The most important thing about the understanding ability of artificial intelligence is the analysis of logic and the processing of information carried by language. When AI can understand emoticons, it means that it can easily become a very "ordinary" netizen.

This point was noticed by many people present.

Now is an era of rapid rise of AI technology. Customer service has AI customer service, drawing has AI drawing, and even cooking can also be done by AI-controlled robots.

Low-end jobs with no technology and no need for innovation can be easily replaced by AI.

Everyone is investing money in the direction of AI. When they have new technologies or want to build a large database, they will promote their AI products in the market, so that more users can use AI products and provide more data. .

But Kyushu Technology's AI program has been able to achieve such a level of logical understanding, why has it not launched AI products yet?

Bai Duli, who had not received the invitation letter, fell into deep thought after receiving various interactive videos about AI Xiezhi of Kyushu Technology from his "good friend" who was still visiting Kyushu Technology.

After graduating from Yanda University with a major in information management, he went to the State University of New York at Buffalo to study for a master's degree in computer science, and then served as a senior consultant for Dow Jones Corporation. Bactria, creating whiteness.

To this day, although Kyushu Technology has made great strides in the field of science and technology, Baidu still has a deep foundation, and has a group of senior engineers working on projects such as artificial intelligence, big data, and intelligent driving.

It's just that the money for raising the army is not as positive as Kyushu Technology, nor is it as rich as Kyushu Technology is now.

A company with technical strength but always making money is not clean, and its boss will naturally not be a purely technical guy.

Seeing these "first-hand internal information", Mr. Li was filled with emotion, but he was powerless to deal with the current predicament.

Search engines rely on portal sites such as 2345, which have long been looked down upon, to attract traffic, and their technical strength is even more defeated by Kyushu Technology.

"Hey, what else can I do? I can only hope that the intelligent driving of Kyushu Technology is not as powerful as this kid said, otherwise, with this kind of AI, there is no way for our company to survive..."

While sighing, Li Yanhong thought of the silicon-based chip that supports artificial intelligence with large size and multiple stacks announced by Kyushu Technology this time, and felt an infinite sense of gap pressing down in his heart.

To engage in AI and big data, in addition to requiring enough framework systems and data, one more thing is to have enough excellent data processing capabilities. A major investment of all major Internet companies is to support their own servers, because servers carry The data is their lifeblood.

Kyushu Technology's hegemony in the semiconductor field has defeated other semiconductor companies in the world, which means that Kyushu Technology has the best server in the world.

"So with this kind of strong semiconductor hard power, you can run so fast in the field of AI data.


With a sigh, Mr. Li, the founder of Baidu, restrained his thoughts and casually typed on the keyboard. Several project departments of Baidu headquarters ushered in a new round of "overtime surprises".

Including supper, car fare for returning home after overtime work, and even overtime pay, these are simply "welfare"!

Under such long-term oppression, some departments within Baidu Company that were not valued much began to decline in a steady stream of old people leaving and low-paid new hires.

This July 7th, most of the world's technology companies are unhappy, and the actual controllers of the families of several conference clubs in Neon can't sleep at night.

But after staying up late and meeting for a long time, I couldn't come up with any useful plan.

Beauty tricks, which can’t be put on the table, are brought out by the heads of various families, and those who say to invest in technology projects and strive to surpass Kyushu’s technology in two years can only get verbal support from the crowd.

When it comes to raising money for research and development, everyone else is just talking about it.

"In recent years, our club's global sales have been declining year by year. In order to support employees and suppliers, and to ensure the local investment of Neon, there is no extra funds for large investments."

"We are competing with Biati, Wuling and other companies in Daxia, and all the funds are invested in new energy vehicle projects. There is still an investment gap of hundreds of billions of yen. Can you give some help?"

"I'm very sorry, Mitsubishi Machinery has been squeezed out of the Daxia market, and there is no extra funds to invest in your semiconductor industry project for the time being."

