiconductor.

In fact, for a long time, neon has always been to the people of Daxia. Apart from the family hatred and national hatred, many people only know about neon culture, abandoned house culture, kimono, sushi, and hentai (biantai). Quantity of things.

Oh, and of course the existence of such common newspapers as nuclear power plants.

A closer look shows that Neon's semiconductor industry is also quite fantastic.

Neon's semiconductor industry once occupied more than 30% of the world's share.

Then, due to reasons such as production capacity, technological iteration, and market shrinkage caused by a beating by the owner, Neon closed more than 30 fabs, and even continued to close unstoppably.

There is Dongzhi, one of the neon big brothers, and the reason it once closed the fab production line turned out to be: the weakening demand for mobile phones and personal computers has led to the shrinking demand for memory products, so as to adjust memory production...

In addition to this "man-made disaster", there are also natural disasters.

As we all know, Neon is an island country full of disasters, and even because of frequent geological disasters, Neon people cannot live in high-rise buildings.

A major earthquake in a certain year caused extensive equipment and infrastructure damage, coupled with many major aftershocks, forced the closure of some of the world's leading semiconductor fabs in Neon.

Subsequently, one of the giants in the semiconductor industry, UMC, also closed the company's fab in Neon.

Perhaps because of the economic downturn in those years, or because the semiconductor industry was too involved, Saray even transferred its Tsuruoka factory, semiconductor manufacturing facilities and equipment for the 12-inch wafer production line in the pre-semiconductor process to Lock Ny.

The strongest thing is that the "heinous lock" uses this factory to make image sensors...

God gives it, if you don't take it, you have to play.

Then Panasonic Semiconductor Corporation's 75mm wafer GaAs fab for optoelectronic devices was shut down.

The entire neon semiconductor industry has taken the lead in the world from the very beginning, and suddenly it seems that they have lost their IQ collectively, and they have come up with all kinds of showy operations.

In fact, this is a problem rooted in the field of cultural thought, the root of neon people.

Overly conservative and old-fashioned, short-sighted greed.

The former semiconductor industry has been following the IDM model, which is roughly a company development model that integrates multiple industrial chain links such as chip design, chip manufacturing, chip packaging, and chip testing.

To put it simply, you want everything, and you must grasp every link.

When the semiconductor industry first developed, the investment in capital and manpower was not too large, so the IDM model was still feasible, but when the technology iteration is getting faster and faster, and the investment in capital and manpower is getting bigger and bigger, the winners Eating becomes more and more difficult.

European and American manufacturers, who are extremely cost-sensitive, have turned to the light fab model, developing and designing by themselves, and then cooperating with foundries to reduce the total cost of R\u0026D and production.

In the local neon market, companies using the IDM model to monopolize the market naturally do not want to let others develop in order to continue to monopolize the market, so the industry of "OEM" has not been born.

Originally, if the neon economy can continue to take off, the IDM model may be able to get out of neon and take root all over the world, allowing neon to own many multinational monopoly companies.

Unfortunately, after several waves of "natural disasters and man-made disasters", Neon fell into an economic depression.

The economy is not good. In order to survive, major companies will naturally reduce their expenditures. Among them, the increasingly high R\u0026D and production costs of the semiconductor industry will naturally be cut off in various ways.

If Dongzhi had not developed flash memory technology back then, I am afraid that it would have to follow the old path of these bankrupt manufacturers.

Of course, neon companies, whose life is getting more and more difficult, will definitely learn from other foreign companies that have begun to enjoy themselves.

Do your own design, research and development, and then keep a fab with good output and advanced technology, and let other factories make more orders.

Even without spending money to build a production company, sell the fab in hand, do R\u0026D and design directly, and then give the order to the foundry, and go into battle lightly.

The idea is good, and the direction of change is right.

But at that time, there were good and bad fabs in the hands of IDM companies, and the good ones refused to sell. Who would want to buy their fabs with backward technology?

Only companies in Europe, America and Korea have so much capital, but companies with this scale of capital, would they be so stupid not to buy advanced ones, and spend a lot of money to buy backward fabs that are about to be eliminated?

They have no technical limitations, and certain agreements are useless to them.

At this time, I have to say kid, ahem, Neon people are so ruthless, Songxia Semiconductor even sold off the entire semiconductor business.

Looking at it this way, Neon Semiconductor is a cripple after sunset and self-eunuch.

However, lean camels also have meat. Coupled with the advantages of the industry's first flight, Neon's cameras, sensors, photoresists, and target materials are still world-leading.

Neon's many companies provide 35% of the equipment and more than 50% of the materials for global semiconductor manufacturing.

Together with the remaining fab companies, Neon still has more than 15% of the global monthly production capacity.

This is also the reason why Han Xing brought Neon on these two operations, and Neon was very willing to take action.

If you play well, you will make a lot of money for nothing. If you play badly, you will not lose much. After all, there are not many players in this industry.

Gu Qing sat on the ergonomic chair designed and manufactured by his own company, and after reading this report, which was neither long nor short, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

"If there were no natural disasters and man-made disasters and the overlord's harvest and suppression back then, it would be a bit difficult to let the neon continue to develop, at least economically."

PS: Mysterious code, penguin group: 615717490

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