The Patriarchs were unable to provide any support other than verbal support, and they were not even willing to pass the request to second the engineer R\u0026D team.

In the eyes of various chaebols, these "contract workers" are their own high-quality assets. How can they be prostituted by others for so cheap?

Can't catch up with Kyushu Technology, Biati and other companies, can't it compare to the opposite sex brothers in their own island?

If you really can't compete with Daxia's companies, the last thing to do is to directly unilaterally refuse to enter these companies in Daxia, and you can still maintain your local advantages.

In order to get the local people to support local rice, Nihong officials put the most unpalatable rice abroad and the best rice on their own island in front of the people for them to taste.

He also asked: "These rices are the highest quality rice in various countries, which one do you think is delicious?"

By voting, foreign high-quality rice is directly kicked out of the domestic market, so that their own rice can become a "best product".

And this kind of operation has long been commonplace in Neon, so as the heads of various chaebols who are well versed in the way, they looked at each other, and they all knew what shady thoughts were pondering in each other's mind.

It's just that when they finished the meeting and stretched themselves thinking about what to eat tonight, a thunderbolt struck.

Affected by intensive factors such as the sharp dive in the stocks of Silicon Valley Bank, Wells Fargo and other banks, the cash flow being squeezed, the fluctuations in U.S. debt, the turmoil in the international situation, and the technology projects launched by Kyushu Technology that have too much impact on the remaining industrial products of Neon. Under the circumstances, as soon as the Neon people woke up, they found that the sky had changed suddenly.

There are more office workers on the street who answered a phone call, squatted down and cried, still muttering: "Kousai! Bagaya Road, how can I live without the salary of this job!"

In the hotel that was supposed to be bleak in the morning, it was bustling with people and filled with the smell of alcohol. The usual middle-aged men and many young people who didn't come here often were pouring liquids one after another, and the waiters were even worse. Serving these benefactors more attentively than before, the shorter the clothes, the thicker the makeup.

Practitioners who solicit customers in front of custom shops have lost the so-called "professional restraint" in the past. Practitioners dressed in different styles will swarm forward directly when they see someone on the street with an unsatisfactory complexion, and all kinds of hawking.

"Do you like Mengmeng sauce? Leave it to me, let's have a drink, and then we can go to the hotel, or even Internet cafes and parks if you want."

"Hey, I'm a student, do you think it's okay? Sir, I can be your one-day girlfriend for only 6,000 yen. If you can let me eat and stay, then you can reduce the cost."

"Please help me, Gumenase, I'm raising my tuition fees. I'm studying at xxx Women's University. I really need your help. I can exchange it with others!"

"Hi! Sir, don't be listless today~ Look at the beautiful weather, if your work is not going your way, take me to the lakeside, under the cherry blossom trees, or on the lawn to have a leisurely contact with nature. The knee pillow is also the same It's ok~"

"Sir, I'm a boy, I think you must want to have a little brother to accompany you at some point..."

A cute girl dressed in the second dimension, a vigorous girl in a youthful and beautiful dress, a student with a gentle temperament...

If you just listen to their verbal words, you will definitely feel that the world is full of love and hope, and full of good-hearted people.

But seeing their attire and the storefront not far behind, all the beautiful illusions will be instantly shattered.

He (she) is just professional, telling stories, not facts.

It's just that the cost is so cheap that it is very cost-effective, and the sudden blow encountered today has made many people who have lost their jobs or been demoted are willing to spend some money to have fun.

On July 7, Neon's major stocks and financial products plummeted, and there was no sign of recovery on July 8.

Within half a trading day, Neonsoft Group’s share price plummeted 8%, falling below 5,000 yen. It has fallen by nearly 45% from the high point four years ago, and it was even revealed that the cumulative net loss in the past two quarters was about $17 billion, such horribly disastrous news.

On the financial program of Neon TV, some experts made a serious analysis: "The stocks and bonds of our major companies and financial institutions in Neon have plummeted, and the ever-expanding losses will inevitably lead to these companies and institutions conducting stock repurchases.

You can look at the stock trading charts of companies such as Mitsubishi and Nissan. Every time there is a crisis and the stock plummets, these companies will start to buy back the stock at the lowest price, and then sell the stock when the stock appreciates, so as to make money. Get huge cash flow.

In the decades when we have not been developing smoothly, many enterprises and financial elites have achieved wealth appreciation in this way.

So I think this is an opportunity for ordinary people, an excellent opportunity to achieve class leap and double wealth!

Since everyone has nothing more to lose, why not do a thorough, stud purchase of the stocks of these companies? Powerful companies such as Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Ruanyin are sure to rise again. Looking at the stock market trend in 2008, I think everyone should understand.

Only those who dare to buy the bottom are worthy of mastering wealth!

Only the warriors who dare to risk everything and block everything can win the final victory! "

The director of the program carefully highlighted the identity of this expert, with a string of glittering titles, ordinary people will think that the other party's words are reasonable.

Bringing it into the scene of the year, many middle-aged people were furious and blamed themselves: "Baga! If I had sold the house and invested all the money in Nissan, I would have been rich and free now, and I don't have to worry about it. The marketing department is working with these annoying guys!"

There are also some young people who, when they saw what this expert said, thought about their future life and the purchase of a house agreed with their girlfriends, and their hearts were swayed: "I can still borrow about one million now, even if I lose money. Still worth it, go for it! Fight once and earn money for a lifetime!"

The widowed wives of middle-aged sumo wrestlers whose husbands had just passed away looked at the much lower stock price and remembered that after the death of their husbands, their wealth could no longer increase in value smoothly. The experts are so "professional", thinking that my girlfriends and friends are also making a lot of money in the stock market and bond market, I am eager to try it.

"Invest a little, even if you lose money, you can't lose too much. If you really have no money, I can still find a man and remarry."

Perhaps this is the mentality of gamblers in small countries, both for enterprises and for the people.

The big chaebols support these experts and professors, as well as TV stations and media, which played a huge role at this time. On the afternoon of July 8th, a large amount of private funds began to "rescue the market" in the neon stock market. ".

Seeing the stock rise, some neon people who were still hesitating whether to end the market patted their thighs regretfully and joined in.

Goryeo youth stud virtual currency, trying to turn around in one battle.

Nihong people invest in stock finance, delusional wealth appreciation.

None of them are wrong, they all think that they can live a better life in the future.

When the major chaebols and club controllers saw the gratifying growth of leeks, their eyes showed joyful smiles.

Now is not the time to harvest. We have to wait a few days until more people get the news of the bottoming out and invest all their money. This is the best time to harvest.

Due to the pessimistic forecast of the future market conditions, the Neon local chaebols all want to cut a big one and get enough fodder so that they can survive the cold winter in the future.

In other words, they think that the current batch of leeks is not growing enough, and they have to wait a little longer.

Stocks are starting to recover, but layoffs and salary cuts are not.

Due to the pessimistic expectations, major clubs and institutions are still laying off employees and reducing expenses.

The number of unemployed people on the street is only increasing, and the number of customers in custom shops and taverns is also increasing.

One of Guo Jia's foundations - the people, is being consumed in another way, and the society is also moving forward bravely and starting to regress.

But at this moment, next to the neon, the local companies in Daxia are also running wildly on another road.

"What? This technology still requires us to participate in commercial production together? Give us technology development rights? Is it just to pay for equity or resources?"

The boss of a medium-sized company in Daxia fell into deep thought after learning about the technical limitations of his cooperation with Kyushu Science and Technology.

ps: Thanks to book friend Evan Yu for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to Abnormal Salt for the 22 monthly tickets.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and other monthly tickets for your support.

Good night.

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